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The Maximum Growth Rate of Rhododendrons
The fastest-growing rhododendron cultivars grow 7 feet in 10 years, according to the American Rhododendron Society's website.The society's website lists 44 named cultivars that grow 1 foot in 10 years, 164 cultivars that grow 2 feet, 366 cultivars that...
Santa Monica
Growth Rates for Red Cedar Trees
Rather, cedar species belong to a number of genera. Mature trees aged 50 and older are usually 40 to 50 feet tall though they may reach 120 feet. The U.S. Forest service reports that on average, trees aged 26 to 30 are 18 to 26 feet tall, expressing a...
Santa Monica
Farm Rental Rates Set to Rise
Farmers who earned or had the potential to earn at least $1,000 from their farming operations were required by law to fill out the census. 4, 2013, deadline extended to allow for more responses, will provide additional data for future rental rate projections...
The Growth Rate of Little Gem Magnolias
Prune away any areas that suffer cankers and dispose them. The Little Gem magnolia also grows well when formed into an espalier. The Little Gem does produce viable seeds, but the seedlings often differ in appearance from the parent tree.The dwarf tree's...
Santa Monica
The Growth Rate of the Sylvester Palm
Also known as a Wild Date Palm or India Date Palm, this showy tree is one of six species in the genus "Phoenix."At maturity, the Sylvester Palm reaches up to 40 or 50 feet tall, with a 25-foot-wide spread.
Santa Monica
U.S. Food-borne Illness Rate Remains Steady
Therefore, consumers need to continue to minimize food-borne illness through proper preparation and handling, including using a meat thermometer to ensure the poultry is cooked to the USDA-recommended temperature of 165 degrees F and taking steps to reduce...
What Is the Rate of Growth for Dogwood Trees?
Chinese dogwood is more resistant to some pests than flowering dogwood. Known for its bright, fragrant blossoms, it grows in areas all over the country, but especially in the South, where it is one of the most popular spring flowering trees.
Santa Monica
Information On Fertilizer Content: Understanding Fertilizer Rates And Applications
The most important nutrient is nitrogen. Fertilizer rates and applications are usually stated in the formula's instructions, but there is a little more than that to know for proper fertilizer usage.
The Growth Rate of the Giant White Bird of Paradise
The giant white bird of paradise plant (Strelitzia nicolai) is a cousin to the more commonly seen orange and blue bird of paradise. It can also handle drought and salt, making it a good accent plant near pools or the ocean.Full sun and warm temperatures...
Santa Monica
Pin Oak Growth Rate: Tips On Planting A Pin Oak Tree
It also has the ability to provide dense shade, and its shallow fibrous roots make planting a pin oak tree easy. Tolerant of wet soils, pin oak trees usually grow 60-80 feet high and 25-40 feet wide – though in the right soil conditions (moist, rich,...
Why A String Trimmer Mower Should Be In Your Tool Shed
That's why I am a big proponent of string trimmer mowers—small, gasoline-powered, hand-pushed mowers that cut using replaceable plastic string instead of blades. When it comes to tools and equipment, I'm a firm believer that bigger isn't always better.
What Is the Effect of Acidic Vinegar Water on the Growth Rate of Plants?
Vinegar is often used as a natural weed killer, and any contact with a plant may damage or kill the plant.The acetic acid found in vinegar is the most harmful element to plants. Vinegar initially dries out the leaves of plants but does not affect roots,...
Santa Monica
Cut Weeds Quietly in Small Spaces With a Special Tool
Working in a garden is a holistic, full-body experience, and the idea of a polluting, noisy, vibrating machine presents a big obstacle for the peaceful, quiet growth that I want to experience.
Choosing A Weed Eater: Tips On Using String Trimmers In The Landscape
Read on for string trimmer information and tips about using string trimmers in the landscape.A weed eater is a hand-held tool consisting of a long shaft with a handle on one end and a rotating head on the other.
What to Do When Trees Have Been Hit by a String Trimmer
No weed growth means no need to bring out the string trimmer. Rake the mulch up to, but not touching, the trunk of the tree -- leave a couple of inches of bare ground around the trunk.
Santa Monica
Edgers For The Garden: Learn How To Use A Garden Bed Edger
Do it right and you won't have to come back and re-do the edge very often. Use an edger, not a trimmer, to create delineations between beds and grass or between grass and other surfaces, like your driveway.Edgers for the garden are designed to make neat,...
New App Directs New Yorkers To Farm-Fresh Food
The Aura Rating app not only helps eaters—it helps farmers, too! The problem lies in if they are able to find it. New York City resident Kristin Zecher realized just that, according to Vogue : She wanted to find the freshest food the Big Apple had to...
Best Market Lamb? USDA Says Suffolks
The Columbia is valuable for wool production and might be used as both a maternal and sire breed. USDA evaluates and rates four sheep breeds for their production and market quality.
Dairy Cows\' Low Blood Calcium Linked to Fatty Liver
Previous research done at MU has found that these issues also have a negative impact on cow fertility and reproduction. “For herds experiencing a high incidence of subclinical hypocalcemia around the time of calving, adding anionic salts to their diets...
Celeriac: The Autumn Vegetable You Should Be Growing
While the celery root is boiling, put the flour in one bowl, the eggs in another and the bread crumbs in a third bowl. It's a staple of my kitchen during the winter months, when so little fresh garden produce makes it to our table.
Black Locust Trees Evaluated for Fuel Production
While other researchers in the program have evaluated miscanthus, switchgrass and prairie cord grass, Kling is examining which short-rotation woody crops grow best in the Midwest. “The EBI is working on how to get the sugars out of plants and how to...
Factors That Affect Respiration in Plants
Often, when there is a worm hole in an apple, a small brown bruise surrounds it--this is an indication of increased respiration in the area around the damaged cells.Dry tissue has a lower respiration rate than hydrated tissue.
Santa Monica
How Fast Do Cedar Trees Grow?
Atlas and eastern red cedars grow from 40 to 60 feet in height. The atlas cedar is one of the few slow growing cedars, with less that 12 inches of growth per year.The mature height of cedars generally ranges between 40 to 70 feet.
Santa Monica
Mowing: Learn To Mitigate These 5 Common Obstacles
I prefer to use a hand-pushed string trimmer mower, which gives you much finer control over how close you come to the building. However, you should still check to ensure that clippings didn't wind up on the field side of the fence.
How to Care for a Eugenia Topiary
During winter, water the eugenia three to four times a week. They tolerate poor soil with light acidity to high alkalinity, which corresponds with a pH ranging from 5.0 to 8.5. If you're new to topiary care, consider a slow-growing "Monterey Bay" (Eugenia...
Santa Monica
Smoke, Gibberellic Acid, and Ethylene: Strange Ways of Treating Your Seeds
These three substances sound nasty and the latter two somewhat chemical. They are all natural, however--as well as inexpensive--and can do wonders for your seed germination rates. The other photos are my own.
El Segundo
How Fast Do Azaleas Grow?
Protect azaleas from cold temperatures as well, if your cultivar is susceptible to freezing temperatures. Fertilizing azaleas does increase the growth rate, however, if nutrient-poor soil is causing slow or stunted growth.You can attain the best growth...
Santa Monica