Very few North American spiders will actually tackle a hummingbird, but spider webs are quite treacherous.“Do the same hummingbirds return to my garden year after year?”If you don't think that they do, just don't hang your feeder out and watch.
The birds will enjoy picking any leftover tasty bits from the dry plants, and the pile will provide great cover for them throughout the winter.The last piece in the puzzle that creates a true bird sanctuary year-round - is fresh, clean water.
He cut an imposing figure, but had a mind that was equally as sharp and imposing. Each and every detail was captured with tiny perfection. As a teenager he carved his own set of wooden cross-country skis, and as an adult worked as a mechanical engineer,...
Make sure that you have room for this plant to spread, and that you keep it in check. As summer fades to fall, we prepare to say goodbye to the hummingbirds for another winter. Bill Hilton Jr. is one of those individuals who delight in passing on his...
It was on the ground in plain sight, but it was also up close to the forbidden house. There were feeders with all kinds of seeds, and a water fountain, cut up apples, and glory be - peanuts on the hard floor by the window.
Here is the frugal way to make your own for next to nothing, plain or fancy! Why render the fat? It lasts forever in the freezer. It isn't the end of the world if it doesn't, jut pat it back together.
String a few beads on each wire.Attach each hanging wire to the hanging ring by bending the wire over the ring. There are a number of web sites that show how to do this, with varying techniques (see below).
I am sure you do if you live with wild grapevines, wisteria or honeysuckle. Wrap the vine in a circle, starting with 3 or 4 very long strands, all with uneven ends. So honored by having a winner's wreath placed upon his head, the champion would then give...
Then you simply unscrew the top, wash the top and bottom, refill and reassemble. This feeder will be kept and used on another window. There was also a nyjer feeder for finches on that pole.
Butterfly eggs and caterpillars are simply dinner to many birds, lizards, wasps and flies. Kentucky's diversity of climate, makes it the perfect example for this publication. In Gardening for the Birds, Thomas G.
But when your neighbors seethe birds flock to your yard, they'll see their tired old tree in a whole new light!Martha Sargent's No-Melt, All-Season Peanut Butter SuetI've had this recipe in my file for years.
Be sure to line your cookie sheet with foil as the sap can be difficult to remove.For fire starters, you can find many methods, but the following is the easiest that I have found. You can find all of the products needed at most craft stores.So take the...
These tiniest of birds with the boldest of attitudes have captured the hearts of young and old alike. This simple recipe for home made hummingbird nectar is all that you need.Bill reccomends native plants instead of the popular and colorful hybrid selections...
My birdseed bill last winter was right around $100. Many seed-producing plants can be left standing to provide this much-needed nour When cold weather sets in, bird-watching from my kitchen window is a lively pastime.
As a relative newcomer to backyard birding, I have not taken that step as of yet. Only the best remain on the hard drive after the painful but necessary photo culling process.Indoors is also the place where the "bird bread" accumulates in a large can...
What type of bird is that? Because I began last winter to stalk birds in the yard with my camera and a long zoom lens. (Be sure to scroll down to the "attributes" box where you can select details about the bird in question—this process helps to identify...
Tree nuts are the one-seeded, hard-shelled fruit of some plants with an indehiscent seed (dry, not juicy), such as an acorn or hazelnut., when you think about it. A bird-loving friend of mine complained that she didn't understand why people were encouraged...
The temperature fell, then fell some more. There weren't many high branches left, and Mr. Squirrelah began to realize that he was going to have to find a new place to live.After one last visit to the nice people, and waving goodbye to the other animals...
The peanut was placed right in front of Macho's paws. When the beautiful daughter took Macho in the house, Mr. Squirrelah ran for the tree. Well now, do you remember that Mr. Squirrelah would do just about anything for peanuts?
My feeders are near several large shrubs and a power wire runs directly overhead. It has a sturdy construction that should give me many seasons of use and it is easy to fill. I built these myself from a couple of old iron bar stools picked up at a garage...
When fruit sets and becomes heavy, all I have to do is drape the stem over a branch and it will stay up where it belongs--in the sun.The nice thing about this staking system is the natural look it lends to the garden--no bright green wire or unfinished...
First of all, I believe it outgrew all my expectations.During the first ten years, it grew into the size tree I wanted. When Amiable Spouse and I first set up housekeeping, we planted a tulip poplar in the backyard.
After all, what garden wants to attract deer to their plantings?Backyard bird feeding has come a long way since my mother used to throw out stale bread for the birds. Many of the deciduous shrubs provide cover in summer or attract insects that feed on...
These bird feeders are easy to make and provide bird-watching entertainment all winter long. I've even made baskets out of them. The mixture will form around the vine as you firm it into the pan.
Again, remember to place the pile at a favorable distance for protection. After you are finished with the scrubbing, rinse each feeder thoroughly. How is the water supply? Birdwatcher's Digest also has some good suggestions for building a pile.
But if there is enough vegetation that the songbirds can escape into, then their chances of survival are much higher.Just as there is a wide diversity of seed available, there are a range of feeder types that will also help to attract certain species.
There is just something about babies, whether animal or human, that makes you want to nurture and care for them. Try to minimize the excitement and noise as you collect the baby. Do you know what to do if you find a baby bird out of the nest?