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3 Ways Of Overwintering Artichokes In Cold Climates
Leave this heavy layer of mulch in place, over the plant, for the entire winter. Each of these methods is described below. In this case, rather than having to insulate the plants with a heavy layer of mulch, you'll be moving the pots into a sheltered...
Winter Gardening: 3 Ways To Have Radishes For Christmas Dinner
We raise and prepare our own turkeys, cook our stored sweet potatoes and eat our own frozen heirloom corn. The plastic and soil work to retain the heat in the trench and prolong the harvest of the crop housed inside.
Build A Raised Bed High Tunnel To Extend The Harvest
Step 9: Monitor For Ice & Snow Once the plastic is securely fastened over your raised bed high tunnel, all that's left to do is make sure that heavy ice and snow don't put too much pressure on the tunnel during the winter months and cause it to collapse.
7 Steps to the Easiest Cold Frame You\'ll Ever Make
It helps them better acclimate to the conditions of the garden when planting time arrives, and it saves me from lugging the flats back indoors every night. I suggest a 6-by6-foot or 8-by-8-foot area with no tree roots and plenty of sun.
7 Winter Activities to Improve Your Garden
It's important to make the most of this downtime and be prepared for the next season, but remember to enjoy your time away from farm work and come back fully rejuvenated for next year.
Turning the Page: Autumnal Equinox
For another, the oranges, reds, browns, and yellows of fall are beckoning. An overused cliche, perhaps. But it states how I am thinking and feeling. And I am a bit weary. Pull out the aging annuals, clear the vegetable garden of dead vegetation, trim...
El Segundo
Why You Should Plant More Cucumbers In Early July
Pin down the edges to hold them in place, but remove the fabric in the late morning to allow access to pollinators during the day. Here are several great reasons you'll want to sow seeds and plant more cucumbers in midsummer.
Build a Cold Frame from a Storm Door
Storm doors were created to stand upright, not lie horizontally, so keep the following safety issues in mind. Your goal is to have the outside edges of the storm door frame flush with the outside edges of the cold frame box.
How to Delay Bolting of Your Spring Greens
Look for keywords like “slow to bolt” or “long season” or “heat tolerant” or “delayed bolting” on the seed packet's description to help you discover which varieties have an inbred resistance to bolting.
How To Keep Growing Poinsettias After Christmas
With proper care, it will stay in flower for many weeks. In early July, prune the plant again, removing about a third of the plant's height. These tropical plants resent cold temperatures.
4 Tips to Keep your Garden Producing Into Fall
No, I'm not talking about tomatoes and peppers—they should have been planted many weeks ago. My favorite late-season crops in are radish, turnips, lettuce, spinach, kale, collards, chard, kohlrabi, mustard greens, baby carrots, baby beets and cilantro.
How to Propagate Succulents: 2 Techniques for Success
Place the pot in a sunny windowsill or under grow lights , but do not allow it to sit in direct sun. In fact, the most popular succulents are not covered with spines, but rather have very smooth skin.
Ag Bites: Make The Most Of Your Garden Hoop House, Year-Round
Use Shade Cloth Used properly, shade cloth can make it cooler inside your greenhouse than it is outside. “It's just killing off the stuff near the surface,” Dawling says, so soil life will evacuate to about 6 inches down, but it will come back.
6 Household Items You Can Upcycle for the Garden
Of course, if you have children, you'll have to explain that this ladder isn't for climbing. Give it new life as a trellis or planter in the garden. And, for the shower, add a hose attachment to the bottom of the pipe in order to easily screw on the garden...
3 Ways to Start the Spring Garden with Cold Frames
Water: Soil inside the cold frame should always remain damp. To harden off seedlings in a cold frame, you'll need to use a thermometer to monitor the temperature inside. Don't allow it to get too dry.
The Best Squash And Pumpkin Varieties For Storage
Inside, the flesh is brilliant orange and absolutely yummy. While summer squash, like zucchini and patty pan, won't store for long, there are plenty of hard-skinned members of this extensive plant family that will keep for months on end, providing families...
4 Reasons Your Greenhouse Tomatoes Are Failing
“But, in that case, the system should be optimized for the main crop.” 4. Divide by 4 (to space every 4 square feet) or 5 (to space every 5 square feet). Planting double rows with plants 4 or 5 feet apart (from center to center) is an efficient use...
Fruits and Vegetables - Planting and Eating With the Season
Ensure the best quality soil by preparing natural compost and working it into your garden area prior to planting. When preparing for a seasonal meal it's best to check your region's climate to find what fruits and vegetables are in season in your area.
El Segundo
5 Simple Steps to Build Low Tunnels
This piece should be long enough to extend down the full length of the bed from the half-hoop at one end down to the half-hoop at the other. Step 2 Purchase enough flexible PVC pipe to form half-hoops over the bed: one half-hoop for each set of opposing...
11 Crops to Plant This Fall
Radishes Radishes are famous for their speedy growth—as few as four weeks from planting to harvest for some varieties. Avoid burying the neck of the plants too deeply to avoid rot, and provide consistent irrigation until the bulbs get bigger.
Growing Brambles in High Tunnels
Healthier plants and fewer pests are two additional benefits to growing brambles in high tunnels. This is due to the extension of the harvest by at least three weeks. Also, because the brambles are sheltered from the rain, using tunnels requires that...
Our Favorite Garden Season Extenders
You can pile straw around and over cabbages to create a root-cellar effect right in the garden. With so many products on the market, it's sometimes hard to know what equipment to choose.
Pests and High Tunnels
While high tunnels are great for season extension and disease prevention, think twice about how they affect pests. Many insects are still a problem.” In addition to the horn worm, he's experienced issues with tomato fruit worms, two-spotted spider mites,...
Cool Weather Annuals for Winter
Start them outdoors as soon as the soil is workable, a month or so prior to the last frost date.are becoming a fashionable crop these days. They also build soil nitrogen as they grow, making them beneficial to the ensuing summer crops.A few of our summer...
El Segundo
Overwintering Root Vegetables: 3 Methods For Success
Because it holds onto summer's warmth for weeks after the air temperatures drop, root veggies that remain tucked into the ground can be harvested even when temps dip into the minus digits.
Grow Heat-Loving Crops—Even In the North
Being able to grow watermelon and cantaloupe in the North—even if it's not a 15-pound behemoth—is proof that with a little ingenuity and wise choices, northern gardeners can still enjoy a bountiful harvest of heat-loving crops in a short, cool season.
Autumn Interlude
We also know that beyond our individual space is something greater. The sweet fragrance of summer is diminishing and the musky aroma of autumn is left behind.While the perennial borders continue to offer late season color, the vibrancy is fading as many...
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