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Weather for Gardeners - Greenhouse gases and the Greenhouse Effect
I describe such systems as fractalic, or like a fractal. Without them, our planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. The actions of humanity are making a change in the parameters inherent in the planetary climate.
El Segundo
Time to Eat Broccoli!
Of the 100 plants, almost half of them have harvestable heads. I've seen a few cabbage moths, so I'm sure the worms will arrive at some point. The trunks on the harvestable heads are 2 or even 3 inches thick, and I eat the trunks as willingly as I do...
Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Plant Growth
Ultraviolet light is invisible. The light we see is made up of photons of different wavelengths and, thus, different colors. Although the effects vary among plant species and cultivars, most plants are negatively affected to some degree.Scientists are...
Santa Monica
Chrysanthemum Varieties – What Are Some Different Types Of Mums
Examples include Tobago and Indian Summer. Examples include Starlet and Happy Face.– Quill mums display long, straight, tube-shaped petals. The leaves, which are lobed or toothed, have a distinct aroma when crushed.
Space Violets
Then came the Challenger disaster, and retrieval was set back indefinitely. Also tested on the LDEF were space construction materials.The LDEF was supposed to remain in orbit for 11 months.
El Segundo
Guide to Leaf Identification
Putting all the data together can then permit you to identify the species to which the leaf belongs.Size, shape, color and assorted other factors go into leaf identification.Leaves are simple or compound.
Santa Monica
How Does Altitude Affect Vegetation?
Elevation plays a large role in the health and growth of plants. Whereas this poses an advantage for higher elevation plants because they receive more sunlight that they need to grow, it can also damage the plants if the short-wave radiation exceeds a...
Santa Monica
How Do Microwaves Affect Plants?
Microwaves, which are electromagnetic waves, can also affect growth rates in plants, especially on how seeds sprout and survive. As a result, seeds will die or experience a compromised germination process.Germination is the sprouting of a seed as it begins...
Santa Monica
The Effect of Black Light on Plants
For instance, carotenoids can be enriched or depleted depending on the species and wavelength of UV light that the plants are exposed to. However, other pigments are also used to aid in photosynthesis and also as photo-protectant pigments.
Santa Monica
The Significance of the Peace Lily Plant
The peace lily is a striking indoor plant with elegant dark green leaves that are often more than a foot long and huge fragrant white flowers, called spaches, on an off-white stalk or stem called a spadix.
Santa Monica
Save Time In Your Home Garden With Plasticulture
This summer, I knew that between my two jobs I'd be clocking 60 working hours a week. With black landscape fabric, you can easily control weed pressure and soil moisture even when your schedule is tight.
Tan and Apricots
Most people have the eumelanin type, which determines brown and black skin, aswell as brown and black eyes. And this is because I have a sensitive skin (yet brown, not fair) with freckles which don't dissapear during winter but they are growing more and...
El Segundo
No Sludge Allowed in Organic Standards
Fox with permission from its publisher, Hobby Farm Press, an imprint of BowTie Press. Excerpt from Urban Farming by Thomas J. Tags certified organic , USDA The standards for labeling a product “organic” include that the “agricultural product cannot...
Are Geraniums Poisonous to Humans?
They are valued for their long-lasting blooms and variety of colors. Leaves will be fused into a fan shape called palmate leaves. The lines, called veins, radiate from one central point on the leaf.
Santa Monica
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Stop the engine, and give it a few minutes before checking the dipstick or other oil-level indicator. “A gear-driven water pump can also be the cause.” 3. Tammel suggests adding a fuel conditioner to keep components in both gas and diesel fuels stable...
How to Stop Production of Cotton in a Female Cottonwood Tree
The cotton is the wind-borne carrier for the small seeds. Spraying a 40- to 80-foot-tall cottonwood tree is a job for a professional. Overspray from the herbicide will cause desirable shrubs, fruits and vegetables to drop blossoms.Monitor the cottonwood...
Santa Monica
Ankole-Watusi Cattle
Use: The Ankole-Watusi are used in the United States for roping–and meat production because of their low fat and low cholesterol content. Medium-sized, long-horned Ankole-Watusi, produced high-fat milk; breeders may add them to the herd to dairy herds...
How to Care for Miniature Potted Christmas Trees
They cram the shelves in the floral section of the supermarket. Remove the foil wrapping around the pot when watering or immediately after. Miniature potted Christmas trees are everywhere during the holidays.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Olive Trees at Home
Keep the olive trees away from heating vents and radiators and slightly back from the window. Water the tree less in the fall.Fertilize your olive tree in the spring and summer every two weeks with a houseplant fertilizer.
Santa Monica
Lesser Swinecress Control: Tips For Controlling Swinecress Plants
It also grows in pastures, and milk from cows that eat it has been known to take on an unpleasant taste.All in all, it's not usually a welcome sight and should be eradicated if it appears in your garden.
A Refreshing Walk on Upland Reunion Island
The look of such biotope is very different from what we see further down as climate and soil conditions are rather harsh. Soils are thin, consisting of lightly eroded volcanic scoria which does not retain efficiently water and are poor in nutriments.Here...
El Segundo
How to Root a Schefflera Cutting
Schefflera, also known as umbrella plant, is hardy in U.S. Department of Agricultural zone 11. It is possible to multiply your schefflera plants by taking cuttings and rooting them.You can propagate a schefflera plant from cuttings.Fill a 4-inch pot with...
Santa Monica
What Is the Structure of Hibiscus Flowers?
At the top of its style, the hibiscus has five branches that curve outward from one another. The hibiscus has five petals. The ovary of the hibiscus is called superior because it sits within the petals rather than below them.
Santa Monica
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
Absorb and distribute a lot of heat, and palms planted near these structures will be less affected by a radiational frost.Advective frosts are more commonly seen in east coast climates.These frosts are associated with large weather systems (cold fronts)...
El Segundo
What Are the White Spots on Rose Bushes?
White spots on roses are caused by fungal disease and insect activity. Gardeners should discard diseased or damaged plant material and maintain good air circulation, according to "American Horticultural Society Practical Guides: Roses" by Linden Hawthorne...
Santa Monica
Preparing A Passion Flower Vine For Winter
These semi-tropical beauties are grown all over the world and are cherished for their marvelous flowers and their tasty fruit. This will discourage any new growth as the warm weather comes to an end.the area around the Passiflora vine.
Brown Leaves on a Money Tree Plant
Place the money tree plant in an area that receives ample, but indirect sunlight, such as below a skylight or near a window. Inadequate lighting conditions may cause the tree to go into general decline, and its leaves will turn brown and drop off.
Santa Monica