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Spices From Around The World: Bay Leaves
It's not usually a very dominant seasoning, but its woodsy flavor and slight bitterness helps to balance the flavors in a dish. Whether or not these claims are true, one thing is certain, you'll love this tea.Add the bay leaves and water to a pot, cover,...
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Cumin--A Warm Spice in Every Culture
According toommon in Normandy in 716 CE, and in England in 1264." Certainly,Charlemagne insisted that Cumin be grown at his imperial palace gardens by the end of the 8th century, along with many other both familar and unfamilo the area around the Southern...
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Fixatives for Your Potpourri
While some of these are easier to do yourself than others, here are a few natural choices to get you started:Oakmoss - This is a lichen that grows on oak trees (and occasionally pines and sometimes other deciduous trees) in temperate forests in both Europe...
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The Herbs and Spices of Thanksgiving
Ginger is available in a variety of forms, but bakers most often use powdered ginger, which imparts a pleasant sharpness and heat to baked goods.Cloves, or Eugenia caryophyllus, are unopened flower buds from the evergreen clove tree.
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The Subtle Saffron: Growing and Using
Colder zones may still grow saffron but the corms will need to be lifted and stored over winter. (Mordants include tannic acid, alum, chrome alum, sodium chloride, and certain salts of aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, iodine, potassium, sodium, and tin.”Mix...
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Will the Real Cinnamon Please Stand Up?
Cinnamon sticks generally have the rough outer bark removed, although I do have a basket of decorative, aromatic, foot-long sticks of Cassia bark.Many of us have stirred a cup of mulled cider with a Cassia cinnamon stick.
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Hot Breakfast Pastries and Tubers with Rot - What Can Make Them Both Better?
So often I have removed a smaller offset from a larger plant and there is an open wound. Plus, it smells good! Read on . Alternatives would be a 10% solution of chlorine bleach (9 ounces water plus 1 ounce bleach) or a surface sterilant solution that...
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The Tiny Seed with BIG Flavor You Can Grow at Home: Sesame
Sesame oil added to a dish at the very end of cooking addsa zest to stir-fries and a splash is delicious on a salad, giving it an oriental flavor. We have had fresh baked bread garnished with sesame seeds, and tasted tahini (sometimes called the butter...
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Seasoned Greetings! Traditional flavors can spice up your holidays this year.
So now we have New Yorkinstead, and we can buy spices at the grocery store., neither of which is a spice. It makes sense, then, that these five Christmas flavors are as much smells as they are tastes; they are sensory exTaking them in alphabetical order,...
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Mulling Spices: Create Your Own Winter Traditions
Long intact strips may take longer. This is particularly pretty when you will be serving the mulled beverage at a party.I don't think I ever make the mixture exactly the same way twice, but this is my basic recipe:Place the cinnamon sticks and nutmegs...
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Homemade Ground Pepper Spices
What in the world can you do with excess hot peppers?ot peppers add nutrition and bring out regional flavors in recipes throughout the world, including Asia, Africa, Indonesia, India, South America, and in the Southern United States.
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Make Your Own Scented Sugar
To make your own scented sugar, you need a clean glass jar.As there will be no heat processing later, I prefer to sanitize my jars in boiling water and let them dry completely before use.The jar in my pictures is huge, because we were making bottles of...
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Saffron Crocus
The stamens are the yellow male part; they are usually discarded and not used.Persian. Saffron should be used sparingly to avoid possible harm from too much of its potent chemical constituents.For most people saffron spice is well tolerated and not a...
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The Clove Tree
Oil of clove is widely used by dentists in fillings and cements as well as extractions. Mom marched me into her bedroom, and stood me up on her vanity bench in front of her mirror.'Tis the season for spices, and the long ago memories their scents evoke.
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Warm your Winter Holidays with the Spicy Scent of Cinnamon
It's an optional ingredient, but the glue seems to add a little elasticity to the dough, making the finished ornaments just a bit sturdier. A drop or two of cinnamon oil will restore the scent to older ornaments.This is fun afternoon project, with or...
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Molasses, treacle and other sweet sticky stuff
With the addition on Molasses, the finished baked good will be flavorful and moister than if you used sugar alone. In the 1970s people started claiming that blackstrap Molasses was a valuable food additive, and similar claims persist to the present.
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Let us go to the market!
We have to take a little detour and park close to this water fountain which offers a welcome freshening air as heat has already started building up. Either in cages or tethered with a string attached to a leg there is a display of chickens, geese, guinea...
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Nutmeg: Exotic, Intoxicating Myrstica
In some monasteries monks were allowed to sprinkle nutmeg on their pease pudding. In India, nutmeg is ground into a paste and applied directly to areas of eczema and ringworm.Large doses of nutmeg, as much as 12 twelve spoons a day is indeed fatal, and...
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Cardamom ~ add some spice to your holidays!
Fold dough over to enclose raisins and pinch edges to seal. The frills are halved maraschino cherries (I didn't have candied ones) and some sprigs of fresh lemon mint that were still surviving in my November herb garden.Bread can be made up to 2 days...
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Herb-Infused Honey
You can minimize this loss by making sure the honey never gets hotter than 120 degrees. Strain the herbs out, and the honey is ready to use.Spices can also be infused into honey, either alone or in combination with herbs.
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Some say it has fluoride which is essential for teeth, and it is used as an antibacterial agent. It gives the mustard its peppery taste as well as its color.In medieval Europe, it became known as Indian Saffron, since it was widely used as an alternative...
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Spicing Up Your Houseplant Collection
But it shouldn't be difficult to find somebody like me whose plant sorely needs dividing!Most of these flavoring and spice species would probably do fine in a bright and warm window too, though I would add a sheer curtain to diffuse the sunlight--and...
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Spicebush and Chewing Twigs
And then there was Clifford who thought it tasted like pepper.I was told that a lot of the spices used for pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving and Christmas were ground from the dried berries.
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Aunt Bett\'s Gingerbread: Wild Ginger
My dad's cousins and their parents lived on the left side of the holler.My cousins were all girls, the oldest one was near my parents' age, and the youngest was only eight or nine years older than I was.
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Warm Up Your Recipes With Espelette Peppers
New Mexicans prefer the spelling chile. She added Espelette pepper powder to deepen the flavor and warm it up. You can also find Espelette pepper powder in gourmet food stores and online.
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Rosemary Spiced Nuts
Dried fruit, such as cherries, currants, date pieces or yellow raisins, make a natural pairing with the nuts, as well. Brown sugar 1/2 tsp. It's often cheaper to make the nut mix yourself than to buy “mixed nuts.” Use whatever you prefer: Walnuts,...
Hay Quality Charts
Read our charts to help analyze your hay. What's in the hay you feed your livestock? Learn more about the quality of hay you feed your animals. Learn more about the quality of the hay you feed your livestock.