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The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
World's Healthiest Foods also states these groups of antioxidants can help raise the amount of certain nutrients in the blood, such as beta-carotene and lutein, which keep the heart and eyes healthy.
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
Read more of The Hungry Locavore » Tags beet greens , beet salad , beets , Chioggia beets , Hungry Locavore , Judith Hausman , locavore , summer salad I never ate beets growing up but now they are among my favorite vegetables, especially the beautiful,...
Grease Power
Now, instead of being poured down the drain, this grease waste is being collected from city restaurants at no charge to the restaurant operators, resulting in economic and environmental savings for everyone.
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
In the experiment, researchers first set prices at $5.50 for both nonlocal and local selections on the menu of a student-led restaurant. The results indicate that the main value cue of local food for customers is its freshness.
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags buying tools , Jim Ruen , price A reader recently responded to a July blog post that talked about buying tools locally where you could get service. He also mentioned the importance of guarantees and availability of lifetime replacement.
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
Their natural environment is a forested location where they cling to tree trunks and thrive in decomposing wood waste. The width of the cap can range up to 6 inches. Although the bolete is commercially harvested, it does not grow easily in non-forest...
Santa Monica
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
Pick off infected leaves and fruit, and cut off affected stems, dipping your pruners in a one-part-bleach, nine-parts-water solution between each cut. Spray the plant with an organic fungicide containing copper or a synthetic fungicide labeled for use...
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
The yellow flowers appear throughout the winter months in milder parts of the state. Consider using native Texas flowering plants in your garden. The University of Texas at Austin cites Glandularia bipinnatifida as a particularly good variety of verbena...
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
Lavender would do well in a kitchen, family room or other hotspot in the house. Once established, plants need little water; homeowners should only water them about once a month or so, and keep their drip trays emptied.
Santa Monica
The 30 Best World Cups
Brazil: The Caipirinha This refreshing drink is made with lime, sugar and cachaca, a distilled spirit made from sugar-cane juice. Serve It Farm-Style: Add in your favorite herbs, like basil or cilantro, to give the drink a flavorful twist.
The Best Fertilizer for Bamboo
Bamboo requires a lot of water and fertilizer several times a year to thrive.The best fertilizer for bamboo is a formulation of 21-5-6 of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which is a common lawn fertilizer.
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
However, given how inexpensive they are, they might be the best small tractors for those with a minimal budget.The best tractors have a live power take-off feature, according to Buyer Zone.
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
A granular formula is preferable to liquid.Fertilize the plumeria every three months beginning in April and ending in August if you live in an area with frosts. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb.
Santa Monica
The 13 Best Companion Plants
Marigolds/Calendula (Pot Marigold) B Ballard/Flickr The scent of marigolds is thought to confuse insects; it helps repel flea beetles, and attract pollinators/beneficial insects. Propagate it using root cuttings .
How to Price and Market Arugula
However, perfect your growing process and get it in the hands of some buyers, and the arugula will practically market itself. Here are tips on pricing and marketing. If you sell at a farmers market, you will price higher than if you sell wholesale to...
4 Considerations When Pricing Hatching Eggs
Guarantees Hatching eggs are usually sold without guarantee because so many variables are out of your control when shipping eggs by mail and failures can occur during incubation. Join your breed club, study the breed standard, and work toward produce...
Pricing and Marketing Edible Flowers: Nasturtiums
It depends on your situation, location and clientele. Pick them the day you plan to sell them; the lifespan of flowers is never more than a few days. Also, keep backups in a cooler with ice (or ice packs).
DIY Root Vegetable Washer
Step 6: Install Roller & Belt Insert the entire roller and belt apparatus into the washer box and screw in the outside axles tightly. You can weave this through open mesh or hand-sew the ends with a heavy-duty sewing needle.
The Best of the Dwarf Columbines
Scopulorum, laramiensis and dinaricathey helped tremendously to fill out the article!) However, of the worlds 65 or so species of columbine, there are many alpine types that are quite dwarf, making them suitable for the front of the border, rock garden...
El Segundo
The Best Fruit Trees for Kansas
Planting one-year-old apple trees will produce better results than trying to relocate a mature tree. Apple trees should be planted in grassy areas, away from woods, streams or rivers.
Santa Monica
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
Because some are more rare, they may make better hobbies or pets versus production birds. The eggs are enjoyed on a seasonal basis, from spring through fall, with one female producing about 200 eggs in the first season.
Which Plants Make the Best Topiaries?
Yews, boxwood and privet have all of these characteristics and are the most popular hedge plants. But, if plant trees closely together and trim the tops into a "box" shape and you have an unusual hedge.
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
Sea Foam is a moderate climber that only gets 3 feet tall and then cascades downward. Lady Banks grows 20-foot-tall canes, and Cecile Brunner is not far behind with 15- to 20-foot canes.
Santa Monica
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
The dish soap helps the oil stick to the leaves. I had to spray!! It isn't my fault it's winter and it can't be done outside. I mix it approximately 1 teaspoon to 1 quart of warm water withdish soap.
El Segundo
The Ten Best Crape Myrtle Varieties
The Zuni is a dense shrub that grows in a round shape and produces medium to dark lavender flowers. Among these two types of crape myrtles, there are many varieties that offer different sizes and bloom colors.Crape myrtle varieties produce various blossom...
Santa Monica
The Best Eco-Friendly Barn Insulation
Requires open walls to install. Thankfully, leaky plumbing probably isn't too much of an issue in barns, but some barns/outbuildings can be less than waterproof during driving rain or with snow banked up again them for weeks on end.
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
The nine preparations—numbered 500 to 508—used in Biodynamic agriculture are derived from herbal and mineral sources meant to aid organic-matter fermentation. The Ultimate Goal Biodynamic agriculture combines many of the same principals employed by...