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The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C, potassium and other nutrients as well.Kale is a variety of lettuce that's high in nutrients.A type of cabbage, kale is a green leaf vegetable with curly edges and a study at Tufts University showed that it contains...
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
When the beets are cooled, open the foil and slide off the skins. They also keep well, so you can cook a mess of them and have them at the ready. Warning: even a huge pile of greens cooks down very quickly to a very little amount, so you'll need several...
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
“Then we asked them why they made the choices they did.” The project was funded by the Leopold Centre for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University. She worked with Frode Alfnes, associate professor of economics and resource management at the...
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
As I look ahead, a really high-quality hand saw looks increasingly worthwhile. That said, I have a building permit for a small cabin this spring. He also mentioned the importance of guarantees and availability of lifetime replacement.
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
The mild, buttery flavor of this small mushroom blends well with other foods. A traditional ingredient in Japanese sukiyaki, the enoki is an important ingredient in many Chinese dishes, too.The morel mushroom is typically a commercial crop, but you can...
Santa Monica
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
Black, wet-looking spots start at the leaf edge and spread inward. Wet weather aids the spread of the fungus, and it affects the fruit, as well, with rough, dark brown patches. The fungus attacks the stems and fruit, too, producing black, sunken spots.
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
Available in a variety of colors, verbena blossoms from spring to fall and matures between 6 and 12 inches. These plants suit the soils and provide food and cover for native wildlife and are among the best choices for the perennial garden.Tetraneuris...
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
Gardeners should let hoya soil get dry to the touch before watering. Hummingbirds love hoyas when they are placed outdoors, though indoor gardeners love them for their appearance and scent.
Santa Monica
The 30 Best World Cups
Serve It Farm-Style: Add in your favorite herbs, like basil or cilantro, to give the drink a flavorful twist. Bosnia: Rakia Rakia refers to a strong native brandy made by fermenting one of many fruits, including plums, cherries, figs, apples or peaches.
The Best Fertilizer for Bamboo
Sprinkle it on the soil at the base of the bamboo and water the soil to activate it. Growing bamboo in a container is a fun and easy project. Growers with Bamboo Garden suggest supplying a 3-inch layer of compost or rotted manure around the base of the...
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
However, the parts found in these gray market tractors are not found in repair shops because many of the models were not released in the United States, according to Carnegie Mellon University.
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Sprinkle the fertilizer at the drip line and 2 feet beyond. The plumeria is a tropical flowering tree that thrives in areas that remain warm year-round. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb.
Santa Monica
The 13 Best Companion Plants
Comfrey is also a medicinal herb traditionally used for healing wounds. Stinging Nettle Tim Ellis/Flickr Another plant that many organic gardeners love, despite its “stinging” quality when touched or rubbed against, is stinging nettle.
How to Price and Market Arugula
From seed to fertilizer to labor, all of those costs need to be weighed before landing on a price or a price scale. Well, it's spicy, a bit bitter and a little unusual. I recommend selling it in sealed containers—clamshells or plastic bags—as opposed...
4 Considerations When Pricing Hatching Eggs
Typically, a seller might guarantee that a set number of eggs will arrive intact or that a certain percentage will hatch. Guarantees usually stipulate that the seller will ship replacement eggs, but the buyer covers all shipping costs.
Pricing and Marketing Edible Flowers: Nasturtiums
Here are tips on entering the market on edible flowers, including how to price and present them. Honestly, nothing will help your spring salad mix stand out more. For restaurants, start talking to chefs in the winter about growing these.
The Best of the Dwarf Columbines
For the purpose of this article I will describe those species that mature at 30 cm or shorter. If growing from seed, provide the sown seeds with a stratification period of 4-6 weeks to simulate a winter.
El Segundo
The Best Fruit Trees for Kansas
Peach trees are self-pollinating and will produce fruit with a single tree. Peach trees grow best when planted as a one year old tree with a good root system. Apricot trees also require frequent watering, especially in the warmer summer months.
Santa Monica
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
Starting Your Quail Covey Purchasing Coturnix and Bobwhite quail is a breeze, and the start-up expenses are minimal compared to traditional poultry. A large, closed-in space with access to pasture is ideal.
Which Plants Make the Best Topiaries?
Yews are the go-to shrub for large hedges (hedges over 4 or 5 feet tall). Their compact, quick growth hides pruning cuts, their size is easily managed and they look good all year round.
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
None of the roses in the Earth Kind program have been treated with any chemicals or even fertilized. For vigor you can't beat Dortmund, a 1955 introduction. The canes are thornless and the blooms carry a light fragrance.
Santa Monica
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
They had to go. I mix it approximately 1 teaspoon to 1 quart of warm water withdish soap. The dish soap helps the oil stick to the leaves. It also prevents eggs from hatching.In short, my mealy bugs will starve to death.
El Segundo
The Ten Best Crape Myrtle Varieties
A hardy, disease-resistant small tree variety of crape myrtle is the Commanche, which produces coral pink flowers and has light brown bark. The Chickasaw variety of crape myrtle grows up to 3 feet and is perfect for container gardens because of its small...
Santa Monica
The Best Eco-Friendly Barn Insulation
Installation: Cotton insulation comes in batts, making it possible to install yourself if you want to save labor costs. As with most insulating material, walls should be sheathed after installing cotton insulation to keep your animals from pulling it...
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
The horn's contents are then mixed with water in a precise ratio and fashion and sprayed onto the field in the spring. To them, the farm is a living, breathing organism that both nourishes and completes us.
The Best Way to Peel Grapes
Although peeled grapes are commonly used as ice cubes in mixed drinks or as faux "eyeballs" at Halloween parties, the methods for peeling are the same: freezing or blanching. Slit the skin and gently squeeze the flesh into a bowl.
Santa Monica
Snowberry ~ The Name Says It Best
As with all wild plants, you should be very careful to determine if that plant is protected before collecting any plant material.The western snowberry does have a bit of interesting history.
El Segundo