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What Are Stomata: Stoma Plant Pores And How They Work
When it is closed, water retention is possible. When a stoma is closed, the guard cells are filled with potassium and water. Stomata are some of the more important attributes a plant can have.
Do Squirrels Harm Trees: How To Minimize Squirrel Tree Damage
Why do squirrels dig holes in trees? Keep in mind, however, that this method won't work if the tree is within jumping distance of structures or other trees. Be sure the top of the tin sheet is at least 5 feet (1.5 m.) from the ground.
USDA Launches Biobased-product Label
Now underway for nearly a month, the labeling […] Congress reauthorized and strengthened the program in the 2008 Farm Bill to further promote the sale of biobased products. Tags Farm Bill , USDA
Gifts of a Productive Garden
The herb garden needs a bit of attention, and I have promised myself I will get to it this week. I will be sharing them with friends for sure rather than tossing them onto the compost pile.
Overcoming Hurdles in Onion Production
Wind damage poses a serious problem under conventional tillage practices, especially during planting season. She found the residue left from minimum tillage protected both the soil and the onions, effectively preventing erosion and improving net profit...
Flood Damage Clean Up: Tips For Minimizing Flood Damage In The Garden
Then what is left can be hosed down.As more favorable conditions return, watch for signs of die-back, but don't be too hasty to prune everything. If your soil is subject to standing water, it is best to plant species that are tolerant to
Soil Porosity Information – Learn What Makes Soil Porous
These instructions very rarely go into detail about what exactly constitutes as “rich and well draining.” When we consider our, we usually focus on the texture of the solid particles.
What Products Are Made From Trees?
Forest product companies are an extremely efficient industry. Wood byproducts and chemicals extracted from trees are used to make thousands of products. Blankets, building insulation, diapers and sanitary pads, and leather tanning agents also are made...
Santa Monica
How to Calculate Net Primary Productivity
Therefore, the difference in oxygen between them is due to photosynthesis. Biologists use primary productivity, or primary production, to establish how efficiently plants convert carbon dioxide, water and light energy into glucose and oxygen through the...
Santa Monica
Tabletop Presentation Stand for Farm Products
Optional Shelf Backing If you prefer to have a backing to your shelf, cut each cross support piece 1/4-inch shorter than listed. Cardboard boxes: not exactly the most glamorous of containers, but they do the trick for wintertime storage of canned goods...
Thin Cows Equal Poor Beef Production
According to beef specialist Ron Lemenager at the Purdue University Cooperative Extension, thin cows can be economically devastating as farmers head into spring calving season. At this time of year, spring-calving cows are well into the last trimester...
Make Money with Homemade Paper Products
Recipients eventually can plant the invitations directly into the ground! (Get party designs here that include invitations and place cards, which can be printed on homemade or plantable paper.) Items like these can be used as gifts, customer thank-you...
Report Exposes Cleaning Products\' \
A report released by Women's Voices for the Earth, an organization working to eliminate toxic chemicals that endanger women's health, found that 20 commonly used cleaning products from leading companies (Clorox, Proctor & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, SC...
Water Quality Could Hurt Dairy Production
Dairy farms rely on good-quality water to ensure maximum milk production and herd health, according to study author Bryan Swistock, extension water resources specialist in Penn State University's College of Agricultural Sciences.
8 Tips for Layer Production and Health
Provide fresh water. To keep your chickens productive and healthy, feed them the best food you can afford. Your hens will supplement their calcium as needed. Recycled-newspaper pellets make a soft surface for hens to nestle and deposit their eggs and...
Revive Abandoned Grape Vines For Potential Production
The original wire, despite its age, was still in excellent shape (with some of the vines still clinging happily in place), so I attached it to the stakes to restore the fence. Only time will tell how well these vines rebound, but they're off to a solid...
New Products on the Market for Gardeners!
Operators are standing by.All gardeners want the distinction of having the first ripe tomato in the neighborhood. I never realized what treasures were being offered at 3 AM. We've all worried about our plants when we go on vacation.
El Segundo
Nursery Offers Exotic Plants and Rare Products
This week only, we offer to the public those plants and products recently discovered in remote location along the shores of Nevada, and bulbs previously known only to the Sasquatch in the mountains of Iowa.
El Segundo
Black Locust Trees Evaluated for Fuel Production
It is a very tough thing to do. “For example, in Hungary, with appropriate selection, researchers were able to improve yield by approximately 25 percent compared to unimproved black locust.
9 Responsible Uses for Your Meat By-Products
Even if you don't think you have a taste for organ meat, you might be surprised. You can continue making the broth until the entire bone has disintegrated. Burying the remains in wood chips works best, but you can also bury smaller amounts in your normal...
Campbell\'s To Move To Organic, GMO-Free Products
The condensed soups for children will still have no artificial flavors or colors and no preservatives, but certain ingredients, such as added MSG, will be removed. In a press release last month, Campbell's announced its plans to change its recipes and...
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
Every issue of Hobby Farms magazine, our editors search for items that are useful to hobby farmers, whether they're heavier equipment such as tractor attachments, useful tools, innovative helper items or accessories for livestock management.
Repurpose These 3 Waste Products For Building Garden Soil
Peecycling You can buy a popular liquid fertilizer that's an unnatural shade of blue, but why spend the money when you can apply your own liquid fertilizer of a natural yellow color for free?
Tree Girdling Technique: Learn About Girdling For Fruit Production
You can try these tree girdling techniques without damaging your trees if you proceed with caution.In general, this form of girdling is done about 4 to 8 weeks prior to harvest. Cut the girdle in an “S” shape.
Farm Storehouse: 8 Products to Help You & Your Operation
So have a look at the things we found that can help your farm run better or keep you and your animals safer. Snow Pusher These new 20-Series snow pushers from Worksaver come in widths of 4 and 5 feet and are designed for subcompact tractors with as much...
Antibiotic Use to be Phased Out in Food Production
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has implemented a plan to help phase out the use of medically important antimicrobials in livestock for food production purposes, such as to enhance growth or improve feed efficiency.
Quick Guide: 10 Natural Fertilizers to Improve Crop Production
Bone meal A byproduct of slaughtering facilities, bone meal is created through the steam processing and pulverization of animal bones. Feather meal Although it takes four months or longer to break down and release its nutrients, feather meal is a great...