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What Do Plants Release Into the Air?
Photosynthesis releases oxygen gas as a byproduct and the oxygen diffuses out through the stomata of the leaves. Each of these gases is a byproduct of a process essential to the plant's survival.Plants produce carbon dioxide through cellular respiration.
Santa Monica
Why Do Water Plants Have Stomata on Upper Part of Their Leaves?
This is not an issue for plants growing in water. To thrive in this environment, like all plants, they have developed specialized features.All plant leaves need to breathe. The exchange of atmospheric gases is essential to photosynthesis, the process...
Santa Monica
Unusual and Bizarre Plants - The Whisk Ferns
.read on to learn more. This is no problem for these plants, as they have no roots. I have a nice group of them growing among the tightly packed roots at the base of a large Royal Palm.
El Segundo
How to Identify Palm Tree Seeds
African oil palms have similar pores and striations, but the lines do not form stars. Coconut seeds are deep, reddish purple, about the size and shape of a plum. Because there are more than 3,000 species of palm in the world, identifying one by its seed...
Santa Monica
How Does the Coconut Palm Reproduce?
As the shoot and the root grow from the seed, they break through the mesocarp and exocarp and start the process of growing into a coconut tree.When the coconut palm is six to 10 years old, it starts bearing fruit.
Santa Monica
Unusual and Bizarre Plants - Welwitschia mirabilis
What is produced is a meristematic area where new leaf tissue is formed at the base of the existing leaves, and where eventually the flowering or reproductive structures will emerge.
El Segundo
Method of Gas Exchange in a Fungus
Soil is made of many different substances, include particles of minerals, water, roots and organisms like fungi. Fungi do not have the complex structures that plants do, which allow plants to use sunlight efficiently and produce large amounts of their...
Santa Monica
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
Clay Soil Farmers whose soil has a high clay content are all too aware of its notorious compaction factors: heavy, prone to lumping, slow to drain. Want to save money on your irrigation-water bill?
A podium for potassium
Plant disease-resistance is enhanced by adequate potassium levels, and low Brix is a problem of too much potassium. Potassium, the "K" of "NPK", is an essential plant growth nutrient used for transpiration (movement of water vapor) and regulation of carbon...
El Segundo
How to Remove a Wax Topping From Bamboo
Sealed stalk ends are no longer necessary once the bamboo plant can be watered on a regular schedule in the home. Hold the stalk steady with one hand and use the sanitized cutting tool with the other.Discard the wax-covered portion of the stalk.
Santa Monica
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
Soaker hose irrigation keeps the soil moist but never waterlogged, and the foliage remains dry. That funny-looking hose is one of the best gardening investments you can make.If a soaker hose looks a little like a car tire, that's because most soaker hoses...
Are Hibiscus Dicots or Monocots?
Dicot pollen has three pores or furrows. Along with having two seed leaves, six other characteristics distinguish them from monocots. Dicot flower parts, such as petals and stamens, are produced in multiples of fours and fives.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Tree Fungus
Brown rot attacks the wood fibers, which are called cellulose, first. Ascomycetes do not produce fruiting bodies. Fomes fomentarius, Phellinus ignarius, Ganoderma applanatum and Phellinus robineae all produce perennial woody fruiting bodies.
Santa Monica
Why Do Desert Plants Need Long Roots?
Other plants have a combination of both. Many desert plants also have water absorption systems present in the stems or leaves of the plants, such as tiny hair-like fuzz on the surface of the leaves that helps prevent the evaporation of water.
Santa Monica
Jade Plants: Shade or Outside Sun?
During winter when cooler temperatures arrive, jade plants produce clusters of small star-shaped flowers that are half an inch wide and smell of scented soap.Jade plants can survive long periods without water due to a feature that enables them to conserve...
Santa Monica
Are Palm Trees Monocots?
Dicot plant seeds contain two cotyledons.Palm trees are monocots, according to the University of California Museum of Paleontology. Angiosperms are divided into two classes: monocotyledons and dicotyledons, or monocots and dicots.
Santa Monica
Sun Vs. Shade Leaves
Moved to a new location with higher or lower light, the leaves can't process light as they normally would. Their sheltered locations guard against water loss. In shade leaves -- larger in size and surface area -- the layer is thin and cells are less dense.When...
Santa Monica
Pamper Your Mom With DIY Herbal Facials
Treat your mom to some homemade R&R this Mother's Day with spa treatments straight from the garden. Follow with facial mask or apply moisturizer, if desired. The oatmeal found most people's kitchens is one of the gentlest, most healing skin ingredients...
Information On Chloride And Plant Growth
It is essential to the chemical reaction that allows the opening and closing of the plant's stomata, tiny pores that allow gas and water to be exchanged between the plant and the air around it.
Easy Ways to Make House Plant Leaves Shiny
There are a number of natural easy ways to shine houseplant leaves.Mix together equal parts of milk and water, and use the mixture to wipe plant leaves. This is highly effective in enhancing the natural shine of plant leaves.Make a wash with a mild soap...
Santa Monica
3 Ways to Protect Evergreens This Winter
Prevent harsh winter winds and cold temperatures from taking a toll on your rhododendrons, holly and fir trees with these simple tips. Read the label well before use, as anti-desiccants cannot be used on certain plants without causing issues with leaf...
Walking in a Flowering Winter Wonderland
Many people pass up winter-blooming plants because they are eager for spring and summer flowers, so remember to include them in your spring purchases. While a winter-flowering garden may not look as lush and colorful as the summer garden, it has its own...
El Segundo
Control Algae Growth In Lawns: Tips For Controlling Algae In Grass
Keep reading for tips on controlling algae in grass.are often found in areas of turf that is not healthy enough to support good turf growth. It is also necessary to break apart the algae mat so that the grass can benefit from water.from healthy areas...
What Is Activated Charcoal: Can Charcoal Be Composted For Odor Control
The millions of tiny pores work like a sponge that can absorb certain toxins. However, horticultural charcoal is a lightweight material that may improve poor soil by improving drainage and increasing the soil's moisture-retaining capabilities.
Right & Wrong Ways to Store Eggs
Do Not Use Your Refrigerator's Egg Caddy Storing your eggs uncovered exposes their porous surface to the many different odors in your fridge. The bloom is nature's way of protecting a growing chick from harmful bacteria; it also keeps an eating egg fresher...
No-till Farming Prevents Erosion, Study Shows
Research from the Pacific Northwest shows that no-till wheat production reduces erosion and saves fuel and time compared to conventional production. No-till production left the soil surface intact and protected pore space beneath the soil surface, which...