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Sunflowers as sentinels
Sunflowers sprouted in my compost piles, under the birdfeeders, among the tomatoes, over the strawberries. All day long, as the sun moves over, around & behind the plants, my Technicolor scene changes.Even more thrilling, however, is the changing cast...
El Segundo
Hardy Hedges for Northern Gardeners
He used a hedge to separate the vegetable beds from the flower beds. He had tall hedges between his property and the people next door. Alas, it is not to be for we in the north face harsh, cold winters.
El Segundo
Dying Hedges
If you see unknown insects on your dying hedges, take a sample to your local county extension office for identification. Mulching improves moisture retention, preventing plant stress due to drought.
Santa Monica
Fertilizing Hedges
Signs that fertilization is required include premature fall leaf color and leaf drop, poorly colored leaves and smaller than normal leaves, but insufficient light and water can also cause these symptoms, because the shrubs can't absorb nutrients from...
Santa Monica
Privet Hedge Disease
Be sure to sterilize all pruning tools. However, that doesn't mean privet hedges are immune to disease.The two most common privet hedge diseases are wilt and honey fungus.Wilt, which is a form of fungus, causes privet hedge leaves to curl, turn yellow...
Santa Monica
Gardening With Hedges: Planting & Care of Landscaping Hedges
Most need weekly watering when first planted, and less as they develop deep roots that can reach into the soil for the moisture they need.Hedges look their best when they are properly pruned.
Zone 9 Hedges – Growing Hedges In Zone 9 Landscapes
They make great hedge plants in partial shade areas in warm climates. Plant in full to partial sunlight in areas having fertile, well-drained soil.spp.) – This sturdy, drought tolerant evergreen prefers full sun or partial shade.
Planting A Eugenia Hedge: Tips On Eugenia Hedge Care
To keep your Eugenia garden hedge growing and fruiting optimally, give it 10-10-10 fertilizer in the spring.If leaves curl up, water your Eugenia hedge deeply, as this is the shrub's way of telling you that it's thirsty.
Hawthorn Hedge Transplanting – How To Transplant A Hawthorn Hedge
Then dig straight down along the circle with a sharp spade, cutting off longer roots as you go.Come spring, pick your new site and prepare the planting holes for the hedge plants. This helps prevent getting your eyes raked by thorns.
What Is Hedge Cotoneaster: Learn About Hedge Cotoneaster Care
Whether you're looking for a low sprawling variety or a taller type for a dense hedge, there is a cotoneaster that will meet your needs. Plants can grow 6-10 feet tall (1.8-3 m.) and 5-8 feet wide (1.5-2.4 m.).
Uses for Hedge Apples
Ornamental use of hedge apples is also popular because of their unusual look and texture. Native Americans in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas prized the wood for use in bows, arrows and clubs because of its strength and durability.The wood of hedge apple...
Santa Monica
Zone 8 Shrubs For Hedges: Choosing Zone 8 Hedge Plants
It is also called threadleaf false cypress because of its delicate needles, an evergreen that grows slowly and lives long in zones 5 through 9. If you're just trying to mark your property line, you can consider shorter, prettier plants.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Planting Forsythia Hedges: Tips On Using Forsythia As A Hedge
Spp.) offer brilliant yellow blossoms that usually appear in very early spring, but sometimes as early as January. This time, use hedge clippers or shears to give a light trim to shape the hedge rather than a major pruning.
Oleander Privacy Hedge: Tips On Planting Oleander As A Hedge
Maybe you're tired of seeing that crazy neighbor who mows his lawn in a speedo or maybe you just want to make your yard feel like a cozy, sacred space miles away from the neighbors in general.
Zone 5 Privacy Hedges – Choosing Hedges For Zone 5 Gardens
Boxwood works well in a hedge, accepting severe pruning and shaping. That means you will need shrubs taller than an average person, probably at least 6 feet tall. Curl leaf mountain mahogany () is an attractive native shrub.
Zone 6 Hedge Plants: Choosing Hedges For Zone 6 Gardens
Serve many purposes in the landscape. Hedges made from native, fruit producing shrubs can also double as a safe haven for birds to browse or nest in.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Whatever purpose you...
Planting Pole Beans: How To Grow Pole Beans
Pole beans need little fertilizer. A single bean plant can yield several pounds of beans. Fertilizer should be added to the soil before planting pole beans.with manure or mulch or use black plastic to conserve moisture, minimize weeds and keep soils warm...
Zone 7 Hedges: Tips On Growing Hedges In Zone 7 Landscapes
The type of hedge or privacy screen you decide to create goes a long way toward narrowing down your choices.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });If you want a hedge to block your yard from winds or to provide...
Viburnum Hedge Spacing: How To Grow A Viburnum Hedge In Your Garden
Alternatively, add them to each hole when you plant.. If you want to know how to grow a viburnum hedge, read on.Planning a viburnum hedge comes before planting a viburnum hedge. This type of viburnum hedge spacing will create a lovely, open hedge.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Pole Bean Supports: How To Stake Up Pole Beans
A trellis is basically a moveable fence. A bean plant teepee is typically made of bamboo, but can be made of any thin long supports, like dowel rods or poles. This straight stick is so often used when staking beans that it is has given its name to the...
Making A Quince Hedge – How To Grow A Quince Fruit Tree Hedge
The lovely early blooming flowers are followed by yellow edible fruit. There are a number of reasons to include either in the landscape, but do quince trees make good hedges, in particular, the fruiting type?
Is Star Jasmine Good For Hedges – Learn About Growing A Jasmine Hedge
You can create a taller hedge by using a support or trellis. Plan on a depth of at least two feet, then chart out the length that you want the hedge of star jasmine. The vine thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10.freestar.queue.push(function()...
How to Kill Privet Hedges
You can have privet hedges growing in multiple areas in a short period of time. Privet hedges also act as a sound barrier, wind barrier, and can even provide much needed shade during the summer.
Santa Monica
White vs. Black Cedar Hedging
White cedar allows for a beautiful barrier but does not completely block out its surroundings.The leaves and nuts on the black cedar lend texture to your landscape.Black cedar usually grows to about 15 to 20 feet and is a thinner tree than white cedar,...
Santa Monica
Using Fruit Trees As Hedges – Learn How To Use Fruit Trees For Hedges
Belgian fence is a more complicated method of espalier in which tree limbs are trained into a lattice-like pattern. You could have a few types of rock fruit or apple varieties growing espaliered at a higher level and closer to ground level several lowbush...
Fruit Tree Hedge Spacing – Tips For Making A Hedge Out Of Fruit Trees
Plus, while their bloom cycles don't need to be the same length, they do need to overlap. If you want a thick, dense hedge, dwarf rootstocks can be planted as close as 2 feet (61 cm.) apart.
How to Plant an Oleander Hedge
If necessary, use a balanced fertilizer in early spring and then again in early fall.Stake plants to keep them in an upright position evenly along the hedge line, if necessary. Oleander is a plant that thrives in warm climates and in bright sun although...
Santa Monica