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Best Plants For Butterfly Garden

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Identifying Wildflowers: Wild Blue Phlox; Phlox divaricata
They spread by underground runners or stolons, but seed is also produced when the flowers fade. Many cultivated plants can trace their 'roots' to common roadside wildflowers and gardeners often assume that the wild or native form is simply an escapee...
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Butterfly Snowbirds
There is peace on earth, or at least a tiny section of it. The absolutely silent insects flutter around like an orange snow flurry. Strange as it may sound, because of that, I tend to associate monarchs with Christmas.
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What\'s That Bug? Hesperiidae; The Skipper Butterflies
They have good eyesight and are seldom still for more than a few moments. When is a butterfly not exactly a butterfly and a moth not exactly a moth? They are characterized with a large round head that sits upon a smaller 'neck' before the body of the...
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Fiery Firebush
After the first freeze, I cut the dead or blackened stems back to the ground and cover the crown with a fresh layer of pine needles. Firebush is attractive all during the summer months, but in fall it becomes a blaze of glory.
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Is a Coral Bean Right for Your Garden?
Later in the season, its membership in the Leguminosae family (now Papilionaceae subfamily) is evident when large bean-like pods appear. Its attractiveness to hummingbirds and butterflies is well documented.
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging than their budding skills can handle. Don't be afraid of the prices that some of the newer releases command.
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Wooly Pipevine for Pipevine Swallowtails
For several years, wooly Dutchman's pipe has grown in my garden. Some gardeners choose not to cut back the vines, because even though they look dead, they are not. In the garden, place pipevine in well-drained but moist soil in full sun to part shade.
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The Invaders: Milkweed
The year after that, there were even more milkweeds in the lawn. Breathes there a gardener who has never said: "It seemed like a good idea at the time"? But you and the butterflies and the bees will both have fewer regrets if you plant some of the other...
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Hey, What\'s going on in there?
But the thing that fascinates me most about butterflies is metamorphosis, that bit of biological magic that transforms a striped thing that crawls with many legs into a beautiful aerial creature that floats above our blossoms like stained glass windows...
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Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging than their budding skills can handle. Great for new gardeners, lazy gardeners and busy gardeners.
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Hardy and Tropical Pipevines
Pipevine swallowtails are found all the way from New England down to Florida and west all the way to California and Oregon.Some non-native (to the United States) pipevines are:When making a decision about which pipevine to include in your garden, consider...
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What\'s that Bug? Libytheana carinenta, the American Snout
Give them open areas and places where they can rest in safe cover and you should have a good number of species visiting your garden, but stay alert for the little Snout Nose. Gardeners often encounter unique and colorful insects in their gardens.
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Florida Butterfly Garden: Selecting native plants to attract butterflies
It is a good idea to do additional research, maybe even visit your local extension office to find out what grows best in your area.There are many communities around the country that are beginning to see the validity of planting natives in their cities...
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The Brazilian (Canna) Skipper
The flight motion of the skipper is usually quick, skipping from flower to flower, for such they were named. Now I realize thatmany a beautiful butterfly has fallen short of flying, because humans did not recognize or appreciate them inUshered in by these...
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Stinging Nettles are Not All Bad
I then kept the jar in a spot where I would look at it every day so that I would not miss the emergence of the moth.It was not until 15 February 2007 that I was delighted to find that one of the moths had emerged, 5½ months after I first found the caterpillar,...
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Are Monarchs Just a Memory?
Several other nearby trees had been downed also. Most of us are aware of the increased demand for herbicide-tolerant plants such as corn and soybeans has resulted in an all-time high use of herbicides.
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What\'s That Bug? Junonia coenia, the Common Buckeye
It is thought that the eyespots serve as a warning to birds and other predators.Buckeyes have a wide range and can be found in most of North and Central America. Gardeners often encounter unique and colorful insects in their gardens.
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Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I finally settled on the ludicrous idea to throw the 150 pots I needed on a potter's wheel. While monogrammed napkins and bubbles are nice, they didn't really speak to me or about me.
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Identifying Wildflowers: Coral Honeysuckle
Many cultivated plants can trace their 'roots' to common roadside wildflowers and gardeners often assume that the wild or native form is simply an escapee from someone's garden. In other words, this process will take most of the summer.
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Tulip Poplar
Flowers superficially resemble tulips, and the simple leaves placed alternately on the branches echo the outline of a tulip. The tree provides the shade we wanted, but it has some drawbacks.
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Metamorphosis of a School Butterfly Garden
Dave's Garden is a much richer, lovelier place because of it! Pictures of individual flowers above can all be found in, and appear courtesy of these Dave's Garden members:Marna Towne (Mrs_Ed), for the Blue Swallowtail butterfly above on the phloxWallaby1,...
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Milkweed and Monarchs
Even the experts present opposing opinions. Let's resolve to find answers to complex problems and work toward solutions—for ourselves, our planet, and for the butterflies.Other articles about milkweed on Dave's Garden include"Got Milkweed?
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Legends and Lore Concerning Butterflies
If you want butterflies, you have to have caterpillars and caterpillars eat their host plants. Why risk their safety and insecticides do humans no health favors either. It was said that if you whisper your wish to a butterfly and then release it, it will...
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Monarchs and Milkweeds
Within a couple of weeks, a monarch caterpillar reaches 2 inches in length, and is recognizable by its black, yellow and white stripes. Male monarchs have slightly larger wings than do females.
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A day at the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens and Butterfly Conservatory
I could wander through these gardens for a week and still come back for more. I'll stop here while I have you humming Simon and Garfunkel. Dwarf conifers fascinate me. These are all strong interests of mine and I have gardens corresponding to each in...
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Milkweed Dreams - Growing Milkweed
Looking for the milkweed in the wild is the best way to find plants that will grow and love your yard and garden. They will lay their eggs, and they will grow up in this wonderful plant that they will come back for next season.
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Milkweeds: which one\'s for your garden?
That's great news for sharing, or keeping yourself well supplied, but not great news if you have concerns about excess weeding or the plant's spread to other areas. Flowers will be followed by erect, attractive thin pods.Common milkweed is a widespread...
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