They may have been and may still be a matter of life and death, or at least a way to make life easier in a subsistance lifestyle in a harsh climate. These are used both by native Africans and settlers of European ancestry.
Mom wrote that I was anemic, and the brown liquid medicine that Doc Collins gave to me was iron. Tiny light green flowers bloom from June through September and are borne in long slender spikes at the axils of the leaves.An infusion made from the seeds...
The blooms or seeds would pop off in my hand, and it was just a pasttime habit for me, similar to picking the seed ball of a dandelion and blowing the seeds from here to yon. She asked me what kind of stain I had on my blouse, and I told her that since...
She of course had a different name for it as well as a different use, but her Horsefly Weed sure did produce a fine blue dye for me! When Little Joe was a boy, it was the first tree he climbed, and the first tree he fell out of.
It blooms for a short while in May-July, depending on location, but the remainder of the time it is an attractive upright spreading herbaceous shrub., although it is not as common in Kentucky as it is other dryer places.
"You smell chicory!"I had sneaked sips of homemade chicory as a child at the hands of some of my older relatives, and had developed quite a taste for it, but oh my goodness! I will never forget that first taste of honest to goodness New Iberia, Louisiana...
Tough stuff, and very hard to get out of the ground, believe me, I know. "L'il Sis, woncha go talk yore Aunt Bett outta a little ov her ground chic'ry," Uncle Dock would say when his stock got low.
You might want to remember that it is a fun dye, of course. But the war was no concern of mine, I was much more interested in the pop of the green beans as they broke, the curly green strings that came from the part that was pulled away from the bean...
Plants take basic elements from the outside world and bring them into their bodies, where they are converted to starches and proteins that can be used by the plant or by the animal that eats it.Protein is made from nitrate, a form of nitrogen that has...
Depending on their concentrations, they can either damage or improve plant health. However, acids and bases have been used for centuries as part of the fertilizers used to give plants nutrients they need to thrive.Plant health can be dramatically affected...
You get a pretty good amount of levarage with these, but I twist and tweak the single sharp blade and then have to toss them. Only they do require reaching in towards the center of the plant where all the sharp things are really close together and hard...
Not all bacteria in the soil may be bad for you. Additionally, it has been theorized that this bacterium can stimulate increased learning behavior in mice. There are all sorts of bacteria, fungi, protozoans and parasites that we don't want to carry with...
You can harness the power of herbs in any combination, just remember that fresh herbs will need to be used at 3 times the rate of dried herbs.Some interesting combinations might be comfrey and tansy to increase, which helps prevent fruiting problems in...
This makes palm pruning a job best left to the professionals. The individual stem trunk you removed, however, will not rejuvenate itself. Diseased, stressed, or weak palms may not produce new suckers and can ultimately die.Examples of clustering palms...
Padding and support are both important factors to consider when wrapping the cactus for shipment.Wear gloves to avoid injuring your hands while working with the cactus. Write your name and mailing address in the top left corner of the box.
Enough of them can do considerable damage to flowers, seedlings and tender plants. Some essential oils such as peppermint, cinnamon and oregano can burn your skin. For best results, use therapeutic grade oils only.Coconut oil can be used as well on roly-polies.
Discard the mixture and make a new batch each week to continue to attract aphids.Create an aphid-killing spray that is safe for your hibiscus by mixing a gallon of water with 3 tbsp.
According to the 2002 Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Act, possessing, using or transferring ricin is prohibited. According to a 2004 Congressional Research Service Report, castor bean plants and seeds are "openly sold" in the United...
I'm writing this with the assumption that you are using a Salvia cutting. Growing your own Salvia divinorum has endless benefits, but I won't go into that. Put a clear plastic bag over your Salvia cutting.
Be careful with tap water; it often contains excess minerals such as fluoride, which could also be harmful to plants.Juice and colas are typically very acidic. They both also contain sugars, which will build up in the soil and attract insects and potentially...
At this stage, the corn plant is ready to be pollinated. When the tassles of the corn plant emerge, the plant is entering the fertilization stage.Corn is ready for harvest when it reaches the milking stage.Silking is the stage when the tassles or corn...
Billbergia amoena reaches 3 feet and offers growers a showy but short-lived flower. The bromeliad family includes more than 1,500 species that grow in the United States. Cryptanthus bahianus or fosterianus both spread to approximately 2 feet wide.Bromeliad...
If you spot the brown bugs or theirin your garden, leave them alone; they don't harm the plants and could save them.and predatory wasps also prey on oleander caterpillars. Wear gloves to protect yourself from the oozing sap, and disinfect your tools in...
The zygotes then develop into adult plants called sporophytes. Conifers and ferns share certain basic similarities: they photosynthesize, they reproduce sexually and so on. Conifers reproduce through pollination of ovulate cones that eventually develop...
Instead, these type of plants absorb water from the environment around them. Plants are an essential part of the ecosystem. Coniferophyta plants include pines, furs, spruces, cedars, junipers, and yew.
These plants have long, thin leaves that point upward and produce vibrant-colored blooms year-round. Grasp the base of the stem with the dead or dying blossom. Remove these leaves by pulling them off the base of the plant with your fingers.