As I ventured out to a local nature preserve, the wildflowers in bloom were less familiar. None of my sources knew for sure if bluebells flowers are edible, but Cherokee and Iroquois peoples use other parts of the plant medicinally for tuberculosis, to...
Photo by Rick Gush The broccoli from our garden is, oh, so delicious! Some things are going along just as planned, and today we ate our first broccoli from the garden. I miss that activity, and this morning when I took the broccoli pictures I felt somehow...
Run the fruit through a food mill to remove seeds.Wash the persimmon seeds, and remove any pulp that may remain. Place the seeds on a cookie sheet, and mix with oil or butter and your choice of seasonings.
Use a melon baller to scoop out the melon into pretty, round pieces. Even those that survived never got enough sustained heat at the right time to sweeten well. Wednesday, October 3, 2012 Photo by Judith Hausman These melon balls taste remarkable with...
You can bake them into desserts such as pies, tarts, crisps or crumbles. You can store them at room temperature if you plan to eat them soon. They have a lightly sweet melon-like flavor that you will go bananas for.Unlike regular pears, Asian pears are...
Darker roses have more aroma and flavor. Fill trays with water and freeze. From ancient times they have appeared at feasting tables as bouquets and as food. Substitute rose butter for regular butter in cookie or cake recipes.
Early in the year you might be shocked to see mandatory minimum orders of 15 chicks or more. Between accidents with the package to unforeseen health or developmental problems, your order is at the mercy of many random variables.
Make your notifications as specific as possible so you'll receive updates about grants within your state or even within your region, as there will inevitably be grants available in your area that are not available elsewhere.
Over 20 years ago, my sister Linda brought home a spaghetti squash. The first picture below is of the squash, prior to cooking. You will be able to purchase with more information--and information is power.Thanks for reading this article.
The peeled tunas can also be processed as for any other firm fleshed fruit. Cactus strips can add an unexpected element to cornbread. Add other vegetables for flavor, including onion, jalapeno, carrot and tomato.
Tiny parks protect natural springs that brought the town to life as a healing center in the 1800s.Best show of fall colors in Eureka Springs is late October.A moist growing season followed by a dry fall, warm days ending with cool nights, and plenty of...
Most florists don't prepackage single roses, so you will likely have more control over how you want the rose wrapped.Grocery stores with in-store floral departments also sell a variety of single-stem flowers and arrangements.
They have become consummate beggars, especially Mr. Mabel, the dominant roo. For example, they will eat: small worms, but not earthworms (too big and squiggly) grass on the back lawn eggs that break by accident the fly predator cocoons I put down in the...
You can also mix it into another spread, such as cream cheese, to give the cheese a slightly fruity flavor and to reap the antioxidant benefits. Simply take a spoon and scoop out the seeds and jelly-like insides.
When I toured her rabbit barn, with its tidy hutches and nose-twitching residents, I asked to take a picture for my article. Judith Hausman's Blog – Eating Bunnies – Urban Farm OnlineEating BunniesAll cultures have their food taboos and delicacies.
For extra flavor, you can season the seeds with garlic salt, Worcestershire sauce, lemon pepper or sea salt. Use a sharp, sturdy knife to cut around the top of the pumpkin, then carefully remove the “lid.” Use a large metal spoon to scrape out the...
I predict that, in the future, many people in the Western world will cultivate worm and insect colonies that turn kitchen waste into edible worms and insects. Tags bugs , crops , insects , rick gush
You can use them later in the day, or store them in water in the refrigerator for use the next day. You can even stuff the larger leaves, like you would grape leaves. The sooner you use them, though, the fresher they will look.Your nasturtiums will taste...
A ripe, ready to eat melon will cut with little effort–you shouldn't haven't to apply a lot of weight while cutting.Inspect the inside of the watermelon. If the rind feels very firm and there's a lot of resistance while trying to cut the fruit, the...
The general rule of thumb is to either move a hive just a few feet from its original location or at least one mile away to ensure that the bees are able to reorient themselves to the new location.
Allow to stand overnight.Strain the mixture the following morning, and add the water. Dealing with chewing insects is one of the most difficult aspects of raising pepper plants, however there are a number of safe methods for getting rid of these insects...
Onions also have been used for their medicinal properties by ancient Greeks, Romans and Indians. Yellow onions store well for up to a month under optimal conditions. Onions are members of the allium family.
Inspect the trap every few hours and reposition it you fail to catch the animal in a few days.Fence the area to keep the animals from entering your garden. Apply the repellent over and around the rose bushes to deter the critters from damaging the plants.
The best mobile app for finding markets on the road is Farmstand . Another, perhaps overlooked, meal option is the cafe-style food served at many farmers' markets. Photos are big bonus.
Have you filled them all? Who knows, maybe even a plant or two in the cart also?You can always park a little farther away for the added plant room.Just when you thought you did not have any more room for plants, we have come up with more places you can...
Mature cactus can be harvested up to 6 times per year. The locality where the plants grow wild calls the pads nopales, a desert delicacy that has been transported across the states.There is a specific time of the day and year for harvesting edible cactus...
In the spring and early summer, the bullfinches switch to three different types of fern. Other insects that eat ferns include aphids, whiteflys, cutworms, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers.