There is an amazing assortment of flowers and plants that are matrimonially named.If they are named for the bride herself, a wedding component like the veil or dress, or the romance involved, they are all beautiful plants to be included in a wedding garden.If...
His wife, Catherine, after the wedding, thus became the Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus. Kate was not held up to the same degree of scrutiny that potential princesses were a generation ago.
You never know what they will look like until you open the package. I have had a few orders get ‘lost' temporarily and take a week to get to me, and still most plants seem hardly the worse for plant these shipped palms in pre-moistened soil,...
Our gardening forebears had to learn through trial-and-error which companies were reputable and which catalogs should be put to immediate use lining the birdcage. The fifth edition was printed in 1997, andI'm glad I have a copy of it, even though it's...
I probably would drive myself crazy now. Now, to be fair, I did have a bedroom years later. Yes, mom knew a secret that I will share with you. My sisters were older and wiser than I and they did not fall for my money making scheme.
For those times when the unforeseen happens and the gardener is not 100% satisfied, Grasman says, ‘At that point we have the ability to wow in the customer service aspect'.Operating a retail garden center in Zeeland as well, Grasman adds that the inability...
Other gardeners are your best resource in this regard, as you can learn from their mistakes and avoid the companies that don't follow through on their promises! You'll find that multiple companies will offer the same plant, and even use the same stock...
I admit that I peruse many of them, checking out the "What's New" pages and looking for ideas. In our area, Craigslist is a great way for local growers to advertise what starts they have, and there is the Master Gardener sale which is another great way...
Gather light bulbs and seed catalogs from everywhere. These instructions are for those that are decoupaged. Reluctantly I parted with most of the old seed catalogs, knowing full well that I could start right up again when winter reared its cold, windy...
While it is important to warn others of an unhappy transaction, many prople also want to know which companies consistently provide a great experience. Your feedback has elevated these vendors to the top of their field and we feel that their efforts should...
You unpack them and then it hits you - ‘What in the world was I thinking?!!' You try to hide the plants and the credit card bills from your spouse. We ‘save' them and are convinced we just scored a major coup.
It helps to know the market price, but factor in the convenience of shopping from your laptop, the risk of buying something sight-unseen, the thrill of having mysterious packages arrive in the mail (or not).You CAN get great values and terrific finds...
Imagine if your only other reading material was the family Bible! How precious would a book-sized catalog of horticultural information and black-and-white engravings have been? Likewise, cotton, sugarcane, and most vegetables other than squashes are introductions...
Merchants doing so will be removed from this group.The Top 30 list is posted in alphabetical order, so as to not give an unfair advantage to the one company listed at the top. Your favorite companies are counting on you!
You have spent months planning the perfect garden wedding. Urns can be purchased at discount stores for little money and can be spray painted to fit into your color scheme. Use your imagination.
I found the quote on the symbolism amusing. It was founded by Karen Platt in the UK for people who love black plants. I suppose it would be a novelty. A look at orange roses There are lots of songs and even band names with 'black rose' in them.
I got the order about 3 weeks later and all plants looked fineYears later I am still not sure I know a good deal or a bad deal, but I have learned some important lessons.I have learned that some plants just shouldn't be acquired by mail order, while others...
Store shopping is tiring, time-consuming and most of the time you come home without the plant you wanted (but probably with a trunkful of plants you don't really need.) With mail-order, you can often shop months ahead for your spring plants so you know...
For winter weddings, accents of frosted or painted ferns,, evergreen sprigs or even pine cones can be added.Hellebore wedding flowers can easily be added to the bridesmaid's curls or up-do's as well.
Here is an example: CIS123LHOFBNDMW, also see International Code Of Botanical Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants [Utrecht 1958].Don't forget your pens, scissors, and pencils with erasers (that you won't mind the tops chewed off).Some of the writing in...
Expect germination in 10-14 days. It would have to survive on its own during the summer since we wouldn't be there to care for it. It had not held any flowers or anything attractive for years.
In a few years, we're hoping I will have a pond perimeter of my own, and she will have a new sunny garden bed. In my previous years of coming to the sale, there have been some clumps of Siberian irises offered, but I've never seen anything like this!...
Expect blooms in roughly three weeks from "planting."When giving forced paperwhite as a gift, I'd recommend one of the following options:Plant the bulbs and begin watering two weeks before giving.
They are generally very inexpensive and often a friend or neighbor will simply hand you a few 'chicks' if asked. These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce a great show.
Powdery mildew is a fungus that thrives in damp, humid conditions, so keeping the leaves dry with good air circulation is the best prevention. The little plants should shoot up quickly and to make a bushier display, pinch out the center growing tip when...
In describing these greens, days to maturity are not given, as most of them will be picked for salads while immature.There are generally two types of spinach grown: one with heavier, savoyed leaves used more often for cooking, and the smooth-leaved kinds...
Many of these lettuces are new introductions, or newly available in an organic version.Others may have been around for a couple of years but offer superior qualities, such as heat resistance, that should interest gardeners who are looking for improved...