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Watchdog 30 Stars - Garden Crossings
The box is packed tightly so there is little chance for jostling around. This is the first of a series of articles spotlighting Garden Watchdog's Watchdog 30 companies. Find out why this company is among the top five in the influential Dave's Garden list!
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Mail Order Plants: Is What You See What You Get?
He secretly disposes of my catalogs, hoping to head off another digging and planting spree. If it is a second-rate company, and your plantdies before it has a chance to thrive, your bargain is suddenly not such a bargain after all!feature here at Dave's...
El Segundo
Mail Order Gardening: Then and Now
In our area, Craigslist is a great way for local growers to advertise what starts they have, and there is the Master Gardener sale which is another great way to buy starts and support this program.
El Segundo
Ordering Spring Bulbs - my fall resolutions
Take a deep breath. I resolve to consider bloom times of every bulb I purchase.Much as they look adorable on the cover of bulb-sellers catalogs, it's not realistic for me to make the commitment to.
El Segundo
Wait! Don\'t throw those plant catalogs away! Turn them into Garden Art.
Trisha, thank you so much!Welcome to a week of fun with Mail Order Gardening articles that are sure to enlighten and entertain you. I have a lot of ideas about decoupage, and my first thought was to choose a theme and cover some shoe boxes I was using...
El Segundo
The Garden Watchdog Top 5 Awards
At first, we recognized 10 companies. While it is important to warn others of an unhappy transaction, many prople also want to know which companies consistently provide a great experience.
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Gardener / Masochist
Consciously or not, we either think that it will not actually reach that size somehow, or that we will have moved to a new house by then, leaving the problem to the new owners. We'll show them who the boss is! Seed starters will boast that they save so...
El Segundo
Buying annual plants (and other stuff) on eBay -- is it a good idea?
Yipee! On June 13th, I got a shipping notice and a tracking notice from my plug seller. Is it wise to purchase them on eBay, especially when we have our own Marketplace right here?
El Segundo
When Seed Selling Was A Seedling - a brief history of mail order seeds in the United States
Ferry in 1856, and in 1930 merged with C.was founded in 1868 (and is still owned by the Park family), andSeed catalogs and mail order marketing of seeds played an important role in American and world history.
El Segundo
Spotlight on the Garden Watchdog and How It Works
Ranking is determined by an automatic calculator that updates anytime a review is posted for the entire Garden Watchdog consisting of over 7,500 companies.There is no arbitrary committee selecting one vendor over another; the system automatically calculates...
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The Top Ten Daylilies - a List From Gemini Gardens
From the chicken fat edges to the smooth clear, crisp, color this is the daylily that will complement and stand out at the same time in your garden. It is a early midseason, reblooming, semi-evergreen, Tetraploid that would love to make its home in your...
El Segundo
Quest for the Black Rose
There have been so many gorgeous roses and I want them all. Then it gets interesting... ROSES !!Here are the links to the other articles in my 'Roses of Color' seriesOrange You Lovely?
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Mail ordering succulents and cacti: my experiences
Some overseas orders looked like they had been blow-torched (they probably froze.)There is one company I think is close to perfect for ordering succulents and cacti:Click on their website, go to the online catalog, and prepare to be impressed!They have...
El Segundo
Plant Catalog Organization Not for the Faint of Heart
Need to order now before the spring rush? Got some time and energy on your hands? Too much leisure time? "Be the first on your block to grow this amazing 12-variety prune tree, " or "Those loud neighbors won't bother you anymore with our amazing, super-thick...
El Segundo
Take the Plunge, It\'s Iris Sale Time!
And in many cases, the tried and true older cultivars are the ones that will shine in your garden, outperforming all others year after year. Until my dream of building a pond comes true, I just don't have the moist conditions that Siberians need.
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part III: Variety Greens
It is very cold-hardy and can overwinter in many zones.[Rumex sanguineus] is a new variety bred particularly for salads with deep red veins contrasting with the bright green leaves to make an attractive plant.Common sorrel, often considered an herb, grew...
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part II: Lettuce
Also resistance to downy mildew races 1-18.Johnny's Selected Seeds offers this one in a pelleted version as well as plain seeds.A very dark, totally wine-red leaf lettuce with moderately ruffled leaves.Also available from Johnny's Selected Seeds in an...
El Segundo
Banking on Diversity: Have you saved a seed lately?
Think of a seed bank as you would a conventional savings bank.Instead of depositing money into a secure account, you deposit seeds into a secure storage facility.You might wish to withdraw some or all of the seeds at some point, just as you might plan...
El Segundo
A Place to Relax
I want to discuss quite possibly my favorite type of beds. You can add things such as yard art, or wind chimes, things that you find calming. First you have to decide how big you want the bed to be and where you want your bed to be located.
El Segundo
How to Overwinter Tender Bulbs, Tubers, and Rhizomatous Plants
There is nothing in the world like a sea of perennial blooms rising to greet the sun after a season of gray wintery starkness. It is advisable to leave the greenery on a bulb until it dies back so it can gather solar energy for storage.
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on Holiday Resources
If you wish to purchase a tree suitable for planting, these Garden Watchdog vendors specialize inThe Garden Watchdog also helps with other seasonal purchases. The fire hazard is strapped to the top of the caror SUV and driven home, trailing a snowstorm...
El Segundo
Perfectly picotee - choice picotee edged flowers for the summer garden
When possible I have given links (see highlighted text) to plant vendors who are listed in the Dave's Garden Watchdog Top 30, a list of highly rated plant sources. An entire edge finished with picots becomes a lovely delicate accent all its own.Flowers...
El Segundo
Tips For Adding Bulbs To Your Flower Garden
Next, replace the dirt you previously dug up mixed with some compost orwith an inch or two of leaf matter is a brilliant idea, especially where winters are bone-chilling cold. These bulbs don't mind spending the winter in the ground either.Now that you're...
What Is A Corm – What Plants Have Corms
Generally, corms are perennials and many develop into spectacular flowering plants.If you dug one of these plants up as it was just beginning to leaf, you would see that the underground part of the plant produces the leaf.
What Is Bulb Chipping – Tips On How To Chip A Flower Bulb
These bulbils can be easily removed when ripe and planted in a pot until they reach a size suitable to survive outdoors. Some bulbs secretions canOnce your Amaryllis has stopped blooming and the leaves have died back, remove it from the pot and lightly...
Bulbs That Don\'t Need Chilling: Is Cold Treatment For Bulbs Necessary
Here is a little primer on the many wonderful bulbs that don't need chilling.Spring blooming bulbs naturally go through a period of chilling during winter, which will cause dormancy.
Bulb Care After Forcing: Keeping Forced Bulbs In Containers Year After Year
When the bloom appears, give the plant full sun, if possible. Most bulbs require some sort of specific temperature change to force them out of dormancy. Potted bulbs have needs that those in the ground do not in order for them to produce bountiful flowers...