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Characteristics of a Basil Plant
Sow seed indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. Genovese) is a variety of sweet basil traditionally used to make pesto. Thyriflorum) has large, pointed leaves and purple, branched stems up to 36 inches high.
Santa Monica
How Do You Know When the Basil Plant Leaves Are Ready for Picking?
The fragrant and flavorful leaves of the basil herb are prized for their fresh or dried culinary use. Cut off the leaves near the top of the plant, leaving at least two sets of leaves near the base of the plant.
Santa Monica
Is Lavender Poisonous to Cats?
Lavender contains a number of active chemical compounds including benzenoids and flavonoids, and a certain number of these compounds have sedative or anesthetizing effects that could harm your cat.Humans occasionally have allergic reactions to lavender...
Santa Monica
How to Thicken Laundry Detergent
Microwave the bowl on high for two minutes. Thickening laundry detergent concentrates it so it lasts longer. Thickening your liquid soap detergent doesn't take much time, and the ingredients used are completely natural.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lemongrass
Fill the jar with at least 8 ounces of vodka.Shake the vodka and lemongrass well and set aside for at least for a week for the oils and compounds to be released into the alcohol.Strain and use this extraction in exotic mixed drinks.
Santa Monica
What Can You Use Mint Leaves for?
Don't let the mint go to waste, as mint leaves are used a number of different ways. To make mint tea, place a spoonful of mint in a tea pot for every cup of tea. Add boiling water and allow the tea to steep.
Santa Monica
How to Hydroponically Grow Ginger
Natural sunlight or artificial grow lights will serve this purpose.After about four months, your plants will have produced rhizomes to their fullest capacity. Ginger plants require about 1 square foot of growing room each, so ensure that you have a tray...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cilantro Hydroponically
Do not remove the seedlings from the small cubes, the design allows you to insert them into larger cubes to prevent root damage. Liquid fertilizer is about 3 tbsp. Cilantro develops a taproot, which does not like to be disturbed.Place a halide grow-light...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Herbs Inside Aquariums
Otherwise, you will end up with thin, spindly plants that lack flavor. Creating an herb garden out of a discarded aquarium is a simple process. Discard the soapy water and rinse well, and make certain to remove all trace of soap.
Santa Monica
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
Furthermore, their self cleaning characteristic means that no deadheading is needed. They are truly low-maintenance, high performing plants.The butter daisy is known by such common names as butter daisy, star daisy, gold medallion flower, and I'm sure...
El Segundo
How to Care for a Basil Plant
Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow, whether in a pot or in the ground. Any well-balanced fertilizer will do, but avoid those designed to increase blooming.Trim often by pinching center leaves.
Santa Monica
Cilantro Vs. Culantro
Culantro is added to heavy foods such as meats, sauces and chutneys. Culantro is the basis of sofrito, a blend of herbs and seasonings that forms one of the most important flavors of Puerto Rican cuisine.
Santa Monica
Diseases that Kill Rosemary Plants
Because conventional, prevention is key. In fact, overwatering rosemary, especially in containers, leads to "wet feet" and root rot. Infected plants should be removed. But you can prevent most problems with proper care.Rosemary thrives in well-drained...
Santa Monica
What Is Snipped Parsley?
In larger quantities, fresh parsley leaves enhance tossed green salads, bean salads and rice, quinoa and couscous recipes.Raw snipped parsley sprinkled on cooked potatoes, pasta and vegetables right before serving brings freshness to the dishes.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cardamom From Grocery Store Cardamom Seeds
Allow them to soak in that water for one to two days before planting them. They are followed by green pods containing seeds which are ground to make the spice. After about five or six months, when the seedlings each have four leaves, transplant them into...
Santa Monica
Can You Sprout Flax Seeds?
You will know they are ready when you see the sprouts produce richly green leaves, at least three of them. Spread the seeds out on the surface so that there is at least 1/8 inch of space between the sides; try to make sure that they are not touching.
Santa Monica
Characteristics of Ginger
Ginger is used to flavor carbonated soda, called ginger ale. Ginger flowers are small and white or yellow-green in color. It's often used in a powdered form in baking, such for gingerbread or ginger cookies.
Santa Monica
How to Fix My Lavender Plant That Is Turning Gray From the Bottom
Lavender is one of the easiest crops to grow organically, according to the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service, because it has few insect pests and few diseases. Mix it with compost and sand so you have a soil with equal parts sand, compost...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Camomile
English camomile leaves are larger and thicker than German camomile leaves, without the same bipinnate style, and the stems are hairless. The leaves are "bipinnate" leaves, which means that each leaf divides again into smaller leaf sections.
Santa Monica
How to Freeze Fresh Dill
Traditional methods of preserving dill include gathering several bundles and hanging them to dry. Allow them to boil for a moment or two until the dill changes color. Although this is the preferred method for dill to be used in pickling, it is not the...
Santa Monica
Herbs With Blue Flowers
It is believed that rosemary has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The leaves can be picked fresh and dried for later use. The stems are covered with prickly hairs that make handling the plant difficult without protection.
Santa Monica
How to Save a Dying Basil Plant in a Pot
Basil grows best outdoors where it can receive adequate light and temperatures, but you can also grow basil indoors as long as it's set in a sunny location. Don't let the leaves themselves get wet.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Oak Trees From Cuttings
Under optimal growing conditions, this should take about 12 weeks.Tug at each cutting gently after 12 weeks to make sure it has rooted. Make sure the planting medium drains well.Take cuttings from young oak trees between May and October.
Santa Monica
Why Is My Rosemary Plant Turning Black?
Place the water in the plant saucer to prevent getting water on the stems or foliage of the plant. Small black dots may appear on the leaves as well, which indicates that fungal spores have formed.
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Herbs?
So don't throw away the seed pot of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) after a few weeks because parsley takes 14 to 60 days to germinate. Another example of a plant that begins slowly then grows fast is the perennial lemon bergamot (Monarda citriodora).
Santa Monica
Why Is My Dill Turning Yellow?
Flavor peaks when the flowers form, so cut the yellow heads and leafy foliage to flavor eggs, soups and sauces.Dill suffers few disease problems and most insects attracted to it are beneficial.
Santa Monica
Dill Seed Vs. Dill Weed
The name dill comes from Norse word meaning "to lull", which refers to the dill plant's anti-flatulence properties, according to Purdue University. Growers value two separate parts of the plant for their culinary and medicinal properties.
Santa Monica