The roots should have begun to grow, and leaves and buds will develop quickly for the recipient.You can't mail a container full of water but you can gather the necessary parts and supply instructions for your own personalized kit.
Others, set their containers in the garden and just let nature take its course, believing that the ones that survive are the toughest. They do best with regular water, but do not like 'wet feet'.
The 'mother' plant with the smaller babies surrounding it is how the common name 'hens and chickens' came about and the various sizes of the plants in a grouping is very attractive, either in the garden or in a container.
This all circles back to not overcrowding your zinnia plants, so don't be tempted to sow your seeds thicker than recommended.Zinnias make great cut flowers. Water well, and you should see seedlings starting to sprout within a week.
Many gardeners love the look of the macrame hanging planters, but few want to spend hard-earned plant money on something that isn't living. You will have three groups of four cords.
Chop some fresh herbs(or dried) and blend them thoroughly with the softened butter. Add a pretty ribbon to the jar and your gift is ready to go!For a luxurious gift that all gardeners would love, try making lotion bars.
And they share a similar habit, tending to stay narrow and upright. They are said to like some air circulation. All three of these have very pretty foliage. Use your judgement, although I will say that my three children and a dog have never shown any...
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
I decided that I should have a second tree--one that celebrated the garden and was large enough to hold my garden ornaments. I tuck a few seeds in 2 ½" x 3 ½" brown coin envelopes.
Rachel Hurd Anger Breed and sex choices might be limited, unless the store sourced them from a hatchery and they know exactly what they're selling. Sometimes people move and can't take their established flocks with them, they're transitioning out of the...
Such temptation! But having been burned before by roses, I hardened my heart, hesitated, and had a flash of brilliance. I'm tempted by one that would help me take notes about my own plants over time.
The liquid or paste type is fine. Dyeing carnations is a great way to introduce them to how plants work, and how important it is to make sure that they have enough moisture.A bunch of white carnations, easily found in the local supermarket.
No more winter shivers for me! For the first time since those long, hot days of August, I'm cozy and warm. I opened it up and inside there were two of what appeared to be those long white feeder socks, the kind I buy for my goldfinches.
“Those,” I thought to myself, “would delight the students and look great in the red brick planter.” I bought the tray of plants, took them to school the next day, and the students and I planted them.First we cleaned out the planter, added some...
"City" water has chlorine. Keep the water level fairly constant in the container. The architectural look of the stems and the simplicity of the few leaves invites creativity. If you must use it, leave it in an open container overnight first to allow chlorine...
Grocery stores, particularly chain stores and superstores, often have a floral section, albeit a limited one. These factors determine the ultimate value of an online purchase and can help you decide if online ordering is the best choice.
For a beginner project, you may not want to buy any cotton linters; your paper will still be okay, just a bit fragile.One of the first things to do is construct a “frame” that will be the finished paper size.
There's a limit to the number of necklaces anybody needs, though, and the boys aren't too keen on making beads anyway. Antennae are optional, but I thought my ladybug needed them, so I rolled a couple of tiny clay snakes and stuck them into little holes...
Most single stem-roses at grocery stores come prepackaged with a wisp of baby's breath, then wrapped in tissue paper or clear plastic. The roses sold at grocery stores are also generally more affordable than than ones sold at florists.Several websites...
I would immediately take them home, strip off two or three outer layers of leaves and begin to propagate them. Miniatures' leaves are just as easy if not easier to propagate than standard AVs.Luckily I started this process about 11 months in advance,...
(Trust me, it willmake the indoor garden smell like a cat food factory.)- If you don't garden you may not know about one of the best recent developments in garden "technology": knit gloves with synthetic coated gripping surfaces.
We get the same thing every year, usually prefaced by the excited non-gardening giver saying, “I knew you'd love this because you're a gardener.” The gift is usually something beautiful, but with limited purpose.Somehow the presumption exists that...
What are your flowers' growing conditions? Read on to learn more about using flowers for companion plants in garden beds and which flowers grow well together.Flowers tend to have specific blooming times – planting something that blossoms in the spring...
Mesophytes commonly grow in sunny, open areas such as fields orAlthough they are sophisticated plants with a number of highly evolved survival mechanisms, mesophytic plants have no special adaptations for water or for extreme cold or heat.Mesophytic plants...
Some annual and tropical vines will rebloom, too. Too much nitrogen encourages only green, leafy foliage not blooms. In mid-summer, use a fertilizer with low nitrogen, like 5-10-5.
This allows the fragrance to collect and intensify. Fragrant garden plants and flowers work well in nearly any type of garden, and when mood-altering plants are chosen carefully, any garden can be a fragrant mood garden.The first step in designing a fragrant...
Make sure that the container is clean and dry before you begin. Follow the planting instructions and watch your container grown wildflowers take off.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Potted wildflower plants...