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Information On Dutchman\'s Pipe Pruning And When To Prune Dutchman\'s Pipe Vine
You can clean up the dutchman's pipe vine by removing damaged or crossed branches, which will give your vine a better look.In the summertime, after the vine is done flowering, you have an opportunity for more intensive dutchman's pipe pruning.
Aristolochia Pipevine Plants: Is Growing Darth Vader Flowers Possible
They are then released to fly out and pollinate more blooms. While the Internet abounds with pictures colorful photos of Aristolochia pipevine plants, most people will never have an opportunity to see this rare plant in its natural environment.
Tips On How To Grow Organ Pipe Cactus
April, May and June are the best times to see organ pipe cactus flowers.The flowers yield to large juicy fruits with bright red flesh. The stems are ribbed with 12- to 19-inch thick ridges.
Irrigation Systems For Xeriscape Environments
North and east exposures need less frequent watering than south and west exposures. They are useful for irrigating larger plants, such asMicro-sprays emit large droplets or fine streams of water just above the ground.
Rehab Your Land ... Starting With A Soil Test
Soil tests generally can be repeated every three to four years as a barometer and planning tool for long-term soil health. While you can technically sample soil anytime the ground is not frozen, it is best to sample in early spring or late fall so you...
Burning Question: Will We Ever Farm With Draft Horses Again?
Amish numbers double about every 20 years; Old Order Mennonite numbers double about every 15 years. As Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren numbers increase, that number is likely to continue to rise.
How to Grow Cool-season Pastures
Stock Up on Forage Stockpiling fescue can extend the grazing season up to 60 days, according to Gary Bates, PhD, forage specialist with the University of Tennessee. “In addition, tall-fescue forage accumulates a high concentration of soluble carbohydrates...
Drain Puddles With Simple Ditches
Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to wage war against the mud, and one of the simplest is to dig drainage ditches. In fact, I'm writing this one day after an April snowstorm dumped 8 inches of snow on wet ground that had previously been inundated...
How to Control Flies on the Farm
It's also no joy ride when horses are harassed by biting flies, causing their behavior to deteriorate the longer they're exposed to the nuisance. These delivery systems work by shooting a fine mist of insecticide into the air every 15 minutes.
Needs For A Farm In The Wilderness
This doesn't mean that season-extension facilities, such as cold frames or hoop houses, cannot be used, but it means that artificial inputs are kept to a minimum. Wild farming takes the pressure off you, the farmer, and lets nature take control of your...
About Christmas Tree Farms
In 1882, came the advent of electric lights, when Thomas Edison's laboratory assistants introduced a tree boasting 80 bulbs. You have options of how you want to sell your trees: directly from your farm as already-cut or cut-your-own trees, through a farmers...
About Farm Cooperatives
Types Of Farm Co-ops USDA/Flickr Here's a general breakdown of the different ways you may choose to structure your agricultural co-op. Choose your co-workers well. If you want to grow your farm business, don't do it alone! Collaborate with other small-scale...
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
According to the University of Minnesota Extension Department, sandy loam rarely holds more than 2 percent organic matter. Planting directly into the stubble/residue from former crops also enhances the soil's ability to hold moisture, drain excess water...
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
The uneven surface allows better air circulation. A sloped top, created by pyramiding the final layers, sheds snow and rain better than a flat one. Large round bales: Ranging between 500 and 1,800 pounds, these bales are the most economical type for farmers...
Farm-to-Forest Connections
As you learn about and use interesting plants and features of your forest, consider neighbors, friends or skilled craftspeople in your community who might enjoy working with you and using some of what grows on your land.
How To Re-Mediate Pig-Damaged Pastures
Alfalfa Pigs flip sod and root with wild abandon, so it's natural to think of them as power aerators, but a 300-pound animal repeatedly moving over confined areas also poses serious risk of soil compaction to lower layers; higher stocking rates exponentially...
Aquaculture Farming Basics
As far back as a thousand years, the Hawaiian people were practicing aquaculture by constructing fish ponds. Very few outside dangers exist. Faced with the possibility of loosing his entire crop Nat says, “We didn't know what to do so we just ran out...
Infographic: Aquaculture Pond Construction
If done the right way, freshwater fish farming can be a great value-added opportunity for your hobby farm. Tags hobby farm Then pick up the November/December 2011 issue of Hobby Farms for more complete information on starting an aquaculture operation...
3 Forest Forages For Silvopasturing Pigs
Mulberries Marc Haserod/Flickr While acorns and persimmons are mostly cool-weather fruits, mulberries —from the ever-bearing mulberry tree—become available in mid-summer across much of the U.S. Commonly found on the edges of forests, mulberries are...
4 Great Vegetables For Intercropping
This will allow the corn to outcompete the beans and not get overtaken. Usually, this is well-thought-out and in our garden plan, but sometimes these intercrops are admittedly a bit of an on-the-fly decision when the season calls for it or when we see...
Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Even if the recipient is not a gardener, they will love the handmade gifts from your garden.If you are a seed saver, then gifting some of your seeds is a wonderful way to share your harvest.
El Segundo
Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
In southernmost Florida and other tropical zones, this plant is grown outside, and leaflets grow to 12 inches.As mentioned above, these three aralias would be prized specimens for an intermediate gardener.
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
El Segundo
6 Simple Steps to Crop Rotation
Number each plot so you can refer to it easily. This takes some work upfront but will serve you year after year, as you can make notes about germination and yield. Stick to the Plan With all of these details plugged into a chart, you now have a rotational...
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
Differing from traditional organic techniques, though, the Biodynamic farmer improves and sustains soil health through the use of manures and composts produced through specific preparations.
How To Build A Sacrifice Area
There are times of the year that you don't want your animals grazing certain grasses for health or pasture-establishment reasons. Frequency of manure removal will depend on concentration of [animals] housed in the lot.” Depending on the footing you...
The Secrets of Silvopasturing
Give your land dual purpose by grazing livestock among a timber stand—a technique called silvopasturing. A former field engineer for IBM, Evans relocated to Georgia and was receiving a nice income from timber on a family farm he and his wife inherited.