Ohio apple farmers grow familiar varieties, including Cameo, Crispin, Golden Delicious, Rome, Gala, Fuji, Honeycrisp and McIntosh.Cucumbers comprise the state's top vegetable crop.
They might even come in handy during the winter, when I often move hay across snow and ice using a polyethylene sled , and a couple of ratcheting straps should help eliminate the occasions when a sharp turn causes the top bales to topple off the load.
Wild rose hips continue to be an important source of food for Iowa wildlife.The fate of state flowers in Washington State and Montana is interwoven with women's suffrage. Long before women in theof Washington and elsewhere were allowed to vote in national...
First, I positioned radicchio leaves over the dough, making sure they were well-dried after washing. Apples might work in the same way, but my next pizza partner will be very thin, peeled slices of winter squash.
They're extremely versatile boots, good for trekking through wet winter snows but, due to the ankle height, will take you into the spring gardening season. I even find I can get away with wearing them into town for work or errands on days when the weather...
My uncles built homes on open fields and established farming operations on virgin pasture. @naivenelly When we moved in, our county extension agent, a kindly cattleman named Keenan, gifted us an image of the house taken during photography's early days.
If only the decision was that simple. However, when I was looking at battery pack tools, I went with the company promising replacement of the tool and the battery packs. I hate to say how many splitting axe handles my son and I have gone through.
Just a little seasoning goes a long way.The recipes I have consulted for making sun-dried tomatoes all call for garlic (fresh or powdered), salt (sea salt preferred), ground black pepper and/or hot red pepper, and various herbs such as: basil, oregano,...
Rice, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center; Justin R. The losses include migratory and native birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians and many tree and plant species.The Natural Resources Defense Council states "Deforestation trends are serious throughout...
Drizzle with olive oil. If you're feeling ambitious, by all means, make basic bread or pizza dough yourself. Mix together the farmers cheese or ricotta and the yogurt or sour cream.
Can you grow some? “High-tech entertainment offerings to entice diners will grow at restaurants. At UWink in Los Angeles and Mountain View, Calif., customers place food orders at touch screens that do double-duty as video game consoles,” Sirekis writes.
It is a free access forum and available to everyone. We have acreated for the Garden Showcase where you can chat with other users and ask for assistance in using the features. Please explore to your heart's content and start creating your own albums.
Feed intended for laying hens contains too little protein for fast-growing meat chickens. Many commercial feeds already contain calcium and expressly instruct not to feed oyster shell grit.
I enjoy basking in ignorance so if I'm wrong, don't tell me, but I firmly believe that every weed I dispose of keeps two more from coming up later. One strong wind and the biggest flock of blackbirds you ever saw later, combined with the fact our town...
My friends have sent me text messages about their first tomato harvest, emailed me pictures of their zucchini plants, posted images of their favorite flower on Facebook, shared with me a meal of their very first green beans, expressed smiles and frustrations...
Change out incandescent light bulbs with more energy-efficient lighting choices. If the filter looks dirty, change it. Increased energy production to run cooling systems not only raises costs, it also contributes to pollution that adversely affects the...
“We feel like this is an important piece of research to help stave off that threat in the future. The parks department owns 49 percent of the community gardens in New York City. A total of 500 surveys were sent to community gardens throughout New York...
They are easy to make and often recycle old windows. Greenhouses are also endlessly helpful to Rocky Mountain gardeners if they can be errected affordably.I have heard techniques of people surrounding delicate, in ground seedlings such as tomatoes with...
Through the city's new partnership with Recyclebank, local business and brands throughout the city are offering discounts and deals to green-minded residents. Here's how the rewards program works: Each time a neighborhood's recycling is collected, the...
Whole Kids Foundation, in partnership with FoodCorps, is currently accepting online grant applications for its first major initiative: the School Garden Grant Program. As kids see plants growing and coming to life, they'll realize that food doesn't come...
Such as disease. Any vines that are showing foliar symptoms should also be removed. This will help keep infection spread to a minimal. Pierce's disease in grapes is the result of a type of bacteria known as.
Thanksgiving Day might be behind us, but the feelings that the day promotes can (and should) linger year round. It can take a bit of effort to get the tractor and implement into exactly the right position so that the three points of attachment can be...
The remarkable revival of the Heuchera family in recent years can be attributed to the outstanding efforts of Charles Oliver (. 'Bronze Wave' hasn't failed me - with its large wavy, maple shaped leaves and robust habit, it has been an outstanding addition...
When I think about the great grape growing regions, I think about cool or temperate areas of the world, certainly not about growing grapes in zone 9. Some varieties of muscadine grapes include Bullace, Scuppernong, and Southern Fox., grows from California...
Native mostly to Africa, it can be used to treat burns and aid digestion, and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Fresh aloe has a shorter shelf life compared to brand name products. The aloe vera plant's properties don't benefit everyone, especially if you're...
I look forward to working with the combined talents and resources of David Fry, Mark Harris and I-5 to create a media company for tomorrow's content needs,” Ambrose says. In today's increasingly complex media market, a company that can quickly package...
These can include a quality pair of steel-toed boots for working around construction materials, as well as riding boots for those who depend on horses to keep their farms operational.