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Is a Eucalyptus Tree the Same As a Gum Tree?
The nickname describes the scented sap that oozes down the trunk and hardens into gummy clumps.Not all trees that incorporate the name "gum" are Eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are colloquially called gum trees in their native Australia, and the nickname...
Santa Monica
How to Grow a Macadamia Tree From Seed
Plant the seed 1/4 of an inch deep on its side with the ventral suture (the seam on the seed) facing you – not facing up or down.Place the heat mat in a sunny area where the air temperature remains between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Santa Monica
What Plants Live in the Neritic Zone?
Phytoplankton is the largest source of photosynthesis on the plantet and relies on the minerals in the ocean, in a similar fashion to how land-based plants grow in soil.Seaweed, also known as sargasso, is especially common in the Atlantic Ocean.
Santa Monica
A Charming Rat\'s Nest
We could have taken a taxi plane as there is a small airstrip on the island but I favor the slow way and islands are to be discovered from the sea and the slow approaching allows one to progressively get into islander's mood...Let us proceed to disembarkation...
El Segundo
How to Propagate a Puakenikeni Tree From a Branch
Fold the long edge of the plastic over on itself several times before attaching the ends of the bundle to the branch with grafting or electrician's tape. Now added to Hawaiian leis, those highly fragrant flowers originated in northern Australia and the...
Santa Monica
The Name of the Tree with Orange Berries
Northern mountain ash thrives in moist soil and shade to partial shade. A plant should have a trunk at least 3 inches wide and be at least 13 feet tall at maturity to qualify as a tree.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Leptospermum Plants
The Leptospermum is recognized for evergreen leaves that are simple, sharp-tipped, and small. This genus has a very delicate but efficient root system that needs only a little water to survive.
Santa Monica
Dangerous Rainforest Plants
Throughout the 20th century, ricin was weaponized and used in biological warfare.Cowhage, a rainforest legume, has a number of traditional medicinal properties, but its pods and flowers can cause blindness if rubbed in the eyes.The physic nut has a sweet...
Santa Monica
Difference Between Mimosa and Acacia Trees
Plants in the genus Acacia may be called mimosa, wattle, thorn-trees, acacia or prickly Moses.Acacia species grow naturally in the subtropical and tropical parts of the world, mainly in Africa, South America, Polynesia and Australia.
Santa Monica
How to Identify Types of Fig Trees
The Port Jackson fig, also called the rusty fig (Ficus rubiginosa), is distrubuted in California. Weeping figs have oval leaves that are up to 4 inches long, but the edges are undulate, meaning they have dents and curves.
Santa Monica
Staghorn Fern Disease Symptoms
Scales are tricky to detect and hide easily in bark crevices or and leaf axils. Sooty mold is very unattractive and interferes with photosynthesis. The spots spread rapidly if left untreated and can kill the entire plant.
Santa Monica
Palm Tree Facts
If you use a granular fertilizer, work it into the soil around the roots, then water the area well. If individual leaflets branch out on both sides of an axis, like a feather, the leaf is termed pinnate.
Santa Monica
Climbing Plant Identification
These organisms use structures such as trees and rocks to support their twining growth.Climbing plants employ numerous methods to spread structurally.Locating the leaves of a climbing plant can be a great first step to identification.
Santa Monica
What Plants Grow in the Indian Ocean?
This category of plants includes various species of the microscopic, floating and drifting plants of the ocean. Phytoplankton are important as they help to regulate the atmosphere and the overall health of the oceans by absorbing carbon dioxide.Seaweeds...
Santa Monica
Parts of a Sugar Cane Plant
In addition, as the plant matures, it sends down anchor roots that can penetrate the earth between 16 and 22 feet deep. The sheath is the part that circles the stem and makes up about one-third of the leaf.
Santa Monica
A promenade in Kings Park\'s Botanical Garden.
It is known as Western Australian Botanic Garden and indeed offers some 2000 plant species of this State but also species from other Australian States such as Queensland. Visitors can either sit under a large eucalyptus tree and enjoy the view on the...
El Segundo
A Blue and Green City: Perth, Western Australia
The many ponds, lakes and streams welcome the famous black swans (Cygnus atratus) a water-bird from South Western and Eastern Australia which has found its way onto the flag of WA and its coat of arms.
El Segundo
Are Gardenias Annuals or Perennials?
The two main types of gardenias are gardenia jasminoides Ellis and the gardenia thunbergia L.f. Some other types of gardenias are gardenia brighamii, gardenia psidioides, gardenia taitensis, gardenia jasminoides 'plena', and gardenia jasminoides radicans.
Santa Monica
What Does Lavender Taste Like?
Native to the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean, Spain and Portugal, aromatic lavender grows best in stony, sunny locations. Lavender is pungent and highly flavorful. Of dried lavender buds to 3 cups of sugar.
Santa Monica
How to Prune a TI Plant
Working with clean shears will prevent bacteria or disease from spreading from plant to plant.Remove brown, yellow, shriveled or distorted leaves as they appear, as the ti plant will attempt to repair the damaged leaves at the expense of the rest of the...
Santa Monica
Tropical Deciduous Forest Animals & Plants
Large and shaggy, sloth bears are an unusual bear species known for their long hair and white chest markings. Sometimes referred to as tropical dry forests, these ecosystems rely on cyclical drought to precipitate the shedding of leaves.
Santa Monica
Types of Croton Plants
The Andreanum is a 3-feet-tall plant with oval-shaped leaves in hues of copper to red with yellow margins and veins. The Aureo-maculatum is a slow-growing green broad-leafed shrub with yellow dots that reaches heights of 3 to 8 feet.Narrow-leafed crotons...
Santa Monica
The Characteristics of a Water Hyacinth
They can also survive (and thrive) when anchored in mud.Many ornamental garden ponds feature water hyacinths.The water hyacinth is generally found floating upon the surfaces of lakes or growing in muddy areas close to water.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a King Palm
If spider mites are present, you will notice tiny white spots on your palm's leaves. If your King Palm is outdoors, water enough so that small pools form on the surface of the soil.
Santa Monica
Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia.
Citizens of Perth soon began enjoying the park, walking in the shade of the large trees, parading on horseback along the various alleys, having picnics, playing croquet, balls or tennis.
El Segundo
Avocado Tree Zones
The tree is a tropical plant and does not like frost or temperatures under 50 degrees Fahrenheit. These zones are frost-free and have relatively even climates. As of 2010, Australia does not export its avocados to any other country, although a plan to...
Santa Monica
List of Tropical Fruits
There are two kinds of bananas: dessert bananas familiar to most in the grocery stores, and plantains, which are not eaten raw but are cooked, usually deep fried. They have both male and female flowers on the same tree and produce as many as 200 fruits...
Santa Monica