When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every other street) and they fix it, usually for some ridiculously low figure.
I don't even know how many different creeks there are in Rapallo. It's a tank, very seldom breaks and costs almost nothing to fix when it does break. During the rainy season, like now, the creek swells and the waterfall gets nice and big.
So if you're farming without a farm truck, by all means, consider getting one. But setting aside legal technicalities, when I speak of a farm truck, I'm speaking of any automobile that is frequently used in a wide variety of ways to aid with your farming...
Overinflated tires are more easily damaged by potholes or debris in the road. With the rising price of gas, the inevitable news stories will remind us to check our tire pressure to save fuel.
Line the inside with plastic to keep the soil away from the tire walls. One type of container people use all over the world for their container gardens is old tires. Tags container gardening
The amendment would allow all states to exempt farm trucks from federal regulations, such as logging hours of service and performing vehicle inspections, without the state's transportation funding being terminated.
Sway stabilizers help high-profile trailers track straight in high winds. For easy switching, I have one receiver hitch with a 2-inch ball and one with a 2 5/166-inch ball, so that I can swap them out by pulling the pin that holds them in place.
By joining a CSA operation, you “own” a portion of that farm's bounty. You pay one fee upfront, and in return, you receive a weekly share of fresh produce, meat or eggs for the season.
Those are the main things we look for in a feed for our goats. Even with extra in our feed, we routinely need to bolus our herd. Grains The three grains we use in our feed are oats, barley and milo.
The album features goats singing (OK, not quite singing, but you get the idea) traditional Christmas songs, such as “Holy Night,” “Jingle Bells,” “Come All Ye Faithful” and more.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are one of the easiest plants to grow in containers, as they can do well in limited space. Keep the plants upright, so only 1 to 2 inches of the plant shows through.Continue doing this until you have stacked at least three...
Sealants If you prefer a tubeless tire—and many farmers do—sealants can help hold in the air. If you can locate those you should be able to have enough info for your tire source.
Catnip tea is a favorite for any kind of colic in both children or adults. After all the rain we've had, things were a bit out of control out there, and I thought I was never going to catch up.
Instead, the root system becomes very fibrous and well-structured. With a strawberry jar, I can grow more than enough mint right in my garden and still keep it in bounds. Finely chopped mint leaves are also amazing when sprinkled over chunks of fresh...
Arm Circles This yoga pose offers a warmup to loosen the upper body, giving mobility to shoulders, releasing the neck and reversing the rounding of the back that occurs while doing things such as harvesting and weeding.
Requirements vary from species to species and state to state, so check with your vet to know what IDs and papers your animals need. If you make your own truck-bed hauler, make it stout! And always add a roof—you'd be surprised how high we can jump when...
Bring home a plant that you previously knew nothing about. To make room, there's the winter Polka Dot Sale! The remaining plants had been fairly well picked over. A woman holding a hot pink bromeliad gave me a hot tip: Put the plant in a plastic bag with...
Often times, the strong rootstock also produces more vigorous plants with higher yields. Summer squash varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew include: Multipik (yellow straight neck) Revenue (zucchini) Winter squash varieties include: Bugle (butternut)...
With its tires back to their optimum pressure levels, my yard cart returned to its peak form, easily rolling across the ground even when weighed down by similar loads. I actually encountered a perfect example just a few days ago.
Planting in squash rings is a great alternative that also cuts down on weeding and watering, too. In between the rings, I always mulch with a few inches of shredded leaves or straw.
Can all be found "dirt" cheap.If you are careful with a watering can the holes may not be needed, just remember that without drainage there is a greater possibility of roots rotting.
In contrast, large air compressors—which have tanks of air that let them avoid running constantly—can handle large tires in addition to tasks other than inflating tires. Having the ability to plug in an air compressor and quickly refill tires that...
I recently planted the gorgeous variegated 'Imperial Banner' (shown below right) in a dark spot of my front yard and it really lit up the space. If, like me, you get a little tired of "Mum Overkill" around this time of year, know that there's a toad which...
I had a blast during our week together! Tired of mosquitoes and weeds and summer garden chores? Alternatively, you can make a snake from your central color and roll the other layers around it, one by one, making an increasingly fat clay cylinder.
I don't know how many roads I travelled when I first moved out here,searching areas that were low and damp looking. I haven't yet resorted to pitching a tent in the swamp, but have thought about it.Harvest the new shoots when they are only an inch or...
It saves on labor to pot up the plants and eliminates the need for those pesky plastic containers. Some of us even made an emergency trip to the Dollar Store for some sweatshirts! We loaded our wagons with many varieties of plants, while snapping pictures...
Still others burn them in the drainage ditches along the roadway in front of their homes, or barren spaces among the trees, filling the subdivision with the heavy smoke.I intended to place the statistics (numbers) for the toxins released when burning...