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Italian Farm Trucks
There is one wheel in front and two wheels in the rear. That honor would go to the little three wheeled scooter trucks called Ape (Ah-Pee). I realize I've already lied about trucks.
My Farm Truck
He didn't even want me to unload the sacks, and proceeded to thread and connect a new clutch cable. The whole incident made me lose less than a half hour's time. Sound like trouble?
My Waterfall and My Truck
I have a friend who volunteered to help me move, and he has a regular-sized truck. I lived in Las Vegas for 15 years before moving here, and I still get a big kick out of living on a creek and a five-minute walk from the beach.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
The only requirements in my mind are that the vehicle must be able to carry a large load in the back (so a truck or a large van is great) and it must be able to pull a trailer. Although tractors (and lately, ATVs and UTVs ) tend to take the spotlight...
Should You Take A Chance On A Brand New Farmers Market?
Other red flags can include market fees if exorbitant, the market hours, and the season start and end dates. Decide if you want to stick with a tried-and-true farmers market or the new one in town.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Farmers who transport their product outside the state should be exempted from some regulatory burdens, just like other farmers who don't live near state borders.” Kent Bacus, NCBA's associate director of legislative affairs echoes Johnson's sentiments.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Receiver hitches do, however, put the tongue weight behind the rear axle, which tends to lift the front wheels. Add-on Options There are a few add-on options you might consider when getting a truck.
Local CSAs
Riverhead, NY 11931 Arrangements: Pickup at MTA Transit Community Garden at Smith St. and 2nd Place, 10 a.m. -12 p.m. Saturdays Central Brooklyn CSA 212-825-0028 Arrangements: Pickup at Hebron SDA...
How I Plan To Use My New Ratcheting Straps
Thanks to a large collection of Scotch pine trees that have reached the end of their lifespan, hardly a year goes by without one of these pines coming down in a storm, which leads to a lot of cleanup work.
Springtime, Summertime, Autumn, Wintertime - Dreamtime: State Flowers
(see table below and my article:Maine's state "flower" is not a flower at all, and is composed of two plant parts instead of just one: the white pine's tassel and its cone (see table below).
El Segundo
His & Hers Winter Boots: A Side-By-Side Comparison
Of the three boots, these were the only ones that had a noticeably soft inner lining, which felt rather luxurious. Fortunately, that's a trade-off I can live with. Hers: Evelyn If you're looking for a sturdy shoe, the Evelyn won't disappoint.
All Farms Have History — Even If It\'s You Who Starts It
When you choose to tend a piece of land in exchange for sustenance, you're participating in a tradition that's thousands of years old. It's a connection to history. The home itself is history.
Buying Tools: Lifetime Guarantees
He makes a good point. Mine was to call the company. As I mentioned last week , a blog reader commented on comparing guarantees when considering which of two brands to buy. Countless tools get thrown away each year because a battery pack is no longer...
Traveling with Livestock
Livestock carriers, like goat totes, are perfect for hauling livestock in a truck. Straw works better than shavings and a thick blanket or two is better yet. If it's cold or wet, wrap the top, front and sides with a plastic tarp; tie it securely so it...
How to Make Sunless-Dried Tomatoes
Of dried.In an 8 oz. Our ancestors worked very hard to preserve their harvests without the aide of refrigerators, freezers, canners, or chemicals. (half-pint) jar of sun-dried tomatoes, there is roughly 6 pounds of fresh tomatoes.I slice the round tomatoes...
El Segundo
Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
Native and migratory birds are choosing not just any coffee plantations but those where the coffee plants grow under a canopy of native and diverse trees. Ward, Natural Resources Defense Council.
El Segundo
Fiddleheads, one of the first forest delicacies to emerge in the spring. Feeling right proud of myself, I hightailed it out of there. As soon as we started thinking Mothers Day, Dad would pile us kids into his truck and we would scan our favourite swamps,...
El Segundo
The Numbers of Leaves
Cornell Waste Management Institute. When we moved into our present home fifteen years ago, the first thing I fell in love with was the mature grove of pin oaks, dogwoods, hickory, and maples that were on, and around, the property.
El Segundo
Welcome to the Garden Showcase
It can even search for specific plants! Share your gardens, or gardens you find interesting on Facebook, Pinterest and other social media applications.This image shows a sample Garden Showcase page with tagged plants.
El Segundo
Old Patio, New Patios
Work has begun on our new patio. So a friend, her father and I spent five hours yesterday lifting the pavers, stacking them in the tractor cart and loading them into her truck. We have a long way to go on the project, but just having it underway feels...
Choosing The Right Chicken Feed
Feed intended for laying hens contains too little protein for fast-growing meat chickens. Depending on your location and what's available in your area, manufacturers might use slightly different terminology on their feed bags or have varying advice on...
Confessions of a Compulsive Weeder
I learned this lesson in 2006 when my columbine didn't come back.2) Do not plant seeds directly in the ground. Knee pads might be in order someday, but for now the rule is only gloves.
El Segundo
The addition of eggs made all the difference. If you use a fruit in your bread, or prefer fruit in the sauce, then add with butter and flavoring.Quite often I prefer pear sauce, it is a gentle sauce, particularly if you use a brandy flavor.
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“The Mobile Market … not only serves as a physical link between farmers and the areas that lack food access, but it is [also] a visual representation of the better food and nutrition movement that helps raise awareness every time it hits the streets,”...
Garden Philosophy
It stems from all my friends who have become brand new gardeners in the last year or two. Listening to my ‘new garden' friends ask why something didn't work, reminds me that I should be asking myself the same.
7 Summer Energy-savings Tips
Pull the curtains and shades closed before you leave your home to keep the sun's rays from overheating the interior of your home. If you have a programmable thermostat, program it to work around your family's summer schedule—set it a few degrees higher...
NYC Community Gardens Hit the Map
A brand-new online map,, launched in December 2010, to allow users to […] “A decade ago, we had very poor, if any, information about community gardens,” explains Lenny Librizzi, assistant director of open space greening for GrowNYC,...