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Is an Apple a Citrus Fruit?
Apples are not citrus fruits. These fruits are typically fleshy and have a sweet flavor. The apple is the best-known example, but other examples include pears and loquats.Lemons (Citrus liman), limes (Citrus aurantifalia), oranges (Citrus sinensis), grapefruits...
Santa Monica
What Color of Light Do Plants Absorb?
Carotenoids absorb much of the light blue and green light, reflecting lighter green, yellow, orange and red light.For green plants that mainly use chlorophyll to absorb light, blue light helps leaves to grow, while red light together with blue light helps...
Santa Monica
What to Do to Stop Plants From Leaking Water on the Floor
Most plants only require water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Drainage keeps plants healthier by preventing soil from becoming too wet. Set the basket in the sink and water soil thoroughly.
Santa Monica
4 Cast Iron Kitchen Accessories
But while cast iron skillets and Dutch ovens continue to provide us with tasty meals and foster our pioneering spirit, there are other cast iron items that can make great additions to your kitchen, as well.
What Does the Corsage Symbolize?
The flowers chosen are often symbolic to the cause as well as the ribbons used to decorate the corsage.The corsage is a remembrance of the occasion. They identify people in a group, show a person's convictions, honor someone and compliment the attire...
Santa Monica
Can I Grow My Own Yerba Mate?
This herb is primarily used to make a stimulating tea -- and is of economic and cultural importance in the countries that grow it.Traditionally, dry yerba-mate leaves are placed into a hollowed-out gourd cup, hot water is added and the leaves are steeped.
Santa Monica
15 Accessories For Your Chicken Coop
Coop Decor Chicken coops don't have to just be functional; they can also add to your farm's overall style with keeping your flock safe and sound. So you've launched into your very own chicken-keeping adventure.
What Are the Functions of Seeds in a Plant?
When plants moved onto land, water wasn't always present for gamete transfer. Endosperm can contain carbohydrates, fats or proteins. The all-time winner for seed longevity is sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera).
Santa Monica
How to Create a Fairy Garden
Put dollhouse furniture, such as wooden chairs or a bench, in front of the birdhouse. Stick the gazing ball next to the pond. Almost any size container will work, but choose one large enough to fit your desired plants and fairy accessories.Pick out plants...
Santa Monica
Garden-House Style: Bringing Outdoor Furniture and Garden Accessories Inside
Old-time garden furniture and plant stands can be as charming and functional in the home as they are outside. Don't throw out that old wooden ladder. Even an old window frame has a place in the garden-style home.
Use Uniform Screws To Save Time & Effort
This means you'll need many different drill bits on hand to avoid encountering a screw type you can't handle while you're far out in a field somewhere. I like projects that can be completed smoothly and efficiently, which means that having the right tools...
Local CSAs
264 East Pinetown (Yeatesville), NC 252-943-3116 Oregon Rising Stone Farm Portland, OR 97213 503-916-9576 Arrangements: Pickup Pennsylvania Greensgrow Farms 2501 East Cumberland St. Philadelphia, PA 19125 215-380-4355
Take Advantage of Free Compost
You'll have to do a careful inspection to be sure it's fully composted and perhaps ask a few questions if you are concerned about what was used to make it, but around here, it's usually a good-quality product—and the price certainly can't be beat.
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
Having this type of cart expands your riding mower from a mere lawn maintenance machine to a mini-tractor that can transport supplies and materials around the farm. Because they're small, you can squeeze them into a corner of the garage, out of sight...
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Too much tongue weight can make the steering dangerously squirrely and cause the headlights to shine into the eyes of oncoming drivers, even when on the low-beam setting. Extended mirrors provide better visibility around the trailer.
Build A Better Barn For Your Farm
If aesthetics and resale value are high priorities, a raised center-aisle design makes a gracious statement and offers functionality that takes advantage of natural light and airflow.
Ladybug Love
There are many informative websites that offer detailed information and materials specifically for teaching children about ladybug lifecycles.Thumbnail art: Wikipedia GNU Free Documentation License.
El Segundo
The Numbers of Leaves
When we moved into our present home fifteen years ago, the first thing I fell in love with was the mature grove of pin oaks, dogwoods, hickory, and maples that were on, and around, the property.
El Segundo
Hand-y Watering in the Garden - Hoses and Et-cetera!
But if someone wants to sell you a hose that is guaranteed not to kink, and they will replace it free if it does, by all means consider buying it!One other item is that you will see hoses rated as for hot water, for drinking water, and for landscape or...
El Segundo
Workshop In Progress
Next week … the cleaning! << More Shop Talk >> Tags garage , garden tools , Jim Ruen , workshop Our 8- by 12-foot garden shed will soon be my workshop. I took advantage of the move to scrub the spades and post-hole digger of accumulated dirt in preparation...
Upcycled T-Shirt Headband
Best of all, this easy little accessory takes less than 5 minutes to make, leaving more time for all that summer fun. Step 2 Lay those strips in an X, with one on top of the other.
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Cross the left side to the front of the carrier cords and under the right side, and the right side behind and through the loop. (left-handed people do the opposite) what you will end up with is a coiled rope down the whole group of cords.
El Segundo
Recipe for CSA Success
The CSA subscriptions are […] Once a year, he prepares a farm fresh dinner for sulbscribers. “As far as our guests go, I guess it might help keep us on their brains a little more if they are dropping by the restaurant every week to pick up their CSA...
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
Two of our balers, the New Holland Model 565 and John Deere's Model 328, are configured in the traditional manner: The baler operates offset to the right side of the tractor with the hay wagon trailing behind the baler.
The Standard Flower Show -- Combination Plantings
Accessories may be such items as rocks, pathways, driftwood, figurines, etc. Does the exhibit follow the size requirement, and any other schedule limitations?Are plants and accessories well placed?
El Segundo
When Less Will Do
That said, there's an awful lot you can do with less. I often thought about getting a replacement but always in the midst of a job. I am a sucker for the tools section of any hardware or big-box store.
Accessorize Your Garden
This day and age, however, there are countless types of statuary to purchase for accessorizing your garden. If you desire gardens which are, not only lovely to wander through in the cool of the eve, but also reflect a particular ambiance then adding a...
El Segundo