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Best Phlox Varieties

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Growing Night Phlox Plants: Information On Night Phlox Care
If so, night phlox plants, also called Midnight Candy, are a good companion for other plants growing there.This South African native is an heirloom plant, botanically calledin your home landscape, this annual phlox is easy to include.
Phlox Vs. Thrift Plants: Why Is Phlox Called Thrift And What Is Thrift
And why is phlox called thrift, but only sometimes? The other plant that goes by the name “thrift” is, and it's actually a genus of plants that are in no way related to phlox. It is a low growing, creeping perennial that is frequently used for groundcover.
Managing Dried Out Phlox Plants: Why Is My Phlox Yellow And Dry
Large patches of pink, white, purple or blue creeping phlox are a cheery sight in spring when most other plants are just waking up from their winter slumber. Phlox plants also prefer slightly acidic soil and may not perform well in soils that are too...
Moss Phlox Paints a Pretty Picture
Treat if necessary.While these maintenance practices may be needed in a highly visible place in the garden, moss phlox can last for years in thin, sandy or poor soil where the sun beats down relentlessly during the summer and the cold of winter covers...
El Segundo
Creeping Phlox Planting Instructions: Tips For Growing Creeping Phlox
Creeping phlox blooms in spring and produces long, spreading stems, which become woody with age.These thicker growths cease to produce flowers over time and may be cut out of the plant to encourage the newer, softer stems that do bloom.
Taking Creeping Phlox Cuttings: How To Grow Creeping Phlox From Cuttings
Creeping phlox cuttings root after a few months, readily providing new plants almost effortlessly. Cuttings of creeping phlox do not require a pre-treatment ofbefore planting, but it may speed up the process.
Drummond\'s Phlox Plants: Tips For Annual Phlox Care In Gardens
Keep moderately moist as the seedlings mature. The seeds germinate in just 10 to 30 days and provide spring blooms sometimes into early summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The colors can vary from...
Pass-along Perennials: Tough Plants You\'ll Treasure
Recently, I brought a big pot of it back to North Carolina and installed it in Mom's new semi-formal garden bed.Geraniums are easy to propagate. She loved flowers, but her mother-in-law's vegetable garden hadn't allowed much room for "foolishness." Her...
El Segundo
Where do New Plant Varieties Come From?
Determined to "transform western gardening by cultivating and growing beautiful blooming perennials, native & ornamental grasses and unique cacti & succulents," his business attracted such a fan base that he founded a mail order company in 1993 called...
El Segundo
Identifying Wildflowers: Wild Blue Phlox; Phlox divaricata
If a stream or creek runs nearby, chances are pretty good that there will be a few in the area. Many cultivated plants can trace their 'roots' to common roadside wildflowers and gardeners often assume that the wild or native form is simply an escapee...
El Segundo
How to Prune Phlox
After thinning the plant, grasp the tip of each stem between your thumb and forefinger, and pinch it off right above the topmost growing bud. Phlox is especially prone to fungal problems, which easily spread from plant to plant when good garden hygiene...
Santa Monica
Dwarf Magnolia Varieties
Baby Grand produces large, fragrant white flowers in spring and summer. Plant in full sun and water weekly. Magnolias can grow well over 50 feet tall and nearly as wide. Many homeowners pass up magnolias because of the trees' size, however.
Santa Monica
Sweetest Peach Varieties
This productive peach variety is self-fertile.Elberta is a common variety prized for its sweet flavor and large fruit size. The trees are typically quite productive and self-fertile, so only one is needed.Red Globe produces very large fruits that are...
Santa Monica
Parthenocarpic Cucumber Varieties
There are many varieties of parthenocarpic cucumbers among all hybrid cucumber classes.Cucumbers are easy to grow on trellises in the garden.Parthenocarpic cucumbers are hybrid plants that have been bred with emphasis on the incompletely dominant gene...
Santa Monica
Dwarf Oleander Varieties
The bright orange oleander caterpillar can eat much of the foliage of an oleander plant. Do not burn parts of the plant because the smoke is also toxic. They will tolerate wind and salt spray.
Santa Monica
Cypress Tree Varieties
According to the University of Florida, bald cypress trees can live up to 600 years. The bald cypress is a very slow growing tree, so it is not used by the lumber industry.The Leyland cypress is a hybrid tree that is created from the Monterey cypress...
Santa Monica
Boutique Pumpkin Varieties
Many types are used as a source of edible seeds. “These types of pumpkins draw crowds and give people something unique to take home,” says Danny Neel, marketing specialist with the USDA and an advisor to the Virginia Pumpkin Growers' Association.
Unusual Allium Varieties
Welch Onion Also called the Japanese bunching onion, this allium variety does not make typical round-shaped onion bulbs but rather a bunch of scallion-like shoots. Egyptian Onion Also called the tree onion, this allium wins the prize for the most unusual...
How to Deadhead Phlox
Cut 1/4 inch above the bud that is forming immediately beneath the spent flower cluster.Cut off the entire flower spike once all the buds have bloomed and there are no new buds forming along the stem.
Santa Monica
Understanding Koi Varieties
Mutts are just as beautiful to water gardeners!So long as you enjoy your koi, it doesn't matter what they look like or which category they fall under. Of course that doesn't make these fish any less valuable or beautiful in the home water garden.
El Segundo
Snowball Bush Varieties
Trilobum – is a sun-loving shrub that grows to approximately 12 feet, presents flattened, white flower clusters, and has maple-like leaves that turn red in the fall. Burkwood viburnum – v.
Santa Monica
When to Trim Phlox After Blooming?
Dead flower heads are also unattractive and can attract pests to nest on the plant. Immediate trimming may also lead to a second set of flowers. You can prune up until late summer, but the foliage grows lusher and the plants look less unkempt if they...
Santa Monica
Hosta Varieties in Florida
Like other hosta varieties, the Big Boy is extremely shade tolerant and does well when planted in shady areas and under large trees. Florida, with its nearly year-round sun and warm weather, can be an ideal place for certain varieties of hostas.
Santa Monica
Florida Pine Tree Varieties
The trunk and branches of the sand pine are often twisted.The shortleaf pine is found in natural stands in northern Florida and mixed hardwood stands. The pines serve several purposes in Florida including for wildlife habitat and commercially for lumber,...
Santa Monica
Understanding Christmas Tree Varieties
The white spruce, native to Alaska and Canada, has green branches with a white tint, making it look snow-covered.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The Norway spruce tree is the best type of Christmas tree...
Varieties of Eucalyptus Trees
Both types grow in USDA zones 7a through 10b.Some eucalyptus varieties have both fans and detractors. An shorter tree, bushy yate (Eucalyptus conferruminata) grows from 10 to 25 feet tall in USDA zones 9a through 10b.Shrub varieties of eucalyptus, also...
Santa Monica
Lettuce Varieties to Try
You could incorporate it into an ornamental bed if you wanted. Tags lettuce varieties I use it as both baby greens and fully headed, and enjoy its tender, sweet flavor right out of the garden.