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Nurture Forage Pastures This Year
Look at the well-being of the crop as it grows. A basic test should cover all of these elements. Control perennial broadleaf weeds. “Do a good job of scouting. Reduce competition to young seedlings by grazing growth of established forages or by hay...
4 Myths About Pastured Poultry
This is where our grains come into play. “The feeding of organic grain can actually make a price point that the consumer wouldn't be able to afford. A farmer might feed a ration to his pastured poultry that does not contain animal proteins or byproducts,...
Why Pastured Pigs Are Better
Grassfed, grass-finished, cage-free, free-range: Does any of this even mean anything? Furthermore, pastured pigs raised without unnecessary antibiotics carry a much higher value for customers who want, and are willing to pay for, meat farmed this way.
Introducing Horses to Spring Pasture
In general, spring pasture quality will be different from the late growing season or winter pasture. Early spring grass is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates (energy). Generally, more mature grass has more stem and less nutritional value.
How to Grow Cool-season Pastures
Stock Up on Forage Stockpiling fescue can extend the grazing season up to 60 days, according to Gary Bates, PhD, forage specialist with the University of Tennessee. “It will lose some quality over the winter, but research has shown that the protein...
3 Forages For Pasture-Raised Chickens
Knowing what the chickens are really after in their forages helps you to plant forage types that are most beneficial to them. (A quick chicken anatomy lesson: These birds are mono-gastric, meaning they have one stomach that is not designed to ferment...
5 Steps To Healthier Cattle Pastures
Control grass and weed competition. As the soil freezes and thaws, the seeds become covered, though this method does not work well with alfalfa. Whether you raise dairy or beef cattle, the food you provide for them—i.e., the nutritional quality of your...
How To Raise Goats On Pasture
Most goats are less susceptible to copper toxicity than sheep. Tree prunings are great, as are kitchen scraps and produce leftovers. If you've got a hillside full of poison ivy, wild honeysuckle, briars and whatnot, your goats will be in heaven.
How To Re-Mediate Pig-Damaged Pastures
Clover , like alfalfa, is a common pasture legume, though it's considered superior in nutrition—there's a reason for the old adage, “Happy as pigs in clover.” Of all the clover varieties available, lardino—a white clover up to four times larger...
Extend Your Grazing Time With Seasonal Pastures
It was more than their conversational brilliance that made me long for a bovine presence in my life—I wanted buckets of fresh milk and grass-finished steak on the dining table whenever possible, and the distinct challenge of effectively pasturing large-scale...
Pasture-based Dairies in Southeast Seek Improvement
To help pasture-based dairies in the Southeast succeed, the University of Georgia is compiling technical knowledge and has set up a peer-farmer network. For years, the rising cost of energy and feed, along with tightening credit, have forced droves of...
Pasture Your Poultry With This DIY Chicken Tractor
Essentially a portable chicken run, a chicken tractor is a simple structure that is wired off to protect the chickens but still offers some form of shade. Step 2 Daniel Johnson Assemble two ends by using a chop saw or circular saw to modify the remaining...
Free-Range Vs. Pastured Poultry: What\'s The Difference?
By providing an area outside the coop that is fenced or netted in, you mitigate the risk of mortality from predators , which is the most common cause of mortality for poultry raised outdoors, based on our lab research.
Poultry Science: The Benefits Of Rotating On Pasture
Furthermore, grasses over 8 inches tall are not ideal because grass that is too mature and tough lacks nutritional benefits and becomes more difficult for chickens to digest. While it's important to experiment and develop a rotational system that works...
A Guide To Poisonous Plants In The Pasture
Common offenders are sorghum-Sudan grass (the No. 1 nitrate poisoner of cattle and sheep in Minnesota), followed by corn and weeds, such as redroot pigweed and lamb's-quarters, according to University of Minnesota Extension.
7 Fast-Growing Shade Trees For Your Pasture
The green ash's 2- to 4-inch leaves are a showy gold in the fall, and it has large surface roots. Zone: 5-9A Height: 80-100 feet Width: 30-50 feet, maintaining a fairly narrow, oval-shaped crown even at extreme heights Growth per year: 3 feet Culture:...
Picking Sprayer Pumps and Nozzle Tips
Peter DeHaan, applications engineer for TeeJet Technologies, warns that acid content in spray products can also speed spray-tip deterioration. Options include solid stream, flat fan, dual outlet, air induction and other variations.
4 Pastured Poultry Problems—And How To Avoid Them
Soil Erosion Soil erosion can be thwarted with some preventative measures, such as planting grasses along with other varieties of forage, as mentioned above. The Key To Pastured Poultry Management Part of pasture management is allowing a space to rest.
17 Pastured Pig Breeds To Raise For Flavorful Pork
Spotted hogs are large, fast-maturing, easygoing pigs that produce lean, tasty pork on less feed than most other breeds. Mulefoot hogs are lard pigs, so they fatten easily and produce such succulent, well-marbled, red pork that they're listed on the Ark...
Use a Solar-Powered Portable Electric Fence to Pasture Your Pigs
I'm not sure whether it mounts to the energizer support box or not, because I like to hang my energizers from a t-post so I can easily glance at the strength indicator lights to determine whether the fence is working or I need to go find a mound of soil...
How I Use (A Lot Of) Hoses To Deliver Water To Pastures
Instead, I use hoses (and a lot of them!) strung together to deliver water to my pastures. Hose nozzles: Where each hose comes to an end near a bucket or trough, you'll likely want a nozzle to control the flow of water.
How To Spot & Treat Goat Parasites
Causes Lice, mites and ticks are more serious problems in the winter when the host animal has a thick undercoat and longer hair, or on fiber-producing breeds, such as Angora goats .
How To Find A Responsibly Raised Turkey
Further setting apart heritage-breed birds from commercial-breed birds, the heritage meat is a darker color, and the birds tend to be smaller, which, March points out, can lead to less waste.
Control Poison Hemlock Early
In the past, it was typically found along roadways, abandoned lots, fencerows and other non-cropland sites. Poisoning symptoms include nervousness, trembling, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, pupil dilation, coma and eventually death from respiratory...
Solve The Deworming Dilemma
Using their “Lookup” function, you can learn what dosage to use for a drug, as well as what the milk and meat withdrawal time is, which can vary based upon the dosage and whether you give a drug orally, topically or as an injection.
Grazing the Surface: Managed Grazing
By managing your animals' grazing, you ensure a grass-covered pasture, lower feed costs and improved health for the herd. Just because your animals live outdoors doesn't mean you're off the hook for manure removal.
Turn Your Property Into A Prairie
Eight-foot-tall stands of switchgrass, Indiangrass and big bluestem grow here. The causes of the 1930s Dust Bowl can be traced back to the Great Plow-Up in the decades preceding this miserable time in America.