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My Lilies\' Leaves Are Turning Yellow
If you suspect your indoor lily is trying to go dormant, reduce watering for six to eight weeks, at which point the plant should resume typical growth.Too much or too little of this natural resource can cause leaf yellowing.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Kalanchoe
A succulent that grows 6 to 18 inches tall and wide, kalanchoe grows best in dry, bright conditions. Caring for kalanchoe involves feeding it with a fertilizer that promotes flowering, and careful watering.Kalanchoe flowers are yellow, pink, orange, salmon...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Oriental Lilies Indoors
By growing flower bulbs indoors, you get to enjoy the feeling of summertime during the dull, cold winter months. Make sure the temperature does not go over 75 degrees.When the Oriental lilies have faded, deadhead them.
Santa Monica
How to Split a Giant White Bird of Paradise Plant
For best results, only divide mature giant white bird of paradise plants that have been blooming for at least three years.Remove your potted giant white bird of paradise plant from its planting container and examine its root clumps, also called rhizomes.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Phalaenopsis Orchids
Water in the morning with tepid water, and do not let the roots stand in the water or let water accumulate above the orchid's crown. Still nurtured by the mother plant, the keiki will grow roots into the growing medium.
Santa Monica
Description of the Yellow Bell Flower
Leaf blades are whorled and grow to a length between 4 and 8 inches. It will also cascade over the sides of a hanging basket. The Allamanda is not to be confused with Tecoma stans or the Fritillaria pudica, which are referred to commonly as "yellowbells."The...
Santa Monica
Spider Mites on White Gardenias
Blossoming may become stunted or non-existent in a severe infestation.Spider mite infestation occurs year-round indoors, as well as outdoors during the hot, dry summer months. It will not tolerate a temperature that dips below 50 degrees F.
Santa Monica
Different Kinds of Long-Stem Flowers
For example, the variety "Dolly Parton" (Rosa "Dolly Parton") is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9. Perennial in USDA zones 8 through 11 and grown as an annual elsewhere, it produces tall stems that can reach a height of 5 feet with delicate flower clusters...
Santa Monica
Gardenia Flowers Turning Brown
Do not let the gardenia sit in water, however. Stick your finger 1 to 2 inches into the soil. If the reading is above a 4 on a scale from 1 to 10, then you should not water. The best way to tell if you're watering your gardenia properly is to get a moisture...
Santa Monica
Is Kalanchoe Poisonous to Cats?
Initial symptoms may include depression, excessive salivation and stomach disorders such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. The Pet Poison Hotline warns that hydrogen peroxide will not help your cat vomit, it will cause salivating and mouth foaming.Try to...
Santa Monica
Why Does My Soil Smell Bad?
Rain may be enough to keep outdoor plants properly watered.Dampening outdoor soil then squeezing it in your hand will help you determine whether the soil is dense or loose. Mix a 2- to 4-inch-thick layer of compost or another organic material, such as...
Santa Monica
White Powder Fungus on a Peace Lily
As the infection worsens, the white fuzzy spots spread until the plant looks like you've dusted it with flour. Of water also kills powdery mildew without harming the lily. When it first appears, you'll see a few white specks on the upper side of the leaves.
Santa Monica
How Often Do Aloe Vera Plants Flower?
Aloe will not bloom until it is fully mature, which happens at about four years of age. Occasionally these house plants may produce flowers if they receive a great deal of sunlight, but most will not.Aloe Vera is a native of Africa and thrives in hot...
Santa Monica
Why Won\'t My Bird of Paradise Plant Flower?
For that reason, refrain from disturbing your plant once it is in place, or it may need to start the establishment period all over again.When setting a bird of paradise in the ground or a pot, make sure that you, as that also may delay flowering.
Santa Monica
How Do Lily Plants Reproduce?
Whether orange, pink or yellow, lilies (Lilium spp.) capture the eye with their vibrant colors and trumpet shapes. Lily seeds range from easy to difficult to germinate depending on the species.
Santa Monica
How Long Do the Flowers on an Anthurium Plant Last?
If you live in a tropical climate you may grow an anthurium in a shady area outdoors.A large number of anthurium species exists. This plant also needs porous, well-draining soil and proper fertilization to produce the maximum number of blooms.Anthurium...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Morning Glories
Adding compost to the soil is helpful at the time of planting, but over-fertilized morning glories will produce more vines than flowers.Morning glories appreciate moist soil, but will rot if overwatered.
Santa Monica
How Cold Can Impatiens Get?
They, too, are usually killed once tissues are frozen at 32 degrees.Don't plant impatiens outdoors until the last expected spring frost date passes. Cover the plants with an old bedsheet or frost-cloth to retain ground heat and prevent plant damage.
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
Once established, plants need little water; homeowners should only water them about once a month or so, and keep their drip trays emptied. The flowers emit a light, floral scent that can fill a room and make it smell fresh year-round.Hoyas--also known...
Santa Monica
Society Garlic Plant Care
Snails and slugs will crawl underneath these traps and you can scrape them off.A 4-inch-tall barrier of copper screen or flashing or a band of ash 4 inches wide and 1 inch high will block them.Chickens, geese or ducks will eat snails and slugs, but they...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Echium
If you wish to control their self-seeding, don't forget to prune off stalks of faded flowers before they make pods. Harvest those cuttings either in the early morning or late afternoon, severing each one just below a leaf node and dipping your pruning...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Moss Roses in the Winter
Its scientific name is Portulaca grandiflora and the flowers have an interesting habit of not opening on cloudy or rainy days. Keep the roots dry and water only every two weeks or when the soil is dry to the touch at a depth of 2 inches.
Santa Monica
How Long Do Forget-Me-Nots Bloom?
The flowers prefer moist soil. In dry, hot conditions, the flowers may not bloom when expected or for as long as expected. Forget-me-nots will grow and flower in full sunlight or full shade.
Santa Monica
How to Care For an Anthurium
Planting anthurium seeds will take from two to five years to yield a flowering anthurium. Known for their bright, heart-shaped flowers, anthurium can't tolerate direct sun but thrive with proper drainage in bright, indirect sunlight.
Santa Monica
How Long Does It Take for a Daisy to Grow?
For the larger varieties, this can mean growth of several inches per week.Pinch or clip off the leading stem of the plant when it is about 8 inches tall. Deadheading the flowers after the bloom is complete promotes continued blooming.Daisies can be propagated...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Bird of Paradise From Seed
With mature heights varying from 3 to 30 feet, birds of paradise plants () have flowers that resemble birds' heads. If you apply any mulch, keep it off the plants' centers and at least 2 to 3 inches from their outer stems.Continue to fertilize the bird...
Santa Monica
Bells-of-Ireland: A Lucky Charm for Your Garden
For such a tall plant, bells-of-Ireland matures relatively quickly and will reliably produce stalks from the middle of summer to frost.You can encourage the height of the stalks by watering and fertilizing the plants regularly.
El Segundo