Golden lilyturf is a stellar performer in both full shade and partial shade locations.are delicate little plants that make excellent borders or mass plantings and can be used as ground cover in shade locations.Variegated river oats has arching foliage...
Allow the pot to dry out between watering to a depth of several inches unless you are growing a water loving species or marginal grass.Caring for potted grasses involves fertilizing them once per year at the start of the growing season.Every two years...
The plume is the plant's version of a flower and produces seed. Ornamental grass plumes provide texture, sound and motion to the home landscape. To correct an issue of no plumes on ornamental grass due to too much nitrogen, offset it with some high phosphorus...
The silvery blue/green foliage dominates in full sun locations., is a common addition to many landscapes, and while it doesn't get that large, the variegated green with yellow striped plants can add that extra bit of pizzazz you're looking for in the...
During a drought, they will go dormant if not watered; this is not fatal, but the resulting brown foliage is not attractive. Some popular cool season grasses are:grasses do not begin growth until soil and air temperature have stabilized.
Graceful swirls of handsomely variegated leaves, green with a central yellow stripe, form neat, rounded clumps and are fully evergreen in the South and partially so in more northerly areas.
Three hundred million years ago, the Equisetums were part of an extensive phylum of plants (Calamophyta) containing many genera. Many designers grow it in their gardens so that the stems are always available.
‘Nana') is a Japanese plant that has charmed the gardens of the world. This is the more difficult of dwarf mondo grass propagation.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Harvest seeds yourself and plant immediately.
This allows for easy, even cutting of all the leaves.Cut the blades when the plant is dormant, either at the end of the season or just before new growth arrives. If water is still standing half an hour later, you will need to remove the plant and amend...
Disease issues are fungal and form during wet, warm periods. Plants are light green in full sun but deeper green in shade. Remove any weeds as they appear and keep the area moist in the dry season.
Are popular in gardening and landscaping because they are easy to grow and provide a unique look you can't achieve with flowers and annuals. This grass grows naturally in wooded areas and meadows, so if you have the right environment for bottlebrush grass,...
Zebra ornamental plants have long arching leaves with appealing stripes across the width, like dappled foliage in the sun. Work inor leaf litter to a depth of at least 6 inches prior to installing the plant.
You'll need to wear leather gloves, long pants and a long sleeve shirt to avoid getting cut.Pampas grass pruning is much easier when you have proper tools for the job. You may have seen people burning off the remaining stubs, but you'll get healthier...
Plants that are grown in hot climates benefit from protection from midday sun. A fountain grass turning white is the plant's response to the cool temperatures as it readies itself to slumber until warm season temperatures return.Any of the other varieties...
Citronella grass prefers moist, loamy soil.It has high watering needs, so if grown in a container, water it every day. However, citronella grass has reddish colored pseudostems, while lemongrass is all green.
Moor grass can be divided every 3 to 4 years. Each has a slightly different foliage trait, height and inflorescence but the basic mounding habit and fine blades recognize them as part of the family.Moor grass is seasonally interesting from summer to winter.
Also known as rattlesnake quaking grass, this plant is available both in perennial and annual varieties.Rattlesnake quaking grass is readily found in most garden centers and nurseries, or you can propagate the plant by scattering seeds on prepared soil.
Usually, these do not cause significant damage.Anthracnose, a disease of many types of plants, may cause foliar damage. Divide plants in winter when they are dormant. Growing Adagio maiden grass provides winter interest as well as drought resistance and...
The root ball may be huge, so slide it onto a tarp for ease of movement. Splitting ornamental grass plants should happen every 3 to 4 years. Maiden grass responds favorably to division and will come back better than ever after a season.The question, “can...
It is not necessary to fertilize the plant every year. Container plants can be fertilized once annually in spring but carefully leach soil after application.If you are in doubt about how much and how to fertilize your plant, simply leave it alone.
The plant needs little extra nutrition in boggy soil but in container situations, feed once per month with a diluted plant food during the growing with plenty of water, as the soil must be kept consistently wet.
What is stipa grass? However, a deep watering once or twice monthly is a good idea during the summer.Cut down old foliage in early spring. While the plant prefers moderately soil, it is adaptable to nearly any type of well-drained soil, including sand...
Are a reliable and pretty addition to the home landscape, adding drama and height, but their nature is to die back to the ground, which causes confusion for many gardeners. Prune fountain grass about 4 to 6 inches above the ground.
This is likely due to the fact that growers leave the inflorescence on until spring because it adds interest to the. It is an ornamental upright grass with golden banding on the blades as if it was always in a dappled pool of light.
The plant produces a feathery inflorescence from September to October which will persist often well into winter. The first year it will need a regular watering schedule, which encourages a deep healthy root system.
A drip system is ideal for irrigation, where overhead watering can create fungal issues.The plumes persist well into winter, adding dimension and interest. In clay soils, amend the area with plenty of compost or otherSituate the plant with some protection...
Just remember how tall and wide the grass will get and give it enough room to mature.Propagation of ornamental maiden grasses is through division. For colorful displays, ‘Purpurescens' is red in summer and purplish red in fall, while ‘Silver Feather'...