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An Heirloom Garden
By the time we got home it was nearly bedtime for Bailey. She seems to enjoy just standing there in the wispy presence of lace-leafed Japanese maples. "You are having a girl" she told us.Excuse me?
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Kids in the Garden, The Junior Master Gardener Program
When you plant a seed in the garden and you actually eat the green bean, broccoli or lettuce, your self esteem soars.”What plants need to grow is one of the first topics covered.The difference between annual, biennial, perennials and bulbs are discussed.Soil...
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Wide Eyed Optimists, that\'s what we are!
They untangled the holly from my trellis and I swear it cheered as it flipped upright again. The redbud I had brought from the mountains was split down the middle by a limb from its neighbor, the cottonwood tree.
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Hereditary \
Hindsight has left me very melancholy about our time together as mother and daughter. Of course she would always combine this trip with the bi-weekly town visit so no to be considered frivolous.
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Andrew\'s Ivy: A Legacy for My Son
We set the cats up with plenty of food and water before we left so we made ourselves at home in our nice little room. I could not be more proud. When he sees it, he will think of me and when I look at it in my own garden, I will think of him.
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Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
In this age of harsh chemicals and pesticides, it is comforting to know that their are alternatives. It is also harmless to ladybugs. Even though I had sprayed them in the bathroom and left them there behind closed doors, the smell permeated the entire...
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A Garden of Cupcakes
Scoop the batter into the cupcake papers (filling about 2/3 full) Bake 20-23 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into one of the cakes comes out clean.Combine the milk, sugar, vanilla, blood orange zest and blood orange juice in a medium saucepan over...
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Olives To Olive Oil
Processing is around $400/ton.There are ways to improve the economics. Careful irrigation will also help avoid alternate bearing and produce a better product. The next step is to separate the oil from the solids and fruitwater.
Grampa was a hobbyist hybridizer of sorts. I was so proud that he trusted me to do this properly. Then there were the planks. The string would be almost touching the ground. I'd then run around the garden and measure the other side.
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National Tortoise Day Article: Proper Diet for Desert Tortoises
My recommendation is to NOT feed these to your tortoises.Without this vitamin, calcium is poorly absorbed, or not absorbed at all.Tortoises that have no access to this vitamin, even if feed a high calcium diet, may develop calcium deficiency problems...
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Dave\'s Garden Book Review: The Insect Wonderland
Katydids come to life with violins and cellos. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning. The Insect Wonderland is not only a beautiful children's book, but also a loving tribute from the...
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Autumn Fun: Visit a Pumpkin Patch!
She told me a story of a grandmother who brought her 10 and 12-year-old granddaughters the very first year, and that they return each season, even though the granddaughters are now grown and married.
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Making Snow Flowers with my Children
It is the same principle as coloring with crayons. We laughed, my children threw more snowballs and our noses turned as red as Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer's. Depending on the depth of the snow, your picture should remain a day or longer.Where can you...
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Accessed June 4, 2008.[4] Resendez S., The Relationship Between Gardening and Nutritional Attitudes and Behaviors in Older Adults. Ands-on gardening experiences have been shown to improve dietary habits of children.Little Michalah, pictured here holding...
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Butterflies in the Classroom
The instructions are easy to follow. Rearing butterflies in the classroom opens up a whole new world to the child's imagination! It inspires a love for wildlife and instills a sense of respect for the environment.
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Summer Bites
Yippeee!! we cried...its here...finally...spring.The ground warmed up enough to venture out and plant seeds.The Black flies appeared along with the warmth. We managed somehow to tend a lovely garden.
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Our Annual Earth Day Fair
The projects are marked by numbers and grouped according to grades. Three winners are announced and given prizes which are garden or nature related.My daughter is the coordinator of the Before and After School Program and puts lots of hard work into this...
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The History of Growing Cotton in the Garden
Southern cotton, sold to British mills, soon enriched the young American colonies. Like many of our favorite ornamental flowering plants, it prefers a rich, neutral, well-drained loam and average moisture.
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Not-so-scary necktie snakes are a fun and educational kid craft
Snakes seem so strange, with their smooth scales and their seemingly boneless motion. You don't need a big opening, so there's no need to open up the main seam of the tie. The next time you or your kid spot that black snake sunning himself on the woodpile,...
El Segundo
A picnic in the winter? Indoors with the kids? Sure - and bring the house plants!
Have everyone's celery and carrot sticks along with a half a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, a juice box, and a party noisemaker in a brown paper lunch bag.]ou do INSIDE! Here's the next answer to "what can I do-o-o-o-o?" Pack up the picnic basket,...
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Calendula Oil Uses: Learn How To Make Calendula Oil
Its herbal uses include:skin care treatment (rosacea, eczema, dry skin, acne, etc.)helps alleviate muscle aches, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and menstrual crampsCalendula flowers can be used to make a natural make remover, hot oil hair treatments and insect...
Olive Oil Information: Learn How To Use Olive Oil
This specification makes for oil with the most favorable flavor profile and is often represented in the higher cost.Olive oil is one of the three central foods to the people of the Mediterranean, the others areOlive oil is most often used for cooking...
Reconstructing my childhood garden
I planted them on both parts of the entrance, making 2 colorful lines .The next addition to my garden were 5 seedlings of mums (Chrisanthemums) which have grown every year. One of the neighbors brought me a few white German Iris called 'Heady Perfume'...
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Fun feature: Dave\'s Garden Book Review
She studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Bussey Institute, Harvard and Ecole des Beaux-Arts. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning.
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Dear Sheila (4), Summer in your beginner veggie patch
Now, I understand you have no experience with veggie plants and I bet you have some questions for me. So are those bean beetles, and a hidden one called squash vine borer. Well, dear Sheila, flexibility in planning can be and advantage in the garden.
El Segundo
Garden Pizza, Easy as 1-2-3
Great all year long and most fun at Halloween time; children can creatively decorate large or mini pizzas with pumpkin facesYour own combination of toppings you and your family will enjoy!This is when a baking stone comes in handy it really is the next...
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Gifts For, And From Gardeners: Sun Printed Silk Scarf Instructions
It is best to use different colors sparingly until you are confident of the mixed results. Once the color had been removed, you can take the leaves off the scarf to finish drying.When the scarf is dry, it needs to have the colors set so that your creation...
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