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Frack Off, New York
Two years ago, I went to the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association conference and attended a session about fracking, precisely because I knew nothing about the process. I haven't had the opportunity to write about it until now, and this opportunity...
What Is Damping Off?
Damping off is a term commonly used for indicating the sudden death of seedlings, often caused by soil-borne fungus stimulated to grow by nutrients from a germinating seed. Other preventative measures include using well-drained soil and avoiding overcrowding...
Off-Grid With Autism
She's mother of Austin, her now 18-year-old, high-functioning autistic son. Tammy wrote Austin's chores on the side of the chicken coop . Their family moved to their off-grid Idaho homestead when Austin was 13, and Tammy says it was the best thing they...
Off with Your Deadhead
As usual, there's so much work to be done in the garden that I can barely keep up! One of the tasks I've been delaying (simply because it's one of my least favorites) is deadheading.
Italian Farm Trucks
The owner of the Ape in the photo is a local small farmer. My blog is off to a bad start. As cool as my Vespa “farm truck” is, I must officially retract my previous statements, apologise and announce that the Vespa is not in fact the coolest agricultural...
My Farm Truck
I left the sacks of concrete on the scooter, pushed the whole thing a few blocks (it rolls very easily, even heavily loaded) to the scooter repair guy near the river. The clutch cable snapped, leaving me two miles from home with a bunch of concrete and...
Ticked Off - Part 1
But they're dangerous, too! Last week, Dad thought he had flu. Lots of lone star ticks live on our farm. Fall is one of the times they're really active. The good thing is that all tick-borne diseases found in North America like ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain...
Why Are Peppers Damping Off – Managing Damping Off In Peppers
The highest roots may seem bigger, as the bottom roots are affected first.Sometimes, the seedlings survive to adulthood but remain stunted. So it can be really heartbreaking when your tiny pepper seedlings don't make it past their very early stages, flopping...
Squash Blossoms Falling Off Vine
Whatever should you do?The first thing is to not panic. All of these gorgeous blossoms just popped up all over and all you can say is, “This is it, we'll have squash within a week”.
Eating Almonds Off the Tree
Almonds may be eaten raw once dry and ripe, stored in the hard shells for months or roasted.Almond trees produce fruits only in specific growing conditions. Whether you call an almond a drupe, nut or fruit, it's a tasty treat.
Santa Monica
Tool Torque and Trade-offs
A variable-speed or multi-speed angle grinder can make a big difference in ease of use and versatility. When comparing drills, grinders, circle saws and other rotating tools, available torque is the important factor.
Can Cucumbers Ripen Off Vine: How To Ripen Cucumbers Off The Vine
Cucumbers will continually fruit and ripen for some time. The green cucumbers tend to blend in with the stem and foliage of the plant and can, likeWhat about cucumber ripening off the vine?
Pepper Blossoms Falling Off The Plant
To help alleviate this problem, you may need toby adding some bright colored flowers nearby. Instead of producing a pepper flower, the plant puts all of its energy into foliage growth.
Squash Fruit Falling Off The Plant
Occasionally a plant in the squash family, which includes both(like butternut and acorn) will “abort” their fruit. Occasionally, a squash plant may produce an abundance of male flowers early on, which then fall off.
How To Harden Off Your Seedlings
Growing plants from seeds is easy, as long as you take a few precautions. At this time, it will also be safe for you toThis whole process should take just a little longer than one week.
Jade Plants Leaves Are Falling Off
Low light and cold temperatures may also be to blame, as can leaf shining products.Jade plants that are not receiving enough water often shed their leaves rapidly. Popular as houseplants, these succulents feature fleshy branches and rounded, glossy leaves.
Santa Monica
My Waterfall and My Truck
The creek below our home has a great waterfall a few hundred feet down the road. My Vespa will carry two bags of concrete or 12 big bricks. I don't even know how many different creeks there are in Rapallo.
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pomegranate Roads
There he would meet his wife and they spent the next 40 years researching the plants of the area, despite harsh conditions, political suspicions and few resources.Through the years, he spent countless hours searching for many plants in central Asia, but...
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Dave\'s Garden Road Trip!
Plans started hatching in the Mid South Forum on December 29. Immediately, we started making our wish lists and saving our money.The date was set for April 30 and travel plans scheduled.
El Segundo
Can\'t Afford A Tractor? Use Your ATV/UTV To The Max
This is towing behind the vehicle with a trailer hooked to the rig via the 2-inch receiver hitch. If you are using your ATV mostly, then you will find that brush or garden sprayers , snow plows, and even rock pickers or reel mowers are available.
Why Zucchini Blossoms Fall Off The Plant
Once male zucchini blossoms have opened to release their pollen, they simply fall off the plant. Basically, the plant will abort the female blossoms if they are not pollinated well enough., high humidity that causes the pollen to clump, rainy weather,...
Hibiscus Flowers – Hibiscus Blossoms Falling Off Plant
To find out if gall midge is to blame when hibiscus buds won't bloom, examine the fallen buds for signs of midge larvae by cutting or pulling them apart. Using an organic insecticide once a week as directed should help take care of the problem.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Pulling Dead And Faded Flowers Off Plants
No matter how well you take care of your plant's blossoms, the course of nature demands that those blossoms will die. By removing the faded flowers, you are allowing all the energy to be directed towards better growth in the plant and additional flowers.Pulling...
Off With Their Heads...Deadheads, That Is
Most importantly, you're preventing the plant from setting seed. The opening flower? Leave at least a few flowers untrimmed if you plan to collect seeds for future planting or just want to encourage the plant to self-sow.
El Segundo
Cheap Ways to Keep Bugs Off Plants
When present in the landscape, the wasps often keep problematic bug populations at levels too low to cause lasting damage to plants.), an evergreen herb that is perennial USDA zones 5 through 11.Odorous essential oils repel future bug infestations while...
Santa Monica
How to Keep Strawberries Off the Ground
Fold the flaps down around the stems of the plants after planting.Water and watch the plants produce fruit. If you want your strawberries to remain bug- and mold-free during the growing and ripening seasons, you have to keep them off the ground.
Santa Monica
5 Sheep Books Off The Beaten Path
Cattle, goats and sheep were destroyed as part of an effort to subjugate the Navajo people, because livestock enable independence. One of these alter egos belonged to Alberto Caeiro, an ostensibly ignorant, uneducated and often unemployed rural resident,...