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Frack Off, New York
There's the issue of the economic boom and bust in fracking communities, much like what we're seeing in West Virginia and Kentucky, which were once coal-rich. Before last week's definitive fracking moratorium, anti-fracking groups listed plenty of reasons...
What Is Damping Off?
With a little TLC seed treatment, damping off will be a thing of the past. Once transplanted, only those seedlings known to be especially sensitive to damping off need be misted with fungicide daily until the first or second seed leaves have emerged.Another...
Off-Grid With Autism
We have meat rabbits, laying chickens and milk goats. … In addition to his animals, Austin is also responsible for chopping firewood and even helping with dishes sometimes, and he is a part of all our activities, so if we are canning, so is he; if we...
Off with Your Deadhead
You might think I'm crazy, but frankly I prefer weeding the garden for an entire day to deadheading for two hours. And, honestly, I have always wondered why. But after discussing my dislike of deadheading with a friend, we came to the conclusion that...
Ticked Off - Part 1
Fall is one of the times they're really active. The doctor took his temperature (102.8 degrees F) and some blood tests and sent him straight to the hospital where they put him in the intensive care unit.
Why Are Peppers Damping Off – Managing Damping Off In Peppers
If buying transplants, look for ones that are certified disease free.Fungicides containing copper, mefenoxam, and fludioxonil can also be effective. Once they get going, they'll keep pumping out peppers throughout the growing season.
Squash Blossoms Falling Off Vine
At the base of the blossom (where the blossom attaches to the stem), if you see a bump below the blossom, that is a female blossom. The next thing you know, those squash blossoms are falling off the vine like rats from a sinking ship.
Eating Almonds Off the Tree
A little extra drying after harvesting improves the flavor even more and makes the stored almonds last longer.Almonds are rich in heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats, vitamins, nutrients and protein, making them among the most nutritious and beneficial...
Santa Monica
Tool Torque and Trade-offs
If you are only going to be drilling or grinding wood and other softer material, torque is of less concern. High speeds are great for cutting steel or concrete or buffing a surface, but removing a welding bead or smoothing a concrete face calls for a...
Can Cucumbers Ripen Off Vine: How To Ripen Cucumbers Off The Vine
Keep reading to find out all about the ripening of cucumbers.To get the maximum flavor from your cukes, you will want to harvest them when they are at the peak of ripeness, but when is that?
Growing Rutabagas for a Bumper Fall Harvest
Rutabaga sprouts are loaded with antioxidants. It is always best to leave rutabagas in the ground until they get nicely chilled but not frozen. By any name, a buttery mash of potatoes and rutabaga is a wonderful dish for a brisk fall day.
Pepper Blossoms Falling Off The Plant
Read on to learn about why a pepper drops the flower bud or why you have no flowers on pepper plants.In order to fix this common problem, it helps to understand the various causes.
Squash Fruit Falling Off The Plant
If you can locate one male flower on any of the vines, you can use a paintbrush to transfer some of the pollen from that single flower into all of your female flowers.While squash plants aborting their fruit is frustrating; fortunately, it is something...
How To Harden Off Your Seedlings
At this time, it will also be safe for you toThis whole process should take just a little longer than one week. This person will burn very easy in summer sunlight if he/she has not built up a resistance to the sun.The way to help your seedlings build...
Jade Plants Leaves Are Falling Off
Popular as houseplants, these succulents feature fleshy branches and rounded, glossy leaves. If you fear your window is too cold or drafty for the plant, supplement the light it receives with an artificial light source.
Santa Monica
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pomegranate Roads
Existing on practically nothing, the station clung to life for nearly a decade, but the situation was grim. Levin survived the siege of Leningrad as a child, enduring great hardship and loss.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Dave\'s Garden Road Trip!
Kathy Ann is the Queen of Car Packing. Some of the group had a full day of plant shopping under their belts from the day before, and headed home after Randolph's. So many beautiful and well-cared for varieties to choose from!Shopping was a pleasure in...
El Segundo
Can\'t Afford A Tractor? Use Your ATV/UTV To The Max
If you are using your ATV mostly, then you will find that brush or garden sprayers , snow plows, and even rock pickers or reel mowers are available. If hauling weight is your game, then you have a machine like the Kawasaki Mule Pro-FX in gas or diesel...
Why Zucchini Blossoms Fall Off The Plant
Is there a crazy marauder cutting your zucchini blossoms off? This is perfectly normal. Basically, the plant will abort the female blossoms if they are not pollinated well enough., high humidity that causes the pollen to clump, rainy weather, or a lack...
Hibiscus Flowers – Hibiscus Blossoms Falling Off Plant
These, too, must be controlled with an appropriate insecticide targeted at these pests. To find out if gall midge is to blame when hibiscus buds won't bloom, examine the fallen buds for signs of midge larvae by cutting or pulling them apart.
Pulling Dead And Faded Flowers Off Plants
If the flower is not removed, the plant will put an enormous amount of energy towards developing those seeds to the point where root, foliage and flower production is negatively affected.
Off With Their Heads...Deadheads, That Is
It's important to observe the plant so you can distinguish between a bud and a bloom that is going to seed, otherwise you'll remove future flowers along with the spent ones. Leave at least a few flowers untrimmed if you plan to collect seeds for future...
El Segundo
Cheap Ways to Keep Bugs Off Plants
Simply spray your plants with water every morning. Grow thesein and around your garden to take advantage of their protective power. Bugs that water knocks off plants often die or can't return to the plants.Aphids and other soft-bodied pests are susceptible...
Santa Monica
How to Keep Strawberries Off the Ground
The cloth allows for proper water drainage and acts as a barrier to keep troublesome insects from eating the strawberries. When heavy rains come and puddle in the strawberry patch, the wet conditions invite mold to grow on the strawberry fruit.
Santa Monica
5 Sheep Books Off The Beaten Path
In the 1860s—as sheep were being driven west—the U.S. government sought to eradicate the Navajo-Churro sheep that had inhabited the West for centuries. O that my life may always be this: The day full of sun, or soft with rain, Or stormy as if the...
The Hands-Off Gardening Approach To Fall
Root Veggies There's no need to dig up all your root vegetables and then store them indoors when you can use nature's root cellar and leave them in the ground. You can intentionally provide food for insects in the form of native plants, which will in...
Cutting Off The Flowering Tops On Herbs
Is an excellent way to bring fresh herbs into your kitchen for little or no money, but there are some things you need to keep in mind in order to keep your herb plants producing the best tasting leaves.