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A Man, A Goat and the Open Road
This has turned out to be great because he's had a chance to talk with so many more people about his mission. If you're going to walk from Seattle to New York to raise awareness for your best friend's work in Africa, you might as well take a goat with...
Bishop\'s Weed Reversion – Learn About Variegation Loss In Bishop\'s Weed
The creamy white color provides a luminous effect in shady areas, which probably explains why bishop's weed plant is also known as “snow on the mountain.” Eventually, you may notice variegation loss in bishop's weed plants.
Bishop\'s Weed Plant – Keeping Snow On The Mountain Ground Cover Under Control
In locations with mild summer temperatures, snow on the mountain ground cover won't mind some morning preventing it from spreading into areas where it isn't wanted. The plants grow best if watered during dry spells.In late spring or early summer,...
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pomegranate Roads
Field trips to locate new plants consisted of third-world public transportation, horseback or foot travel. We hope this spotlight on some of our members' favorites is a nice change of pace for your Saturday morning.
El Segundo
Fun Feature: Dave\'s Garden Road Trip!
The Go Gardening Directory gives the garden traveler destinations to visit world-wide.greenhouses, but road construction reduced my progress to a crawl and so I ended up catching most of the gang at.
El Segundo
The Spring Visit
Under normal circumstances, insects do not cause significant damage to moss phlox; if they do attack, plants are easily cut back to stimulate fresh new growth. Moss phlox can also thrive in colder climates (USDA zones 3-8) but may experience winter burn...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
Many of us take note of the species that visit our feeders and share information with our friends. It isn't unusual to see identification requests from several continents each day, and the responses are just as diverse.For those who love to share tips...
El Segundo
The Mid-South Forum\'s 2012 Road Trip
We each picked up a bag at the door and simply removed the plugs from the trays. There were some new faces in the group that we enjoyed getting to know and caught up with old friends.
El Segundo
What Type of Shrubs for Road Noise?
A 20-foot wide shrub buffer reduces decibel levels.Evergreen shrubs provide year-round noise reduction. The deeper the barrier, the greater the noise reduction. Bayberry, a tough shrub, produces winter berries for the birds while standing up to poor soil...
Santa Monica
Tool Torque and Trade-offs
An important element in torque is the speed at which it is available. High torque at slow speeds can be helpful to keep from marring the rest of the surface. Grinding creates a lot of debris and fine dust.
Cutting Off The Flowering Tops On Herbs
One of the things to keep in mind is that you need to cut off the flowering tops as soon as you see them.In the early stages of plant growth, the herb plants put all of their energy into producing leaves and roots.
Repurposing Items for the Garden: Old Tires
Furthermore, turning the tire inside-out is not for the faint-hearted and requires a lot of muscle, which is why it is important to have a partner to help you.To end this story on a positive note, the painting part is fun! Anyone can do it.
El Segundo
Can\'t Afford A Tractor? Use Your ATV/UTV To The Max
Groundwork Polaris So digging a little deeper (pun intended) with the use of an ATV or UTV on the farm is just as easy as searching for implements to attach to the front or rear of the machines.
Pulling Dead And Faded Flowers Off Plants
You will be able to enjoy more blooms from a larger and healthier plant of you do this. When you remove the faded flower on a plant, you are also removing the seedpod. After a flower has faded, it is not nearly as pretty as it once was.The question then...
Willow Tree Disease and Bark Peeling Off
The patches may later peel or crack. Prune out diseased branches and spray the tree with permethrin to kill borers.Sunscald occurs in the winter when bright sunlight reflects off snow.
Santa Monica
Deadheading Hibiscus Flowers: Information On Pinching Off Hibiscus Blooms
You may also be delaying next year's flowers. Lush, beautiful flowers appear in summer, dying back to be replaced with more of the bountiful blooms the following year. The attentive gardener, accustomed to removing the spent blooms of many flowering plants,...
Keeping Ants Off Flowering Vines, Vegetables and Flowers
Some of these things are mint or cinnamon. Take a cloth soaked with bleach or ammonia and lay the cloth over as much of that path as possible. The ants will get stuck in the Vaseline.– Ants send out scouts to find new sources of food.
In her 15th year as a poultry specialist veterinarian with Clemson University, Helm covers herself from head to toe to prevent the spread of disease when she visits farms. A poultry veterinarian dresses the part of "Biosecurity Queen” as she takes poultry-disease...
Homemade Reduced Sugar Grape Jelly
With the help of their suggestions the reduced sugar version gelled successfully and tasted plenty sweet.This recipe cuts the sugar of my original jelly recipe in half. I was determined to follow my original recipe and use powdered pectin as called for.
El Segundo
Beginner\'s Guide to Making Jam or Jelly
Last season, in our first attempt at jelly making, my husband and I used over seven pounds of our prized homegrown red grapes... All rights reserved.Turn Green Tomatoes into "Raspberry" Jam that's Fun for Kids to make and eatPreserving the Bounty, A Summary...
El Segundo
Information On What Causes Rubber Tree Plant Leaves Falling Off
Houses can be dry, especially in the winter when the heat is on. It can leave a plant owner wondering, “Why do leaves drop off rubber plants?” There are many reasons for leaves falling off rubber tree plant.– A common reason for a rubber plant losing...
Tried and True... or Tried and False - Weather Sayings
This saying worked well in Pennsylvania. Where and when I grew up, February 2 was the middle of winter and there was no way around it. Maybe in some places it is, but here it is not.
El Segundo
Let your plants help your home be hurricane safe!
Have you ever considered how your plants and trees can actually protect your home from damage in severe storms? Rather than being a danger to your home, your landscaping can help protect your home, taking the brunt of the storm on your behalf.
El Segundo
Invasive Succulents in My Yard
Easy to pull up, thoughI don't know if any of these plants would qualify as really that economically or ecologically damaging, so no one would likely consider them serious invasive species.But someone's invasive weedy succulent is always someone else's...
El Segundo
Edible Palms: Date Palms
This article serves as an introduction to date palms and the varieties of dates available. As mentioned in the article noted above, date palms are dioecious (male and female flowers are on two different plants).Most date farms have one male growing near...
El Segundo
Monsanto On GMOs, Roundup And Sustainability
If there were an overall standard, kind of like the organic—if you look today at the today at the organic-food standard—something that mirrored that, I would be in favor of.” Then host Gayle King pointed out that Monsanto spent more than $4 billion...
Common Bugs And Pests On Houseplants
These, too, feed off sap. Because this larval stage is the feeding stage, they have huge appetites and can do a lot of damage to one plant rather a common culprit. They are attracted to soft, young growing tips.