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Best No Till Drill For Food Plots

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Researchers Reveal No-till Alternative
“Continuous-living cover means farmers try to keep a living crop on the soil 100 percent of the time,” Archuleta says. He also has reduced his fuel consumption. Hoorman, along with Ray Archuleta of NRCS' East National Technology Service Center; Dave...
No-till Fields Capture More Snow
Producers affected by the 2012 drought might also benefit from using no-till methods to increase the amount and uniformity of snow cover on their fields. Results from this work were published in 2011 in Transactions of the ASABE .
What Does No-Till Actually Mean?
This type of no-till farming is also called direct drilling. Sustainable No-Till Agriculture The second group of no-till folks are large-scale sustainable farmers. Small-scale gardeners who wish to preserve the health of the soil want it all.
No More Food Waste
East Coast business Converted Organics uses clean technology to take food waste out of landfills and put it into your garden. That's the idea behind Converted Organics' high-temperature liquid composting technology.
Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Sea salt or raw sugar can be infused with herbs or rose petals and given as gifts.To make an infused scrub, mix together a half cup of oil, such as almond or grape seed oil, with one cup of fine sea salt or raw sugar that you have already infused with...
El Segundo
Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
In southernmost Florida and other tropical zones, this plant is grown outside, and leaflets grow to 12 inches.As mentioned above, these three aralias would be prized specimens for an intermediate gardener.
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
El Segundo
Small-Farm Tillage And No-Till Equipment
Their 3-foot Hunter 300 and 4-foot Hunter 400 models can be pulled by 300cc or 500cc ATVs respectively. Weed control is accomplished primarily with herbicides.” No-till farming is taking agri-biz by storm, yet it has small-farm applications, too.
A Tool for Tilling
It's especially fun when the tool turns out to do the job it was promoted to do. The ability to mount various tool heads to the same handle is only one aspect of the system. A rake-like Bear Claw shaft failed on me, creating a “service opportunity.”...
No-till Farming Prevents Erosion, Study Shows
No-till production left the soil surface intact and protected pore space beneath the soil surface, which allowed more water to infiltrate into the subsoil. Results from this work were recently published in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation .
No-till Farming Could Improve Air Quality
Studies by USDA scientists show some no-till management systems can lower atmospheric levels of PM10—soil particles and other material 10 microns or less in diameter that degrade air quality—that are eroded from crop fields via the wind.
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
A coat hook, plant hook, or just a nail on the porch outside. What you will end up with is one length of cord that is six times longer than your planned hanger. You will need something that can put a bit of tension on the rope as you do the macrame.Hold...
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Lucky bamboo in quantity can be bundled into towers or woven into a pear or pineapple shape. If you must use it, leave it in an open container overnight first to allow chlorine to escape.
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
My brain kicked into gear, and I began to ponder. They were easily wired onto the tree. They are ideal for an outdoor display when decorated with simple white twinkle lights and topped with a decorative bow.
El Segundo
5 Ways to Establish a No-Till Garden
Perennial herbs, flowers and vegetables exist for every region and can provide an enormous amount of food when well maintained. Lots of potential here, but it doesn't always present the aesthetic that some gardeners want.
No-Tilling the First Seeds of the Season
I'm getting antsy. I tried it in about a quarter of the garden last season and had great success, so I'm going all the way this time. In fact, everyone else around here complained about getting early blight on their tomatoes but there was nary a spotted...
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
I wondered about its name until I found that it comes from its triangular seeds, which resemble the much larger seeds of the beech nut from the beech tree, plus it can be used like wheat, though it contains no gluten.
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Is there an app for that? A weather forecast, as I stand in the back forty (feet) of the yard debating turning on the sprinkler? I saved myself a few dollars in initial cost, more in doomed remedies, and lots of gardener angst and disappointment over...
El Segundo
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
Traditional tilling methods that turn under crop residue speed organic decomposition, making it even more difficult to improve sandy soil structure. Heavy surface residue can be lightly incorporated into the soil in the fall by drilling cover crops to...
Don\'t Take Turns: A Guide to No-Till Gardening
They should be planted in the autumn and left in place over winter. Once the mulch is in place, it's time to plant. Leaving soil unturned means the soil food web remains intact and can function at its prime.
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
This feeder will be kept and used on another window. There was also a nyjer feeder for finches on that pole. Logic, schmogic, I wanted to be able to see them!The fuchsia did its job.
El Segundo
Choosing a Dehydrator: Make your own dried fruit, tomatoes, beef jerky, and more
That brought me to the second design, a dehydrator with square or rectangular trays, where hot air is forced from the rear of the unit across the trays. Unless you luck into a good brand at a yard sale, you're likely to get what you pay for.To feel comfortable...
El Segundo
How to Make Great Beef Jerky at Home
Apple slices and tomatoes were easy enough to dry by following the instructions that came with our previous circular dehydrator. Have the butcher slice it across the grain into slabs a quarter inch thick.
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
The combustible material explodes into flames and creates a wonderfully varied glaze surface on the pot. This plan included throwing, trimming, cutting drainage holes and glazing all 150 vessels.Burning the midnight oil many weekend nights, I began to...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
A more personal and stylish gift could be an item of organic cotton clothing.makes a great rodent repellent, is more pleasant to apply and is probably safer than stinkier alternatives like moth balls.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
They store in cookie jars well when sealed in airtight baggies. For this recipe, you don't have to use seeds at all, but they sure enhance the texture and flavor.iscotti is a treat your family will love and is very rewarding to make.
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
I've even gotten interesting metal ones. Frequently only common names are used, if the photos are captioned with names at all. Those who did are allowed to gloat for the rest of this writing.I know what the rest of you got.
El Segundo