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Researchers Reveal No-till Alternative
“The goal is to protect the soil from soil erosion, increase water infiltration and decrease nutrient runoff.” Examples of continuous-living cover include grain crops, cover crops, pasture or hay systems, or perennial plants.
No-till Fields Capture More Snow
Huggins found that standing wheat residue on the no-till farm significantly increased the amount and uniformity of snow cover across the entire field. Both farms have the hilly topography typical of the Palouse region in eastern Washington, but much of...
What Does No-Till Actually Mean?
The fight against weed seeds may include heavy layers of compost, cover crops and interplanting with companion plants. It's a slow process, as my husband and I were both raised with tillers.
Small-Farm Tillage And No-Till Equipment
The company's Model 2148 Till-Ease Cultipacker features agricultural-quality, 9.5-inch, cast-iron packer wheels; large, greasable bearings; and its flip-over design makes transportation to and from the field or food plot a breeze.
No-till Farming Prevents Erosion, Study Shows
Williams and his colleagues at the ARS Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center in Pendleton, Ore., set up research plots in two small neighboring ephemeral drainage areas in the Wildhorse Creek Watershed in northeast Oregon.
No-till Farming Could Improve Air Quality
Findings from this work were published in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation and Soil & Tillage Research in 2011. Farmers in the inland Pacific Northwest favor winter-wheat/summer-fallow production systems so that crops can germinate and grow...
5 Ways to Establish a No-Till Garden
Synthetic Mulches Synthetic mulches such as biodegradable plastic or landscape fabric can do a lot of the same things as carbon mulches in a no-till garden, though they will not add to your organic matter.
No-Tilling the First Seeds of the Season
Makes sense to me! Last year I put three inches of compost on all the beds then turned it in, but this year I'm going to add two to three inches of leaf mold (well rotted leaves) and just plant away.
How No-Till Farming Will Help You Save Water
Thankfully, long-term no-till practices can improve compacted soils, building up organic matter and inviting faster water absorption while also allowing the soil to drain and be ready to plant or fertilize sooner after rainfall than land that has been...
Don\'t Take Turns: A Guide to No-Till Gardening
No-till Farming Techniques Traditional no-till farming uses large amounts of herbicides to suppress weeds. At the end of the gardening season, you can choose to leave any non-diseased plant material intact or pull it up and toss it onto the compost pile.
How To Till A Garden: Tilling Your Soil
These days, tilling dirt is a matter of personal choice. If you are unable to keep your hand or finger in the soil for a full minute, than the soil is not warm enough. The soil will not be dry enough or warm enough to till in the early spring when these...
A Tool for Tilling
A rake-like Bear Claw shaft failed on me, creating a “service opportunity.” When contacted, the company immediately offered to ship me a new one. The VersaTill Garden Grooming System has as its basic element a common 48-inch handle designed to mount...
No Lamb!
Friday was the day Ursula the ewe was supposed to have her lamb. Her rump becomes steeper, both from hips to tail and viewed from side to side. "Is she pregnant—or just fat?” they asked.
Tilling By Hand: How To Till Soil By Hand With Double Digging
When you double dig the garden, you'll be working from one end to the other.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });3. In turn, this helps to get nutrients and water down further in the soil, which encourages...
No Zoning Laws, No Problem? Think Again.
Word started to spread, and eventually reached Suzanne Geddes of The Cumming Harvest (, an online, locally grown market based in Cumming. “When it's just you going up against a system that has a different viewpoint,...
Pink Pork? No Sweat
However, the appearance of meat is not a reliable indicator of food safety or risk, according to the USDA. If pork is on the menu, don't perspire over a little pink—according to a new USDA recommendation, some pink can be OK.
No Rotting Peas Here!
Fungicides aren't an option, so growers must either avoid planting in fields with a history of the disease or switch to growing non-host crops until pathogen numbers drop to acceptable levels.
The No-Soil Solution
Water that would quickly drain out of the bottom of a container garden is instead continuously circulated in a hydroponic system, with losses only resulting from evaporation and plant uptake.
Apple Tree No More
The man mentioned that he used to live “up on the hill” with his family when he was a young man. He asked me a few questions about the house and lots of questions about the garden.
No Place Like Home
We set to breeding them and before we knew it, we had 20 goats. Thoughts raced through my head. For starters and in honor of the Norwegians that settled there over 100 years ago, we dubbed the place “Skjonsbergdalen Farm,” which is Norwegian for “Pretty...
No More Food Waste
Unlike your backyard compost pile, where dairy and meat products are a big no-no, Converted Organics accepts all types of food waste, including fruits, vegetables and meats. Courtesy Converted Organics At the Converted Organics processing plant, food...
3 Emergency Preparedness Drills For Families
That's something to keep in mind—young children will sometimes starve themselves before they eat food that doesn't taste good to them. If you have emergency food already stored, this is an opportunity to actually use some of it to see if it's palatable.
Electric Drills: An Essential Farm Tool
They're significantly faster and easier to use than manual screwdrivers, and for most projects, I prefer to use an electric drill and screws rather than a hammer and nails—after all, there's no pounding involved and no chance of hitting your fingers...
Amaryllis All Leaves And No Flowers: Troubleshooting No Flowers On Amaryllis
It is simply a bulb, but it has potential for great things within its papery coating.Plant a new bulb in a tight pot with potting mix and just a little potting soil on the bottom. So what's going on when amaryllis grows leaves but no flowers?
Dignity in Farming
Then post this quote on Facebook or Pinterest. Share a comment below telling us how your farming endeavor has impacted the community around you or helped you reach out to someone of another culture.
No Rain on Our Party
It's been terribly dry here, and I have been watering nearly everyday. Near as I can tell, they left with the intention of planting some blueberries and strawberries of their own. Things are looking beautiful in the garden, thanks in large part to the...
A Garden Like no Other
It's one of the best places in the world to observe the Aurora Borealis. Today this acreage houses the Garden, the Tromso Museum, and most of the University of Tromso. Among them are buttercups, campanulas, columbines, crocuses, various herbs, ligularias,...
El Segundo