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How Plants Deal With Stress
The sensitive plant became acclimated and somehow knew that it would survive the next drop, so there was no need to protect itself from danger. The sensitive plant's stress response is to close its leaves, presumably to look wilted and unappealing to...
What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
Normally a ruminant's copious saliva, created as the animal chews its cud, helps maintain the correct pH balance in the rumen. Animal Health For ruminants, grass and grain are not equally digestible foodstuffs.
How to Deal with Aggressive Roosters
Like Mom says, life is too short to be afraid to walk among your chickens or cross your yard. It turned out he was one of two cockerels (a cockerel is an immature rooster) in our batch of 10 chicks.
Uprooted Plant Damage: Dealing With Uprooted Plants
First, inspect the rootball carefully for breaks and damage. If the roots are white and relatively intact, your plant is healthy, so wet the rootball well and replant it where it belongs.
Monocots versus Dicots- what\'s the big deal?
More on these groups later (another future 'intellectual' article).So now when you hear a nerdy discussion about a plant being referred to as a monocot or a dicot you'll know what they are talking about and can even sound all scientific and add to the...
El Segundo
Flowering Radish Plant – Dealing With Radishes Bolting
If you have a flowering radish plant, then it has. So why does this happen and what can you do to prevent it? Checking on them frequently is a good idea since they tend to grow rather quickly.just prior to reaching about an inch in diameter.
Desperate Houseplants: Dealing With Common Houseplant Diseases
Both the roots and stem become soft, turn brown/black, wilt and die. Read on to learn more.The first step in controlling most diseases is with prevention. Most of these can be contributed to, as most fungi need moisture to thrive.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
If you have a shovel and some buckets (or better still, a pickup truck), call your own municipality and ask if a pile of leaf compost is available to residents. I do think this is a valid concern, but when composting on such a large scale, the temperature...
Pumpkin Insect Control – Dealing With Pumpkin Insect Pests
This is a dangerous business, though, and not always successful. Can be a high risk operation, especially if you're after a real giant. Spray your vines with a mild pesticide and they should to eat the tender flesh of very young giant pumpkins.
Safety Tips For Dealing With An Aggressive Sow
Which is to say, we'd put off castrating the males long enough and were at risk of letting them get too strong to effectively wrangle for a deeply unenjoyable task. Because we've got a mean mama.
Italian Farm Trucks
I realize I've already lied about trucks. That's all history now. These days I can't wait until I finally get my own three wheeled Ape. The owner of the Ape in the photo is a local small farmer.
My Farm Truck
He didn't even want me to unload the sacks, and proceeded to thread and connect a new clutch cable. When something on the scooter does break, and it happens once a year or so, I simply push it to the closest mechanic, (seems like there's one on every...
Common Spinach Problems: Dealing With Spinach Pests And Diseases
The leaves sometimes have bleached and pitted areas as well. You can tell the difference by the size of the hole—slug and snail holes are much larger—and by the slime trail slugs and snails leave behind.
Problems With Vermicomposting: How To Deal With Vermicompost Issues
Remove one-half of the reduced material and use in the garden. There does need to be slight moisture and a moderate pH level. This prevents moldy chunks in the compost. The worms need bedding as a home and the box must have holes in it for drainage and...
What The Peck? How To Deal With Aggressive Chickens
Be on your guard at all times, establish humane dominance if possible, and if not, send that bird on its way. This means that even if your attack chicken learns to give you a wide berth, don't count on other people receiving the same level of respect.
Zoysia Diseases – Tips For Dealing With Zoysia Grass Problems
Fertilize only when needed and water in the morning after all dew has dried. Although fungal spores of brown patch cannot be fully eliminated, keeping zoysia healthy will make it less susceptible to the disease.
Almond Tree Issues – Dealing With Common Almond Tree Problems
We'll also give you tips for managing issues in almonds.Some almond tree issues are related to improper cultural care, like irrigation. To prevent hull rot, give the tree less water about the time the hulls split.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
When Your Chickens Hurt You: Dealing With Poultry Injuries
Should one of your boys perceive you as a threat, he will not hesitate to use his spurs against you. Here's what to do if you suffer such injuries—and also how to prevent them. One of my roosters recently sank his spurs into me.
Dealing With Pineapple Problems: Managing Pineapple Pests And Diseases
Eventually, small blisters may form, then develop into gray-brown sunken spots. Both can be treated the same way, using horticultural oil, either by spraying or dipping the whole plant if mealybugs are present at the base of the plant.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Canna Mosaic Virus: Dealing With Mosaic On Canna Plants
Eventually, this can lead to plant stunting and death.. The one that infects cannas and is frequently referred to as Canna Mosaic Virus is also known as. Suited to both garden beds and containers and requiring very little maintenance, cannas are bred...
Burning Question: How Do You Deal With Problem Neighbors?
Another point that is important is to be considerate when doing your farming chores. As beekeepers, we were fortunate when we moved to our home outside of town to have one neighbor who also kept a hive, so we had a bit of solidarity.
Chickens Eating Eggs? Here\'s How to Deal With It
I'll also try a couple of recommendations from the University of Florida in an attempt to break her of this behavior: offering her a dish of milk for several days to increase her calcium and protein intake, and offering her a highly peppered beaten egg.
You\'re Killing My Vibe: What\'s the Deal with Killer Bees?
It's unclear how to resolve the current problem of the invasive Africanized honeybee, but one thing is clear: We have a responsibility as beekeepers, and humans, to do whatever we can to clean up the mistakes that have been made.
Issues With Rhododendrons: Dealing With Rhododendron Insect Problems And Diseases
Cut off all infected areas and destroy them. The weevil feeds on leaves creating a C-shaped notch around the leaf margin. The tiny lace bug does most of its damage in the spring and summer and tends to be most problematic on rhododendrons that have been...
Rose Of Sharon Problems – Dealing With Common Althea Plant Issues
Depending on variety, these blooms come in a wide range of color and may be single or double. These nematodes cause knots or galls to form on the underground roots of rose of sharon.
Mandevilla Bug Infestations And Cures: Dealing With Mandevilla Pest Problems
Spider mites also weave fine strands of silk where they're feeding, which can aid in your decision to treat them.Spider mites are attracted to dusty conditions, so if your plant isn't too punky, start by spraying down any dry spots and, especially indoors.
Fixing Issues With Snapdragons – How To Deal With Snapdragon Problems
These pests can cause disfigured leaves and flowers if they feed on buds; otherwise, you may notice stippling on leaves or a general lack of vigor as populations rise. These are just a few of the most common offenders when it comes to snapdragon pests...