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Reasons For Galling On Aloe Plants – What Is Wrong With My Aloe Plant
The worst damage is cosmetic and can be dealt with in several ways.The simplest method if you just have one or two distorted aloe leaves is to simply cut them off and discard the infected material.
Variegated Tiger Aloe: How To Care For A Tiger Aloe Plant
They should pull away fairly easily or you can cut them cleanly from the parent. In their natural range, they are found in gritty soils where rainfall is infrequent. This variety has the classic sword-shaped thick leaves and healing sap boasted by more...
Aloe Vera Plant Care – How To Grow An Aloe Plant
Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes. When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in aor a regular potting soil that has been amended with additionalor building sand.
Growing Aloe Outdoors: Can You Grow Aloe Outside
You can in the summer in a container, but you should move it indoors for the cold season.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Aloes grow in poor soil with good drainage.
Aloe Transplanting Guide: Learn How To Repot An Aloe Plant
These are smaller offshoots of the mother plant that are still attached to the main root system but can live on their own as full plants. Or maybe you live in a warm enough climate that you canand you'd like to divide it or just move it to a new spot.
Tips On Picking Aloe Vera: How To Harvest Aloe Vera Leaves
This is the good stuff and is ready to use after a quick rinse.Aloe in its purest form can be pureed with a fruit smoothie or juiced with other vegetables and fruit. Even a small dose can cause diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth and other complications in sensitive...
Can You Split An Aloe Plant: Tips For Dividing Aloe Plants
The process takes just moments and rejuvenates the parent while providing a newfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });As with any plant, timing is everything for any invasive action.
Propagating Aloe Vera – Rooting Aloe Vera Cuttings Or Separating Aloe Pups
Rooting an aloe vera plant leaf seems like it should work, but all you will get is a rotten or shriveled leaf.As a result, aloe vera cuttings are not the most reliable method of plant propagation.
Aloe Water Needs – Watering An Aloe Vera Plant The Right Way
Replant in fresh dry soil in a few days and do not water for a week.These are practically foolproof plants that can survive most errors in irrigation. Make sure the drainage holes in any container are open and plentiful.
Help, My Aloe Is Falling Over: What Causes A Droopy Aloe Plant
To help your plant grow better, it helps to understand why the droop happens. You want an upright, sturdy aloe. Is a great houseplant because it is so easy to grow and is very forgiving.
Brown Aloe Vera Plants: Tips On Treating Wilting Aloe Veras
Bright, but indirect light is preferred. Few problems plague the plant provided it has excellent drainage and good light. A plant with puckered leaves that are discoloring may be too dry.
Aloe vera- Magic, Mystery and Myth
Is this really a singularly amazing, healing species or is there a lot of overstated benefits of this plant? I have been growing aloes for years now but am still fascinated with the world's focus on this single species as something miraculous.
El Segundo
Introduction to Tree Aloes, part 1: the solitary, unbranched species
However, this is abnormal for this speciesYounger trees growing in the UC Irvine gardens, CaliforniaClose of of flowers showing asymmetrical pattern of opening (with the side facing the sun opening first)several maturing plants in private garden landscape,...
El Segundo
Introduction to Tree Aloes, part 2: the branching tree aloes
Some of these are the most impressive of all the aloes and if one has the space and climate to grow them, one should at least consider these as possible landscape or specimen trees.This massive specimen is growing in a private garden and probably gets...
El Segundo
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 2 of 5: Aloes D-L
The following photos are of aloes with cultivational or species names that start with the lettes 'D' through the letter 'L'. But the inflorescences are highly branched, and the plant is a branching one, so there is a massive number of flowers in winterthis...
El Segundo
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 3 of 5: Aloes M-R
And some have less than amazing flowers as well. The inflorescence of this plant is unique in being highly branched, very wide and having nearly one-sided, sloping racemes, usually of brilliant orange.
El Segundo
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 1 of 5: Aloes A-C
An Open Raceme means the flowers are separated from each other by space, while a Compact Raceme is one in which the flowers are tightly packed together. Corn-cob-like, bushy, fuzzy etc.).these flowers tend to mature on the sunny side (south side) first,...
El Segundo
Introduction to spotted aloes
Just don't get hung up on trying to tell them apart! But as most readers of these articles couldn't really care less about which spotted aloe is which, I have to admit writing this article is mostly a mentally cathartic process to help me clear my own...
El Segundo
Introduction to Aloes
Aloe leaves can be a variety of amazing colors, though green or blue-green are the most common. Some flowers have a single, unbranched peduncle while others are branched (most). Most have leaves with marginal teeth that often are very sharp, though some...
El Segundo
Introduction to Aloe Hybrids
Grimm etc.There are a number of aloe hybrids being introduced in massive numbers under the group name "Proven Winners," some which appear to be renamed Kelly Griffin Hybrids.I am not sure if the Proven Winner people purchased the rights to sell and rename...
El Segundo
Growing Aloes from Seed
This means that the seedlings will have a full summer and fall to get sufficiently large that they can tolerate the coming winter.Of course many aloes do not live in a climate where there is much of a winter (temperature-wise) and many of these aloes...
El Segundo
Is Aloe Vera a Cactus?
Many succulent plants are native to desert regions and are kept only as houseplants in colder parts of the United States. Aside from reportedly relieving itching, it is thought to reduce pain caused by minor burns and other skin irritations."Succulent"...
Santa Monica
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 4 of 5: Aloes S-Z
But if that were not enough to attract a collector's attention, many aloes also have some of the best flowers of all the succulents, rivaling the most spectacular flowers of all plants.
El Segundo
The Eastern Glass Lizard
“I'm not venturing any further.”Well now, it is possible that a snake might have been seen in my garden. Adult individuals may be able to inflict a pinch that could hurt a bit, but the bite would most likely not break the skin.As time goes by, I learn...
El Segundo
Aloe mite: The hidden scourge of the Mediterranean succulent garden
Mites are arachnids (related to spiders) and not insects.The reason this is important to know is when you are trying to eradicate mites from your plants, some products that only kill insects will be useless (for example, Imdacloprid is a popular insecticide...
El Segundo
Amazing facts about water
In a world where we are realizing that just the right amount of water is as important to our plant's health as fertilizer or the growing zone, we need to pay attention to our planet's water needs too.Picture of iceberg by Kim Hansen in 2007, available...
El Segundo
Plants That Look Like Aloe Vera
Agave, a perennial, also features green, spiky leaves. Or, conversely, they may be interested in growing agave and yucca but not aloe. Agave, like aloe vera, also has many uses. It's important to know an aloe plant when you see one.Agave is often confused...
Santa Monica