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Moving Pains
My husband had designed this shelter with skids so it would be portable, too, the idea being that we could haul it to new, clean ground with the truck each year, scattering the old, accumulated straw litter/compost around in the process.
Moving Time
It'll be a fun winter. Whew! Photo by Rick Gush Despite all the work I've put into packing boxes for the move, I managed to find time to plant my fava beans. There's a little creek that runs right alongside the building, right underneath the windows.
Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
Aggiegrl's original post grabbed the hearts of many, "Daylilies: Just had to share my sad Garden story! Sob". The spirit of heaviness evaporated and hope shone brightly. Thank you for reading this article detailing the wonderful hearts of Dave's Gardener...
El Segundo
Plumeria\'s Growth Rate
Plumerias can be moved to a more favorable location in the yard or greenhouse where they can grow at their normal pace through transplanting or cuttings. While plumerias tolerate light shade, they photosynthesize and grow fastest (not to mention put on...
Santa Monica
Move Over, Rudolph!
Swedish fairy spirits were called tomte ; Norwegians and people in Denmark called them nisse. You can buy vintage originals and modern reproductions of these cards at eBay. Tomte especially loved horses and sometimes braided knots in their manes and tails.
Moving the Magnolia
The magnolia is now settled with plenty of rain since that initial onslaught of heat, and though its branches are still sparse, we're optimistic that the tree has had sufficient time to root and prepare for the winter ahead.
Farmers Markets Move Online
For customers, it's convenient and allows for better meal planning than showing up at a market not knowing what you'll find in the farmers' booths. “You can actually be up in about 10 minutes,” says Wagoner.
Moving Plumeria Plants : How And When To Move A Plumeria
Fill the bottom of the hole with loose soil in a cone shape and settle the roots on top of this. Do not water again until soil is dry.Place newly potted cuttings in a sunny location with some protection from the hottest rays of the day.
Growth Rate for Sweet Viburnum
As summer progresses, 1/4-inch-long red fruits take their place and draw wildlife to the garden. Overly wet soil and poor drainage lead to root disease. To enjoy the fruits, leave the flowering stems intact.
Santa Monica
Growth Rate of Lucky Bamboo
Native to Cameroon in west Africa, lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a member of the Dracaena family and—contrary to its common name and to common belief—unrelated to the bamboo family.Lucky bamboo, similar to a small tree or shrub, normally grows...
Santa Monica
Move on with Cybister amaryllis
You learn the names of your favourites and you are hooked!Although technically members of the Amaryllidaceae genus, the plants we call Amaryllis should really be called Hippeastrum, but most people still know them as Amaryllis and for the purposes of...
El Segundo
How To Move A Hive
As far as livestock go, they're easy-going, compact in their housing and adapt well to new locations. They've already oriented to the hive's position, and a move of less than 3 feet in either direction will ensure they can still find their hive.
The Maximum Growth Rate of Rhododendrons
The cultivars all vary by their time of blooming, bloom color and USDA hardiness zones. Slower growing rhododendrons tend to be smaller cultivars while the fastest growers take up more space.
Santa Monica
Growth Rates for Red Cedar Trees
When grown from seed in nurseries, eastern red cedar will take one to two years to reach an appropriate size for replanting. Unlike trees such as magnolia and pine, cedar trees are not a single genus of plants.
Santa Monica
Farm Rental Rates Set to Rise
Tags Census of Agriculture , farmland rental rates , farms , land rents , landowners Dennis Stein, farm-business-management educator for the Michigan State University Extension, says that farmland rental rates have increased an average of 30 percent or...
Moving Cacti (some tips and suggestions)
And amazingly, despite over 70mph winds, this plant has remained upright... But cacti still need to be supported so they had to place on planks and they would stick far out the back...
El Segundo
Llamas, Move Your Poop Piles Elsewhere
“Those are llama beans. The next day another gardener met her at the gate with a huge smile on his face. How do you stop llamas from pooping in same spot? “See,” Bandit said, “every alpaca and llama mama takes her newborn baby to the poop pile...
When to Move Black Eyed Susans
Using a spade, divide each clump into smaller plants about 20 or 25 percent of the original plant size, keeping only the healthiest parts of the plant. Leave enough space between the divisions so that their roots don't overlap.
Santa Monica
Michigan\'s Move From Right to Wrong
Since the inception of Michigan's Right to Farm Act ( P.A. 93 ) in 1981, it's served as a model to protect agricultural operations from nuisance suits and local ordinances in states across the country.
Prep Farms as Sandy Moves Westward
Long-Term Emergency Plan For farmers who don't already have emergency plans in place, it's advisable to prepare for future storms now. If severe weather hits your area, keep a camera on hand to document the damage.
Goats Move Into The Frat House
(@psugoat) on Mar 21, 2016 at 6:54pm PDT But as farmers, we have to ask: Is this OK for the goats? Come to think of it, college students could benefit from this advice, as well! It's no wonder, then, that they're capturing the hearts of college students...
Move the Classroom to the Garden
1, 2013, offers teachers kindergarten through eighth grade lesson plans that use school gardens to teach the curriculum prescribed in the Georgia Performance Standards. Hundreds of schools in Georgia now have school gardens, and October— Farm to School...
Hospital Technology Moves to the Vineyard
When a plant takes up water from its roots, water passes through these tubes as if it were sipping water through a straw, and thousands of these tubes are used in the process. Andrew McElrone, a plant physiologist, is using the X-ray technology more commonly...
The Growth Rate of Little Gem Magnolias
The Little Gem magnolia also grows well when formed into an espalier. The Little Gem does suffer from root girdling. Consider using a fungicide to control the disorder. The tulip-poplar weevil feeds on the tree's foliage and causes unsightly holes to...
Santa Monica
New Arrival: Kudzu Bug On The Move
A new arrival from China or India, the kudzu bug has taken hold in the southeastern United States. It exhibits a dark speckled olive brown coloration and features a piercing and sucking mouthpart that is common among its “true bug” relatives.
Move that Barn! (But Read This First)
Early American barns were built with beams hewn from single virgin-growth trees, which made for sturdier barns with fewer parts. Beginning in the early 20th century—when younger trees began to take the place of North America's old-growth trees—barns...
The Growth Rate of the Sylvester Palm
At its base, the trunk is between 13 and 18 inches in diameter.Sylvester Palms are typically sold and transplanted as saplings, beginning with year-old plants that are about a foot tall.
Santa Monica