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Moving Pains
In a straight line. Possible result: Enough resistance to pop the bottom cross-board and side wall off the structure, which is exactly what happened in our case. Once it starts moving, a big, heavy turkey shelter on skids will move okay.
Moving Time
The ceilings are really high in two of the rooms, almost 10 feet tall. Photo by Rick Gush Moving these boxes—all 360 of them—down the cliff is going to be a real challenge. I've also inherited a truckload of mixed ceramic tiles, because the previous...
Dave\'s Garden\'s heroes: Extreme reverse makeover saves the day
The sun began to shine through the clouds of sadness. They had already been hard at work on the yard. I really never anticipated the outpouring of well wishes, great advice, generosity and help that I have received.
El Segundo
Move Over, Rudolph!
Tomte could be dangerously scary! After the Christianization of Scandinavia, variants of the tomte and nisse —called the jultomte in Sweden, julenisse in Norway and tontuu in Finland—started bringing the Christmas presents in Sweden and Norway, instead...
Moving the Magnolia
While the expense didn't break the bank, we left the hose running much longer than planned not once, not twice but three times before I made a trip the local hardware store for faucet timer.
Farmers Markets Move Online
For customers, it's convenient and allows for better meal planning than showing up at a market not knowing what you'll find in the farmers' booths. “This is another way for them to sell through the winter and make more income.” “The selection is...
Moving Plumeria Plants : How And When To Move A Plumeria
After 30 days, fertilize with 10-50-10 ratio fertilizer. We'll go over some tips on how to transplant plumeria, whether cuttings or established plants.Established plants may suddenly no longer fit where they were growing.
Move on with Cybister amaryllis
Plant the prepared bulb into a pot of compost with the neck showing, water sparingly until in good growth and the beautiful stem (often more than one) will develop into a huge but delicate looking group of flowers.
El Segundo
How To Move A Hive
If a move falls somewhere in between those two distances, they will fail to reorient and get lost upon return. Wet bees are angry bees, and soggy beekeepers are grumpy movers. The many ways and reasons to move a hive are as varied as the beekeepers who...
Pricing Strategies: How To Charge Reasonable Prices For Peas & Beans
For most produce, I recommend you make a 30 percent profit. Generally speaking, customers love an easy item that is already divided. So the bare minimum you could charge in this instance is $1.55 per pound—that is just getting back what you put in.
Moving Cacti (some tips and suggestions)
If they are not too heavy for a single person, you still have to deal with their girth so picking them up may end up with you having a huge cactus suddenly in your lap (painful, trust me).
El Segundo
Llamas, Move Your Poop Piles Elsewhere
However, I think the smell of the urine attracts them the most, and even when I lime an old spot the urine smell is still there. But tell you what, guys. Llama beans don't burn plants, so they can be tilled into soil straight from the poop pile.
When to Move Black Eyed Susans
This will also give them an earlier start in spring. Place the divisions in a bucket in a shady location and cover them with dampened newspapers to keep the roots from drying out.Soak the divisions in water for about an hour, if they dry out before you...
Santa Monica
Michigan\'s Move From Right to Wrong
Watch out Michigan farmers! Nuisance laws no longer will protect you from curmudgeonly neighbors. Look on your state department of agriculture website, give the office a call if you can't find it there, or search for it on the joint USDA Natural Resources...
Prep Farms as Sandy Moves Westward
Ensure emergency generators are in working order, and purchase sufficient amounts of fuel to operate them. Make a list of important phone numbers to make calls following a storm. As now post-tropical storm Sandy moves toward the Midwest and continues...
Goats Move Into The Frat House
Get Plenty Of Exercise “[Goats] need room to run around and things to climb on in order to get appropriate exercise,” Walker says. Commercial goat feed contains balanced nutrients good for goat bodies.
Move the Classroom to the Garden
“There's a lot of pressure for teachers to improve test scores, so it can be hard to take time away from instruction to take a class outside, but if you can tie that time outside to the curriculum and use the school's garden to teach them the standards...
Hospital Technology Moves to the Vineyard
This leads him to believe the strength of links between bridge cells and xylem tubes could contribute to how easily pathogens pass through the plant. Much of McElrone's work has focused on grapevines, but he is working with other researchers to use the...
The Best Flowering Perennials
Seeds are commercially available from online native plant resources. Its sturdy blooms are good cut flowers and are grown with other mid-size flowering perennials. Yarrow grows 3 feet in height, has lacy gray-green leaves and white or pink flat-topped...
Santa Monica
The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
Furthermore, including a healthy fat, like olive oil, with a lycopene source makes it easier for the body to absorb. The Agricultural Research Service conducted studies that showed eggplants are high in chlorogenic acid, "one of the most powerful antioxidants...
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
These mixed roast vegetables can be served warm or dressed and then at room temp as a side dish. Some beet lovers prefer a butter saute and a squeeze of lemon juice. Mix the vinaigrette and dress the beets.
New Arrival: Kudzu Bug On The Move
Controlling the Kudzu Bug Aside from physical removal, there is not much small-scale farmers and gardeners can do about these pests. The kudzu bug is a relative of the stinkbug and is often confusingly identified as a beetle.
Move that Barn! (But Read This First)
Long-term Investment Keep in mind that an old barn—no matter its new purpose—is an investment. This requires the use of a crane or boom truck, and while Boyle makes it sound relatively simple (“Take the wooden pegs out that hold the joints together,...
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
Customers who dine at a restaurant are less inclined to fill out long questionnaires. Once researchers raised the price of the local option to $7.50, or 36 percent higher than the nonlocal alternative, a higher proportion of customers chose the regular...
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
Of course with the Bad Axe waiting list, I better get my order placed sooner rather than later. When it comes to tools that are high-use and high-wear, quality and dependability trump price every time.
Moving Hibiscus Plants: Tips For Transplanting Hibiscus
You will probably have to adjust the size of the hole when you are ready to plant, but getting it started gives you a head start. Start digging 1 foot out from the trunk for every inch of trunk diameter.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Are on the Move!
It is a joy to watch them indulge in a plant that I have put there expressly for them. This group of birds nests in North America, but travels south for the winter to enjoy the warmer climates of Central and South America, and even Mexico.
El Segundo