Of course, to complicate things, equal torque numbers aren't necessarily equal. My eyes began to glaze over. The more amps, the faster the motor spins, the more air it draws in and the less likely it will overheat the motor.
Their root systems are massive and woven so thoroughly into the ground that removing any stump, even a small one, can be massively difficult. (You might need to cut some of the main roots first.) Of course, you should use caution with any effort to forcibly...
Cut away at the top of the tree above the rope. You should have some experience with power tools and have someone that can help.Fell the tree by making a 45-degree hinge or wedge cut into the tree trunk with a chain saw.
By clicking on the winning image, the full-sized image will be viewable, along with the second place, third place and runners up. Allow to cool ten minutes in pan before turning out to cool completely.Combine peanut butter, cream cheese, and powdered...
Fresh lemon juice 1/2 tsp. In bowl of stand mixer, cream butter, cheese, 3/4 cup sugar, zest of one lemon, lemon juice, vanilla extract and salt. Scrape mix down sides of bowl. Place on baking sheet.
Scoop the batter into the cupcake papers (filling about 2/3 full) Bake 20-23 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into one of the cakes comes out clean.Combine the milk, sugar, vanilla, blood orange zest and blood orange juice in a medium saucepan over...
Winners receive a virtual blue ribbon for their profile page and a one year subscription to the Dave's Garden community. Gardeners are kindred spirits who love to nurture growing things and our County Fair is a virtual festival designed to honor dedication,...
An infusion of comfrey leaves makes a good all-purpose cream for healing scrapes, bruises, and bug bites.Be forewarned not to use comfrey for deep wounds, as it will heal the outer layers of skin, trapping bacteria in the wound, and possibly causing an...
It will merely speed up the rotting. If you can, grind away the top of the stump with a stump grinder, or use a saw or chain saw to cut down the stump as close to the ground as possible.Drill several 1-inch holes into the stump and space the holes approximately...
That's when it can get fun. They have been laboring away in their shop for months, or more likely years, working on an idea. The outside demos, when they have them, are especially interesting.
Confectioner's sugar in a mortar and pestle.Grind together until you get a pink, powdery paste.In large bowl, cream shortening and butter with electric mixer. (I take them out of the freezer 2 or 3 at a time, to prevent them from thawing while I work.)Melt...
A daily dose of the chopped fresh greens and/or cloves will prevent or treat an outbreak of the common problems. Spring, therefore, is a great time to focus on preventative treatments for worms.
Breathe deeply and slowly and allow the vapor to loosen clogged sinuses.Place frankincense tears inside protective amulets or talismans or pass these sacred objects through the smoke of burning frankincense.
You eat it, of course. In Syria and Lebanon, fennel leaves are a common addition to ejjeh, a type of frittata.In Greece, fennel leaves are used in savory pies, and to season chicken and fish dishes.Florence Fennel (a cultivar with a bulbous leaf base)...
It's simple to make and easy to customize. For easy cleanup, scrape as much of the cream from the mixing bowl into the jars as possible. Some settling will occur over time. Whip the shea butter until light and fluffy.
Next, fill the holes with stump killer. Grinding usually kills the stump on the first try if it's done properly. There are several products on the market made expressly for this purpose.
The lychee honey does not granulate.[1] Lychee trees are spectacular in spring with their enormous sprays of tiny yellowish flowershttp://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/lychee.html2 cans lychees, pitted and peeled (available at oriental grocers, or...
Set in the fridge or on the counter in a bowl until they return to a solid state. Word of Caution Make sure the essential oil you use in this recipe is sweet orange. All other orange or citrus essential oils are phototoxic, meaning they make your skin...
(For a more Victorian feel, try adding violet or rose flavoring to your mints.Licorice is a case study on respecting herbs, even if they are traditionally used in candies. You can still find licorice root as a supliment or in teas, and some candy will...
Will this year's survive? According to 17th-century Swedish records, this darker version of the Yule goat traveled the countryside demanding food, playing pranks, and frightening people on the night of December 25.
Buff with only the pressure you need to remove the fibers. In dry climates, these boots often fall away on their own. Leave the base or boot of the palm frond attached to the tree.
I recommend finding a handle attachment for the file, as this will make the sharpening process easier and much safer. Mill files only go in the forward direct, so do not pull the file across the edge on your backstroke.
Peat-Soil Combination Mix 2 parts vermiculite 3 parts sphagnum peat moss 2 parts perlite 2 parts dehydrated manure 3 parts garden soil 1/2 part bone meal 5. Lime for each shovel of peat moss 2.
Let the powder sit for awhile before vacuuming your carpet. A natural potpourri can be made by combining the dried leaves and flowers of cleveland sage with dried roses and lavender.
Out of all of the herbs I grow, rosemary is the easiest to propagate and care for.I begin with a 3 inch cutting, pull off the bottom leaves, and stick it in my root trainers.These are small but deep containers with ridges on the side to train the roots...
More than one application is often needed but this will eventually take care of the problem.Rotting or decaying is another method for tree stump removal. Burning tree stumps can take up to a week or two to thoroughly burn and may not be permitted in most...
Natural, air dried peppers are best for seed collecting.We have two small coffee grinders, one for coffee and one we keep just for spices.A morter and pestle works too for small batches.