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Tool Shopping: Check the Amps
A few websites gave me a quick rundown on what's what and when it matters. It was obviously time for a little continuing education via the Internet. << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , tool shopping , tools , torque
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
You might not want to use a mattock for removing a giant stump from something like a maple tree (that's a lot of tough roots to cut through by hand), but for smaller stumps, it can be very useful and simple.
How to Remove a Cedar Tree
Continue to cut away and remove pieces of root material until you can get your shovel under the main root ball and lift it up and out.Grind down cedar tree stumps and root balls on very large or long established trees with a gas powered stump grinder.
Introducing the Winners of our Second Annual County Fair!
The time honored traditions of harvest festivals and fairs are alive and well in the 21st Century. You may need to add an extra tablespoon or two of milk if the mixture is too thick.
Lemon Mascarpone Cookies
Mix in egg yolks. Use 1/2-ounce ice cream scoop to measure dough. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Mascarpone cheese transforms ordinary lemon cookies into a rich and flakey treat.
A Garden of Cupcakes
Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a separate bowl. Ladle the jam into the sterilized jars, filling to within 1/4 inch of the rim. Cupcakes are ideal because they don't require a fork, and the papers protect the cake from dirty fingers.
Time for the Third Annual Dave\'s Garden Pixel County Fair!
Or, if the mixture becomes too runny for your tastes, add extra powdered sugar.Beat with an electric Mixer until smooth and creamy. We enjoy gathering together to celebrate the year's bounty.
Making Your Own Gardener\'s Hand Cream
I choose herbs from my yard and garden to incorporate into my hand creams for their alleged medicinal properties (see blue sidebar information, below right.)I searched the Internet and books looking for a basic formula for making a good all-purpose hand...
How to Burn Out Tree Stumps With Copper Sulfate
It will merely speed up the rotting. Copper sulfate has been used for centuries as seed treatment and also to treat fire blight in dormant trees. Do not touch the copper sulfate with your bare hands.
Trade Show Adventures
If they are getting a good reaction to the product, they're like a new father, excited to show off the new baby. They have been laboring away in their shop for months, or more likely years, working on an idea.
Herbal Cake Pops
(In the recipes below, I have cut the frosting amounts way down, and while you may need to use all of it, you may have some leftover.)Roll the cake paste into ping-pong ball sized balls.Partially freeze the balls.
Hold the Meds! Feed Wild Spring Greens to Keep Livestock Healthy
One of the best ways to feed them is with finely ground grain and spring weeds. This means we rarely “worm” our large animals. Groundsel ( Senecio vulgaris ) and chickweed ( Stellaria media ) are my top picks to add to this homemade feed.
How to Use Frankincense Tears
Breathe deeply and slowly and allow the vapor to loosen clogged sinuses.Place frankincense tears inside protective amulets or talismans or pass these sacred objects through the smoke of burning frankincense.
What to Do With All That . . . Fennel
In Syria and Lebanon, fennel leaves are a common addition to ejjeh, a type of frittata.In Greece, fennel leaves are used in savory pies, and to season chicken and fish dishes.Florence Fennel (a cultivar with a bulbous leaf base) can be eaten as a vegetable,...
Gardener\'s Hand Cream
Squirt a generous amount of dishwashing liquid to the bottom of the bowl, and run scalding hot water into it until it starts to overflow. For easy cleanup, scrape as much of the cream from the mixing bowl into the jars as possible.
My Tree Stump Is Growing Back: How To Kill A Zombie Tree Stump
One problem with glyphosate is that it can be transferred to other trees and shrubs at points where the roots have grown should wear goggles, gloves and long sleeves. Deeper holes are more effective.
What is that unusual small pinkish-red fruit with the luscious white flesh? Lychee!
Combine with red pepper,green onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, crushed red pepper,Cover tightly and refrigerate at least 3 hours, or overnight.2 cans (1 lb, 4 oz size) pitted lychees (from any oriental grocer or online)Drain lychees.
Creamsicle Body Butter
Summer is almost here, and that means it's time to break out the lotions and body butters to prepare our chapped winter skin for the warm summer heat. All other orange or citrus essential oils are phototoxic, meaning they make your skin sensitive to light.
Traditional Herbal Candies
But wait before you hit the candy aisle on your sick day - commercially produced marshmallows today are thickened with gelatin. (For a more Victorian feel, try adding violet or rose flavoring to your mints.Licorice is a case study on respecting herbs,...
The Benevolent Yule Goat
Gnome-like, gift-giving Swedish tomten, Norwegian nissen, and Finnish tonttu all rode Yule goats or hitched them to their sleds. Still later, instead of giving presents he worked for those who brought them.
How to Make a Palm Tree Smooth
Leave the base or boot of the palm frond attached to the tree. Although largely similar, each genera and species have slightly different growth habits. Within that family, there are over 200 genera and nearly 3,000 species of palm tree.
Garden In Front: Sharpen Your Digging Tools By Hand
Moist conditions can encourage rust formation, which both dulls and deteriorates your equipment and eventually destroys your investment in quality tools. Snow, ice and freezing rain make it pretty unpleasant to be out in your garden this time of year.
6 Homemade Potting Soil Recipes
Potted Perennial and Shrub Mix 1 part compost 1 part coarse sand 1 part sphagnum peat moss 1 part composted pine bark 2 T. Lime for each shovel of peat moss 2. Below are some sample recipes that can guide your venture, but feel free to experiment with...
The Scented Home
After you strip the dried herbs off the stem, wrap them in a bundle using cotton string and toss into the fire. I don't think your coffee would taste the very good with the remnants of the herbs in it! Mix the herbs with baking soda and sprinkle the mix...
The Many and Varied Uses of Rosemary
Out of all of the herbs I grow, rosemary is the easiest to propagate and care for.I begin with a 3 inch cutting, pull off the bottom leaves, and stick it in my root trainers.These are small but deep containers with ridges on the side to train the roots...
Information On How To Get Rid Of Tree Stumps
While trees are a natural part of the landscape, they may sometimes require removal for whatever reason. This method should not be attempted nearby other dwellings or wooded areas.Considered the quickest and easiest method, digging tree stumps out of...
Homemade Ground Pepper Spices
It helps to keep a recordSpice blends can be made in many different variations and ingredient combinations. Natural, air dried peppers are best for seed collecting.We have two small coffee grinders, one for coffee and one we keep just for spices.A morter...