Humidity is great for many plants, but it can lead to fungal disease andPlants for mini greenhouses aren't limited to full sun annuals or easy to start veggies. They're also extremely useful when you want to clone plants that are already in your landscape...
Or to make mud pies. I scampered back up the bank and ran lickety split back to the classroom. No highly trained, intensely competent 8 year old was going to take her place. There was only one Mountain Medicine Woman and that was Aunt Bett.
Let the pot drain and then place it in a sunny window or outside in hot weather.Fertilize mini cactuses every other month in spring and summer. Hold it with the base of the stem 1/4 inch below the lip of the pot.
Of course you can make 12 normal muffins too or even an 8×8 pan of corn bread . Here are 10 items I'm pushing to use up. Beat together the milk, egg and pesto. I have net bags of garlic still “perfuming” my pantry, and […]
(These taste like cucumber).Cut the prepared rind into small chunks. Here are some links to other Dave's Garden watermelon articles:Watermelon, Citrullus lanatus ~ Nutrition & Growing TipsAnd here is an interesting Dave's Garden thread about melons:
Water your mini roses deeply so the roots get a good drink--continue until the water starts seeping out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the planter.Cut off old blooms with a sharp knife or pruning shears.
An Asian variety, Kazakh's fruits are perfectly round orbs, and the vines are drought-resistant, early producers. This article originally appeared in the May/June 2013 issue of Urban Farm.
If the stems stretch leaving bare spaces between leaves, it may be an indication that the rose bush is reaching for more light. Some require supplemental lighting. If the plant still stretches for light, you may need to add supplemental lighting.
To conquer this issue, over the last few years, I've planted several miniature-fruited winter squash varieties. Small Wonder Squash If you enjoy spaghetti squash but don't want to be overwhelmed with too much of it, this is the variety for you.
Couldn't hurt! It's cheap and you can buy it at the drug store. Last spring I looked online for seeds of, a variety recommended to me by a fellow DG member. You could also drape a tent of plastic sheeting or polyester row cover over the top of the whole...
Goats that live with sheep must be tagged or tattooed. Sheep must be wearing USDA-approved scrapie ear tags, or if they're micro-chipped, you must have your own micro-chip reader along on the trip.
Draw a circle on the side of the gourd. Pinch the dried dancing gourd neck between finger and thumb. Water.When the seeds have a few leaves, take out the smallest looking plants and leave the four or five most vigorous.Let the vines climb a tomato cage...
Prevent Mold Wheat fodder is prone to a white, fluffy mold. Feed the fodder to the chickens at its peak, and then begin a new batch. Snap the lid onto the pan, and place it in a windowsill or other convenient place.
The Mantis can chew through them, but I've found I spend a lot of time stopping to take apart the tines and unwinding weeds if I leave them in the bed.The toy-like size of the Mantis can make you careless.
Make sure the van has air conditioning, and use it in the back where the cut flowers will be placed; the cool air will help to maintain their freshness. An air-conditioned van is usually adequate if you will be driving the flowers for 12 hours or fewer.
At a minimum, hold your camera with two hands and brace your elbows into your body. Blend in: Each time you go out in the garden or farm, try to become part of the background. This trains her eye to tune in to her surroundings and notice that the same...
The fairly sophisticated software has free updates and new object models that are available to you immediately because of the online format. As you would expect, there are more features in this package than the less expensive ones and the graphics are...
The following are three of the most popular.– This is the mini tomato that started it all. That's all there is to it. Fill the pot with the growing medium of your choice. Let's learn more about growing micro tomatoes.Mini tomatoes, also called micro...
Mom wrote a book about miniature livestock called Storey's Guide to Raising Miniature Livestock (Storey Publishing, 2010). They're registered by the American Miniature Llama Association .
And as an environmentally-minded person who tries to embrace the “reduce, reuse, recycle” mentality, I'm dismayed to discover how much stuff we've accumulated over the years and crammed into our 1,500-square-foot home.
Since this new visitor is still somewhat of a mystery to entomologists, the need to document expanding ranges and habits gives home gardeners the opportunity to participate in the future control of the species.
I got to demonstrate how I use the laptop to write my blogs. I'll let you know as soon as the video goes live! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags contest , goats Tumnus drank a beer —he had a tummy ache and the nice people from Barkley had never seen...
She is my eldest daughter.I have seen the hard work she puts into her gardens. I tried the winter sowing method for my seeds in the house. She lives in north Florida and is married with two children.
All in all - the strongest memory I have was early in the trip in British Columbia when I picked Thimbleberries off the fence at a friend of a friend's house where we stayed for a couple of days.With the passing of the years, I began to wonder if I had...
Herbs need sun, and sun fries little terrarium plants. Special attention must be paid to the atmosphere in your mini terrarium. Mini Ferns, Mini Begonias, creeping Ficus, are other suitable plants for these smaller containers.Why not try a few herbs?
His varieties are noted for their strong blooming and are frequent ribbon-winners at shows. Plastic "clamshell" takeout containers with holes in the top (for ventilation) and bottom (for drainage) make great propagation trays for the tiny leaves or suckers...
The oldest variety and the one most associated with the breed is Mille Fleur, a name meaning “one-thousand flowers.” Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded d'Uccles are a rich, golden mahogany brown, and every feather is marked with a black spangle and a v-shaped...