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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
This will include the tassel on the end and about 6" extra for good measure. Take two of your completed sides and hold the cords in your hand. Drop down several inches and tie one knot just like we did on the spiral.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
One website I came across specified that it will not ship in chilly months of year. It's all good in the end.Lucky bamboo is sold in some nurseries and flower shops, dollar stores or discount stores.
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
Uncovering it is like seeing an old friend. Next came all of my garden ornaments. I wound them in and out among the grapevines and pushed some up into the center of the cone and wired them in place as needed.Decorations included a dozen or so ready-made...
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Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
It's sometimes used as a plant to prevent erosion or as wildlife cover and feed. I tried them for awhile but I continued to shiver.From the north came the words: “Lots of exercise will warm you up.” I already run through my days like a spinning top,...
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I saved myself a few dollars in initial cost, more in doomed remedies, and lots of gardener angst and disappointment over yet more rose failure. So I agreed, and went back to planting my birthday batch of, and he went off to wrangle with the salesman...
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
It had been sitting there for 3 years and I almost forgot about it. If you like hummingbirds and don't already have this, get one for yourself, too... Of course, this was totally ignoring the territory issue that I planned for with the other feeder.
El Segundo
Jewelweed For Your Skin And Just For Fun
All season long, these plants tickle me to no end. My favorite way to use this plant is just after I've tangled with poison ivy . Some make ointments and soaps. In your part of the country you may find an orange-blooming species called Impatiens capensis...
Causes For Bitter Potato Skins: Learn About Green Skin On A Potato
Greening of potato skin does not occur when temperatures are 40 F. Also, remove any tuber eyes as they will also have the greatest amount of solanine. Green potato skin may be caused when a potato is stored on the kitchen counter or window sill, or even...
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I started hearing it less often and the crowing has died down considerably, I imagine most of my carefully grown plants are now dead. After much consideration and research, I ended up deciding to use both my gardening and creative gifts, to come up with...
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Gardening Gifts A to Z
If your giftee is already a subscriber,- Beginner and advanced gardeners alike enjoy the wealth of information and sometimes fresh perspectives they find in a new, encyclopedia style book.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Biscotti can be made in a variety of ways, using almonds, pistachios or dried fruits. Our family's favorite recipe for Sicilian anise toast cookies, Biscotti all'Anice, uses fresh fennel or anise seeds from our garden, which add a special flavor to these...
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
We'll keep the jokes about the same old gifts just between us gardeners. Nowhere is the misunderstanding more prevalent than in the gift exchange. Merry Christmas, everyone! We desire acres of weed-free earth replete with earthworms when everyone else...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
This little succulent is native to the dry slopes of southern European mountain ranges like the Alps and has been a familiar house-hold plant for over a thousand years. In realty, this was an excellent choice, because the fleshy leaves contain quite a...
El Segundo
Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
I speak from personal experience.I test my garment with a drop of bleach in a hidden area before I get started. This process can take between three and ten minutes. I then remove my flowers, pick up my garment, and carefully spray bleach on side seams...
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
Whatever surface touches the pulp will imprint on the finished paper. I suggest putting down some bath towels as this is a wet, messy project.Put a small amount of torn paper scraps in the blender, and fill no more than half full with warm water.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce a great show. Here in west KY, we plant zinnias again at the end of July for a great show that will take us through the rest of the summer and on into autumn.
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
For a shiny finish, paint with clear nail polish or spray with polyurethane.You can put all sorts of different bugs and butterflies on leaf hangers like this. A real ladybug has the same set of spots on both wings, in mirror image, but your ladybug can...
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
In the fall, paperwhites may be sold in small bags along with other autumn-planted bulbs. Most growers discard their bloomed-out paperwhites, but if you have a warm garden you may plant them outside.
El Segundo
A Fruit-Tree Pruning Primer
A major cut from which a tree will need to recuperate, this type is used only when necessary rather than routinely. Pruning Protocol There are two basic ways to prune fruit trees for structure: central leader or open center (scaffold).
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
This is usually done in the morning while the pollen is fresh and bees haven't had a chance to rob it. Few pests bother dayliles. Now, there are also pinks, purples and near whites, many with unusual eyes, stripes and edges.
El Segundo
Thick Tomato Skins: What Causes Tough Tomato Skin
While the skins on your tomatoes may be thicker, your tomato plant will produce more fruit and you will be less like to lose tomato fruit to sun damage. When the tomato plant has continually too little water, it will take steps to conserve the water it...
Prunes or Dried Plums: By Any Name, A Healthy Treat
Grown from special varieties with an unusually high sugar content, prune plums can be dehydrated without undergoing fermentation, and do not require any additional sweetening. California remains one of the world's leading producers of these dried fruits,...
El Segundo
Dried fruit for the holidays
Sprinkle with sugar.Bake in a hot oven, 230ºC (450ºF) for about 15 to 20 minutes.My thanks to ‘nicisme' for the use of her delicious Eccles cake recipe and excellent pictures.Picture of the ‘Bella Rose' fruit platter courtesy of ‘The Challah Connection'.Picture...
El Segundo
Uses for Dried Mint Leaves
And even today, many people claim that highly aromatic dried mint leavesof the garden. It'sleaves by hanging sprigs upside-down in the sun or putting them in the oven. Historically, peppermint and spearmint teas were believed to cure any of a number of...
Santa Monica
Drying Fruits And Vegetables: Drying Fruit For Long-Term Storage
Drain the fruit and quickly chill it. Oven drying takes about twice as long to dry food than in a dehydrator so it uses more energy and is less efficient.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Begin preparing...
How To Dry Tomatoes And Tips For Storing Dried Tomatoes
The process can take up to 12 days.Use containers or bags that seal completely and do not allow moisture to enter. Knowing how to sun dry tomatoes will help you preserve your summer harvest and enjoy the fruit well into winter.
How To Dry Chamomile Plants – Tips For Drying Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile preservation basically means drying the chamomile flowers. Is one of those quintessential soothing teas. Sort through the flowers and remove any insects. Drying is the oldest, as well as the easiest and safest, form of food preservation.freestar.queue.push(function()...