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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Choose the four cords that fall to the center. Now, wrap all of the cords with the second end of the rope from the top down. For the second part of this knot, you are going to do the opposite.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Lucky Bamboo Shop also graciously allowed me to use the picture above; thank you!Another site with information on feng shui : Lovetoknow, article , Lucky bamboo in quantity can be bundled into towers or woven into a pear or pineapple shape.
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A Grapevine Christmas Tree
These homemade seed envelopes are then tied onto the tree with small red ribbons. It was so secure that I could easily pick it up and move it.Next came the task of adding twinkle lights.
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Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
And I did, to no avail.Then one day I received a note from the southwest: “I'm sending you a package, watch for it. I'd never heard of them, but I took them to my microwave, and heated them as her directions said to do.
El Segundo
My Citrus Fruits Are Scarred – What Causes Scarring Of Citrus Fruits
While uncommon in the home garden, large citrus operations may have issues with phytotoxicity, or chemical burn, among treated trees. Scarring of citrus fruit can occur for a variety of reasons, and when grown commercially, will often dictate which product...
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
A note for when I applied fertlizer, and a reminder to apply more in two weeks? I saved myself a few dollars in initial cost, more in doomed remedies, and lots of gardener angst and disappointment over yet more rose failure.
El Segundo
Sweet Solution for Garden Hot Peppers
Store any unpopped jars in refrigerator.Label or decorate if giving as a gift from your kitchen Try canning this jalapeno pepper jelly recipe without added vinegar. The hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin antioxidants they have.
El Segundo
What Are Stomata: Stoma Plant Pores And How They Work
Stomata are some of the more important attributes a plant can have. Stoma plant pores also provide a plant's version of an exhale where they release water molecules. When it is closed, water retention is possible.
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
An internet search for 'hummingbird window feeder' will turn up a whole list of possibilities for you. Of course, this was totally ignoring the territory issue that I planned for with the other feeder.
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
Each pot was no larger that 4" diameter. It doesn't bother me though because if nothing else, I got everyone I know and love to try gardening at least once and had a wonderful experience doing so.seeds as a nice gesture.
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
Or forego the cactus and take this ABC concept full circle; choose a 'Zombie' amaryllis! Chances are very good that your beloved gardener has had run ins with the local chipmunks or voles and will appreciate a solution!is the Latin name for the oak tree...
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Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Once rooted, it should not be relocated. Mama's favorite way to enjoy anise biscotti is to dunk them in her coffee! Biscotti can be made in a variety of ways, using almonds, pistachios or dried fruits.
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What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
Well, they're cute if you like country style. And maybe next year some hybridizer will give us the blue tulip. How many took my advice, printed the article, and left it laying around for loved ones to see?
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Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce a great show. Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging than their budding skills can...
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Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
Lay plastic down where you will be working. For this project, I just grabbed some nearby weeds, which happened to be Bidens, Goldenrod, and Queen Anne's Lace foliage, along with several other roadside fall wildings.
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
I tear off and blend in a few pieces to add stability to the pulp I make. (Warm water seems to soften the paper scraps quicker.) Pulse the scraps until well blended, and dump the blender contents into the tub.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce a great show. The little plants should shoot up quickly and to make a bushier display, pinch out the center growing tip when they are between six and eight...
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
When it's hardened, just glue it to a wooden skewer or a chopstick for a great pot sticker ornament.are going to take this one step further and make a decoration to hang on the side of a plant pot.Press or roll green clay into a flattened pancake , at...
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
In the fall, paperwhites may be sold in small bags along with other autumn-planted bulbs. Buy marbles or decorative stone for a clear vase. The container size is up to you; do plant bulbs closely and with all the bulbs at the same level.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Vendors will ship bare-root plants wrapped in newspaper during the spring. You don't want them having to struggle in 100+ degrees or below freezing temperatures until they've had a chance to develop a good root system.
El Segundo
Soil Porosity Information – Learn What Makes Soil Porous
Click here for soil porosity information.Soil porosity, or soil pore space, are the small voids between particles of soil. In addition, compacted soils have decreased pore space to hold the necessary water, oxygen and nutrients needed for developing plants.This...
Homemade Reduced Sugar Grape Jelly
We used a new recipe too, this time using half the amount of sugar. When our local Acme market went out of business - they always had the best canning supplies in our area - I had to find another source for powdered pectin.
El Segundo
Beginner\'s Guide to Making Jam or Jelly
A beginner will probably cringe at the thought of doing such tests, but by simply adding pectin to the recipe, they can easily succeed in first attempts at jam or jellyPectin will help guarantee that a desirable gel is formed.
El Segundo
Growing Plants For Cosmetics: Learn How To Grow A Beauty Garden
The leaves and flowers also promote skin cell regrowth. They contain vitamin C, Vitamin A, PABA, biotin, Vitamin D, and zinc. Also treats dandruff.– use flowers and leaves to soothe skin inflammations, burns, acne, rashes, wounds, insect bites, eczema.
Tried and True... or Tried and False - Weather Sayings
Where I live, the humidity can get so low that the dew point is below any temperature ever recorded here. Obviously, this saying only works in a very localized area. This has been one of the most reliable weather sayings for me and it is backed up by...
El Segundo
Let your plants help your home be hurricane safe!
By so doing, you can become informed enough to make the right decision for your particular home situation.A good reference is the U. Read on to see how. Of Florida publication, "Assessing Damage and Restoring Trees after a Hurricane", especially the
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Invasive Succulents in My Yard
In awareness of National Invasive Species Week earlier this month, I thought I would discuss some species I have personal experience with that most don't normally think of as invasive, but certainly are in my garden.
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