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Best Mail Order Plants

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Teachable moments: My first mail order
She pointed out beautiful plants and we crowded around the table and dreamed with her. As you have probably gathered, we did not have much money. I was four years younger and a creative tease who sang at the top of my lungs, jumped on beds and carried...
El Segundo
Watchdog 30 Stars - Garden Crossings
‘The whole staff at Garden Crossings is very excited to be rated so highly on Garden Watchdog'. One man writes, 'Hello, I just received my order yesterday and I have one thing to say: Outstanding!'Garden Crossings can offer the customer new plants before...
El Segundo
Mail Order Plants: Is What You See What You Get?
Similarly, if you ordered a new, unusual double daylily in a spectacular dark red, and it bloomed single and an unexceptional faded pink, you have grounds for contacting the company and requesting a replacement or refund!The other important thing to consider...
El Segundo
Mail Order Gardening: Then and Now
Many have dog-eared pages so that when I'm ready, I can compare apples to apples.Usually, before I even think about ordering seeds of plants that look gorgeous in the photos or illustrations, I visit our local Master Gardener website to learn about what...
El Segundo
Wait! Don\'t throw those plant catalogs away! Turn them into Garden Art.
Those that are painted can be hung outdoors with little fading, and if they do fade, they can be easily repainted. Now folks, if you have a bad habit of saving every seed catalog for the last 9 or 10 years, it is likely that you have been saving them...
El Segundo
The Garden Watchdog Top 5 Awards
We've grouped them together for your browsing convenience: Gardening Materials and Supplies, Bulbs and Plants, and Seeds. While it is important to warn others of an unhappy transaction, many prople also want to know which companies consistently provide...
El Segundo
Gardener / Masochist
But I still do it. Little do we realize that we did the store a favor and that the employees erupted in laughter as we pulled out of the parking lot. Better still, we insist on putting plants where we want them, not where they will grow best.We put sun...
El Segundo
The Top Ten Daylilies - a List From Gemini Gardens
From the chicken fat edges to the smooth clear, crisp, color this is the daylily that will complement and stand out at the same time in your garden. Thank you to BUFFY690 for the wonderful photo.Gillian – This is an early blooming, evergreen, Tetraploid...
El Segundo
When Seed Selling Was A Seedling - a brief history of mail order seeds in the United States
His 1840 seed catalog waspages long, a small book packed with information as well as a treasure trove ofSettlers bought seeds for vegetable gardens to feed their growing families, and as they got established in their new homes, had time to grow flowers...
El Segundo
Spotlight on the Garden Watchdog and How It Works
These awards are based on reviews for the previous year. Several of our categories didn't have enough reviews to have a Top 5 listed, but we want to honor those who worked so hard to give their customers such stellar service last year.
El Segundo
Mail ordering succulents and cacti: my experiences
Even the actual number of individuals remaining, so if you order something, they will have it.I have never once been told they ran out of something that they said they had.Once they do run out, the plant immediately disappears from their site.They have...
El Segundo
Quest for the Black Rose
At left is 'Black Magic'.)There is always something of interest in Wikipedia, although you have to take the information as is. I've loved hearing from all of you about your roses, about you getting the courage to buy your first rose, about you making...
El Segundo
Banking on Diversity: Have you saved a seed lately?
This information provides data about the local plant population and ensures optimal replanting conditions.Collectors then assign each sample a unique number.Collectors clean each sample to ensure high quality.
El Segundo
Plant Catalog Organization Not for the Faint of Heart
Too much leisure time? Nowhere to file them? Need to order now before the spring rush? Be sure also to purchase ring protectors that glue onto each little hole of your loose-leaf paper so you don't have ripped holes and papers coming loose.Plan on a thousand...
El Segundo
Take the Plunge, It\'s Iris Sale Time!
With prices of $1 per rhizome ($2 for rebloomers), I can afford to purchase them in groups of three rather than groups gives me a natural looking, stronger blooming clump sooner than planting them one at a time.I've come to the sale with a DG...
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part III: Variety Greens
It's missing something. This article showcases some of the new introductions in greens that gardeners can plant in 2008 to add some spicy flavor accents to their salads, as well as some that stand particularly well in warmer weather when many kinds of...
El Segundo
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part II: Lettuce
Also resistance to downy mildew races 1-18.Johnny's Selected Seeds offers this one in a pelleted version as well as plain seeds.A very dark, totally wine-red leaf lettuce with moderately ruffled leaves.Also available from Johnny's Selected Seeds in an...
El Segundo
Perfectly picotee - choice picotee edged flowers for the summer garden
They may be sold at the garden center with other annuals. I am confident you'll be satisfied when dealing with any of those vendors.Huge thanks to the Dave's Garden subscribers listed in the article They've given permission to use some of the many beautiful...
El Segundo
Fun feature: Spotlight on Holiday Resources
The amaryllis cultivar is '' and we thank critterologist for letting us use her image. If you wish to purchase a tree suitable for planting, these Garden Watchdog vendors specialize inThe Garden Watchdog also helps with other seasonal purchases.
El Segundo
Ordering Spring Bulbs - my fall resolutions
My dearest husband bought purple (!) tulips on a trip for potting soil and nails, so we planted them very far away from my orange and blue combination.before April or May, unseen and unappreciated when they bloom in March!And what about November?
El Segundo
Mark your calendars: Spring shopping!
You might want to create a garden-specific calendar, create a word document, or use a journal to keep up with all the places you will, might, or want to go. So I would suggest planning your spring plant shopping sprees this winter and in the meantime...
El Segundo
Specialty growers: a source for that perfect plant
There was plenty of time while the house was being built to plan gardens, and plan I did: a rose garden, a heather garden, an herb garden, a butterfly/hummingbird garden. At left is pictured '(aka 'Polar Ice' or 'Ritausma'), a hybrid rugosa rose, hybridized...
El Segundo
National Mail Order Gardening Month
Not many nurseries carry over 300 varieties of daylilies or have hundreds of seed types stocAnother advantage to the catalogs is specialty. An avalanche of gardening catalogs descends upon my house every January.
El Segundo
Stop Junk Mail!
If you happen to be one of those people who aren't interested, visit, and ask them to help get your name off of these myriad lists. Now if only someone would develop a do-not-email list!
Seed And Plant Catalogs: Tips For Ordering Plants
There are cultivars that are designed for wetter areas, drought prone zones or difficult soils.Know your basic horticultural terms such as annuals, which only come once per year; perennials, which grow year after year, and cultivation terms like disease...
Trading Plants: How to Pack Plants for Shipping by Mail
Moist paper towel works well to wrap the roots. Insulation is important to protect the plants from any extreme hot or cold temperatures along the way. Use a couple pieces of tape to secure the bottom and top of the paper.Don't forget to label the plant!...
El Segundo
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
They also look pretty with multiple, upright stems and flowers ranging from pastel to very dark purple.Jasmine requires perfect conditions to flower and produce fragrance, but the effort is well worth it.
Santa Monica