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List of Plant Fertilizer Brands
The nutrients are made available through plant spikes or granules. It is important to test the soil to determine what is needed to amend it. Acid-loving plant, ornamental plant and vegetable plant types are all offered.GardenWay LLC P.O. Box 361041 Cleveland,...
Santa Monica
Log Planters For Gardens: How To Make A Log Planter
Keep in mind that we often learn best from trial and error. Reassigning old logs into planters is one such fun and unique DIY garden project. Drainage holes should also be drilled into the bottom of the planter.Once you have hollowed out your log's planting...
How to Measure Board Feet in a Log for Timber Logging
For example, if the log has an 18-inch diameter, several board footage amounts based of different log lengths will be listed 18 inches from the end of the stick. Use the board footage that corresponds to the length of the log.Make deductions for any defects...
Santa Monica
Build A Suet Log Feeder
1 log, about 4-6 inches in diameter and 18 inches long 1 screw hook 1 block of suet electric drill 1/2-inch spiral bit 1-inch spiral bit safety goggles Step 1 Lay the log on the ground.
Build The Best Log Home For You
These will serve as invaluable tools to express exactly what you want to your builder. They took a standard design and flipped it, “placing our bedroom in the back and our living area overlooking the lake,” recalls Terry, who was the project manager.
Should You Take A Chance On A Brand New Farmers Market?
There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but if the new market is not in a location visible from a main thoroughfare, people will have to go out of their way to visit and may soon forget about it.
Ring In The New Year With A Yule Log
Now, what do I do about them? The simple answer is to keep my feet warm and stay active. The one caveat is that that pine or cedar needs to be well-aged before use because the sap can be a problem.
Log Homes: What You Need To Know Before You Build
Hochstetler advises that to save on construction costs, you should build up rather than out. Insurancing Your Log Home Insurance premiums don't have to be higher for log and timber homes, but not all carriers offer policies.
Why Winter Is The Perfect Time For Small-Scale Logging
But one activity that can continue—and even be enhanced—during the winter months is logging. It can be difficult to see any great distance in a forest during the summer months, so working in the winter when the leaves are down and you can see the...
5 Tools Modern Farmers Should Be Thankful For
But thanks to baling machines, we can bale our hay and store more in less space than was possible with haystacks, while keeping all of the bales uniform in size and easy to stack, transport, use and sell.
Farm Shiitake Mushrooms in the Forest
“There are so many levels of complications and misunderstandings of how they work. Gabriel offers these tips for growing your burgeoning mushroom business in a way that leads to long-term forest health: Place the inoculated mushroom logs in a place...
How I Plan To Use My New Ratcheting Straps
How to use my brand-new ratcheting straps? (No shame.) For starters, they're going to be a big help while transporting large loads of supplies or debris around the farm. Thanks to a large collection of Scotch pine trees that have reached the end of their...
Springtime, Summertime, Autumn, Wintertime - Dreamtime: State Flowers
Long before women in theof Washington and elsewhere were allowed to vote in national elections, they were given the sole right to vote on a state flower in 1892. With the holidays just a pleasant memory and the year brand new, I look ahead to one more...
El Segundo
His & Hers Winter Boots: A Side-By-Side Comparison
Of the three boots, these were the only ones that had a noticeably soft inner lining, which felt rather luxurious. The one downside: If you're trekking through any brush that contains burrs while searching out firewood for chopping, you'll likely find...
All Farms Have History — Even If It\'s You Who Starts It
After the remodel, our market customer had lived in the home, filling the spacious backyard with sunflowers and paths that goldfinches would swoop through at top speed. In it, a family stands stolid and stone-faced.
Buying Tools: Lifetime Guarantees
In this case, I'll stick with the company, but I am looking for a new dealer. I hate to say how many splitting axe handles my son and I have gone through. As I mentioned last week, a blog reader commented on comparing guarantees when considering which...
The Mushrooms Are Mushing!
They don't contain chlorophyll like seeds do; instead, they rely on substrates like sawdust or wood for nutrition instead of photosynthesizing. And did I mention the scrumptiousness factor?
How to Cut Firewood at the Standard Lengths
Repeat this process until you've chopped up all of the log rounds into firewood. Even though most fireplaces can fit a piece of wood longer than 16 inches, firewood is cut to fit in the cord and not the fireplace.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Birch Wood
This information is available by consultation with your local lumber mill operator. Repeat the measurement once yearly.Dry the log until the wood reaches the moisture level recommended for the project in which you'll use the wood.
Santa Monica
A Celebration of the Winter Solstice
My tradition will include lighting a Yule Log in the fireplace to enjoy its warmth and comfort on this, the shortest day of the year. In contrast, this date marks the Summer Solstice for those living in the Southern Hemisphere.Ancient civilizations had...
El Segundo
Shiitake Mushroom Growing: Learn How To Grow Shiitake Mushrooms
Read on to find out how to grow shiitake mushrooms at home.Growing shiitake mushrooms for commercial production requires significant investment capital as well as very specific shiitake mushroom care.
Nature\'s Workbench
Hopefully, the satisfaction of using it will be as great, as well. Two more vises and a good-sized anvil were mounted to a second log. Last week, I described finding an old, heavy-duty vise for sale in Crown Trout Jewelers, a fine jewelry store in my...
How to Make Sunless-Dried Tomatoes
SeeSometimes dried foods were partially hydrated by dipping into homemade vinegars, which added another layer of protection from decay, as well as more flavor.Olive oil was used as one more barrier against bug infestation and various forms of deterioration.
El Segundo
Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
Studies in Mexico and Colombia indicate that there are 90 percent fewer bird species within sun plantations than in shaded. Learn how drinking coffee grown in the shade gives rise to a sunny outlook for native and migratory birds in Latin America.
El Segundo
Hugelkultur Information: Tips On Using The Hugelkultur System
It is a traditional eastern European gardening method that starts out with a pile of logs and branches. This is due to the water storing abilities of the log dome and the rich nutrients and higher heat of the soil.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Climbing and pruning grass, are you kidding?
And I can tell you that I am glad I am wearing my hardhat as I did get hit by a falling culm which nearly knocked me out...the noise was so loud that I first though my helmet was cracked but it turned out it is as strong as my own Britton skull.Another...
El Segundo
Portable Sawmills
“Portable sawmills aren't for the faint of heart, but they are a tool a good woodworker can use to supplement his supplies.” In addition to trees in your own woodlot, quality logs are often free for the asking.