You can add glare reducers to create a softer feel. This effect can be quite dramatic.The most common garden lighting for trees is uplighting or highlighting. Down lights can be attached to garden walls or put under eaves.
If you're installing this type of lighting for the first time, the transformer should be mounted off the ground and near an electrical outlet. Outdoor lighting not only highlights interesting features but provides your home and surrounding landscape with...
The branches and leaves of the tree create moving shadows on the patio or lawn. Each type of lighting gets its name from the direction the light is angled.the element to be illuminated, it is down lighting.Many homes employ both outdoor lighting methods...
DIY uplighting is a fast, relatively inexpensive way to change your backyard from run of the mill to magical. They can also get in the way of lawn mowing or even walking in the backyard.Experts advise that high-pressure sodium lamps are not a good choice...
A question that always arises among people who care for plants is whether those plants can indeed live without sunlight. Leaves that don't benefit from light will begin to droop, as will their branches and stems (where smaller numbers of photoreceptors...
Propagating from seed takes patience and a common knowledge of how orchid seeds germinate to produce beautiful, flowering orchid plants.Growing orchids from seed takes patience and commitment.Fill a large stockpot with water and set it on the stovetop...
The three major colors of light are red, blue, and green.We can tell that plants don't absorb much green light because it reflects off of them and into our eyes, making them appear green.
Studies indicate that 240,000 people around the world are injured by lightning every year, and 24,000 people are killed.The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that the United States averages 51 deaths due to lightning...
A gentle breeze wafts through a beautifully lit backyard. The shadows of architecturally unique plants are cast upon a house wall. It is best if this light is hidden from view by the object.
If the bamboo has a sour odor, it might be rotting from the root. Lucky Bamboo plants are thought to bring luck and good fortune in Chinese culture and play an important role in Feng Shui.
Use a commercial liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. There is adequate consolation, however: When the bromeliad's single bloom flush has run its course and the long-lasting flowers fade, many varieties continue to produce stunning foliage...
I recall one creative DGer who put a shop light across the rungs of two kitchen chairs and set a flat of plants underneath the chairs, on the floor. If you have any concerns, consult a licensed electrician.20 to 24 flats of plants under lights in the...
The roots lose access to oxygen and either drown or become infested with a fungal disease. Plumerias can be moved to a more favorable location in the yard or greenhouse where they can grow at their normal pace through transplanting or cuttings.
Sometimes you can see webs on the leaves or stems. Misting, washing, lowering the temperature or using pesticides can help control these pests. In order to keep your ivy healthy, you need to keep a keen eye out for problems, including yellowing leaves.
They don't look like the elegant systems you can order from gardening supply stores, but are simply ten to twenty-dollar shop lights that I purchased one at a time from Wal-Mart or Home Depot.
The University of Missouri Extension suggests using an automatic timer for this, as it's easy to get off schedule. Many plants can be grown indoors using fluorescent lighting systems.
Plants that grow in containers require occasional repotting to provide adequate root space for future growth. Prune off any dead leaves and stems.Avoid transplant shock by properly repotting large plants.
Planting the seeds in a peat pot will make it easier to transplant, avoiding disrupting the root system.Sterilize the soil. It is possible to grow a lime tree from seeds. Simply push the seeds into the soil until they are covered.Water the soil so that...
Strawberries are a popular summer crop, but once the weather changes fresh berries can be very hard to come by. The plants need a rest period where there is no light for at least eight hours each day.
Lucky suggests that you administer only distilled water or bottled spring water when watering lucky bamboo.Enthusiasts at Lucky explain that adding fertilizer to a lucky bamboo's water will ensure that it receives the proper balance...
Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott from Washington State University and Dr. Jeff Gilliam from the University of Minnesota tested these myths under controlled conditions to determine if they really work.
Dab mealybugs with alcohol, spray the plant off with a strong stream of water or spray the plant with an insecticide recommended for these pests. Houseplants allow homeowners to bring nature indoors with minimal commitment.
The fertilizer container will be labeled as high-nitrogen.General, all-purpose potting soil works well for English ivy. Variegated leaves that start to change color to mostly green are an indication that the plant isn't getting enough light.
Bamboo plants require little care and maintenance to thrive, but they are not without their own problems. Try using bottled, filtered or distilled water for a few weeks, and see if this brings your plant back to its lush, green self.Feed your plant.
Tiny, seamless in its construction and built perfectly on high perches, hummingbird nests are a wonder to behold. Most hummingbirds look for forks in branches or slender tree limbs that form a natural V to set up a sturdy home.
While homemade orchid fertilizers provide the plants the nutrients they need to thrive, be careful not to be too heavy with the application. ) includes approximately 600 genera and about 30,000 natural species worldwide.
Medium-light plants can survive with 250 to 1,000 foot-candles of artificial light, but prefer 750 foot-candles or more unless they are receiving doses of natural sunlight as well.