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How to set-up a self-sustaining aquarium
I've even heard some low light plants will die "burn up" with too many WattsPerGallon "WPG".Aquarium plants are expensive and no one wants to toss $10-100.00 out the door! A good thing to use as a guideline for arranging your plants is " tallest towards...
El Segundo
Can Plants Live Without Sunlight?
Among the seven separate colors contained within sunlight, plants especially favor blue and red light for their growth needs.Over the course of evolution, plants developed specific cells to absorb sunlight, process it and convert it to usable energy.
Santa Monica
How to Remove a Dead Flower From Bromeliad
Most bromeliads take months to produce flowers, and some of them require years. Set the plant on top of the gravel, but make sure the pot doesn't come into contact with water. Don't expose it to direct sun.
Santa Monica
How to Care For Lucky Bamboo Plants
Look for another one.Choose a potting vase about two inches bigger and wider than the plant. Lucky Bamboo plants are extraordinarily easy to maintain.Buy a new Lucky Bamboo plant no more than a few inches high.
Santa Monica
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Over the course of several seasons, two or three fans will increase to a substantial clump and each fan is capable of producing flower stalks or scapes. You can then remove the pod and harvest your seeds.
El Segundo
How Fast Will Lucky Bamboo Grow?
Lucky suggests that you administer only distilled water or bottled spring water when watering lucky bamboo.Enthusiasts at Lucky explain that adding fertilizer to a lucky bamboo's water will ensure that it receives the proper balance...
Santa Monica
Untamed Tiger Lotus
One type has green leaves streaked with purple, while the similarly striped red variety is--of course--ruddier.Natives of West Africa, these "tigers" (sometimes also known as Nymphaea zenkeri or maculata) are actually water lilies rather than lotuses,...
El Segundo
Aquarium Water - Liquid Gold for Your Garden
She includes great photographs and great links as well.Thumbnail image of the pearl gourami is from Wikimedia Commons. I have been watering my vegetable garden and my winter flowerbeds and have noticed INCREDIBLE results.
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
It doesn't bother me though because if nothing else, I got everyone I know and love to try gardening at least once and had a wonderful experience doing so.seeds as a nice gesture. Sticking to my thrifty roots, I started in the places I knew best: the...
El Segundo
How Do I Grow Aloe Vera Plants From a Cutting?
Fill the containers with a special formulated cacti-mix soil. Cut the aloe leaf in 3-inch-long sections. Gently firm the soil around the cuttings.Place the aloe vera cuttings in a location with indirect sunlight.Water the cuttings in three to seven days,...
Santa Monica
What Happens to Plants if They Have No Sun?
However, some plants may still grow and thrive even without access to direct sunlight, while some other plants have the ability to flourish with a combination of natural and artificial light.
Santa Monica
The Effect of Light on Plant Growth
Artificial light will work almost as well--fluorescent, incandescent, LED or high-intensity discharge lamps (like metal halide or high pressure sodium). It is an essential part of all life on Earth.Light directly influences plant growth and flowering...
Santa Monica
Dragon Tree Plant Care
Some dragon tree owners report success in placing their plants in bathrooms or laundry rooms to take advantage of the higher humidity. Soil should be allowed to dry out before watering again.
Santa Monica
How Do Potatoes Produce Electricity?
Potatoes are cultivated worldwide. The tuber is a modified part of the plant's root structure used to store food for the plant in the form of starch. However, this same principle is largely used in synthetic batteries.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Orchids From Seeds
Set the orchid plant on top of the fir bark chunks, spreading the roots out around the plant. Insert a funnel into one of the glass flasks and pour sterile agar into it. Set the timer on the grow lights to provide at least 14 hours of light daily until...
Santa Monica
What Are Three Things Plants Need to Live?
Allowing soil to dry out some between watering prevents damage to the plant caused by over watering.Plants need light as part of the process of photosynthesis. Even in areas with limited moisture, such as deserts, plants still need water and have adapted...
Santa Monica
How to Plant Lucky Bamboo in Soil
Although lucky bamboo plants grow successfully in a soil-less environment, they will also grow just fine in well-draining soils.The number of stalks on lucky bamboo plants are thought to have a variety of meanings.Obtain the lucky bamboo plant desired...
Santa Monica
The Effect of Light Intensity on Plant Growth
Light intensity levels can have a significant effect on photosynthesis rates, which are directly related to a plant's ability to grow.Plant growth processes involve the use of light, carbon dioxide and water to manufacture food for the plant's use, according...
Santa Monica
Why Would an Ivy Plant\'s Leaves Start to Turn Yellow?
Sometimes you can see webs on the leaves or stems. Check the roots, if they are completely surrounding the soil, or there is little soil left, it's time to re-pot.Ivy can be susceptible to spider mites, which cause the bottom leaves to turn yellow and...
Santa Monica
Wintering Tropical Plants Under Inexpensive Grow Lights
They don't look like the elegant systems you can order from gardening supply stores, but are simply ten to twenty-dollar shop lights that I purchased one at a time from Wal-Mart or Home Depot.
El Segundo
Fluorescent Vs. Natural Light
Sunlight dissipates at the end of the day, sending plants into important night cycles. Plants are the only organisms that are capable of producing food using light, a process known as photosynthesis.
Santa Monica
My Large Plant Is Dying After Repotting
Using a different kind of potting soil or placing the plant under different lighting conditions may also contribute to a reduction in vitality following transplantation. The existing leaves and branches may lose strength, causing them to droop and curl.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Lime Trees from Seed
When it reaches 180 degrees F, begin timing and remove after 30 minutes. Fill a disposable aluminum pan with the potting soil and cover with foil. Simply push the seeds into the soil until they are covered.Water the soil so that it is continually moist,...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Strawberries Under a Grow Light
Spread the roots out so that they are not bunched up before you cover them with soil. Water until the soil is soaked and allow it to drain.Trim the roots of the strawberry plants so that they are no more than 5 inches long.
Santa Monica
How Much Light Does an Aloe Plant Need?
The entire surface of the plant, which can be large, should enjoy sunlight, and you should expose the lower area and roots to the light, or to light shade, as often as possible.Your aloe plant probably will not need constant bright light in winter because...
Santa Monica
Plants That Work in the Basement
The plants chosen for a basement must tolerate low-light conditions and have the ability to grow under artificial lights. Heated basements are best for houseplants, though some plants will grow in cooler conditions.
Santa Monica
Why Are My House Plant Leaves Curling?
Check plants for mealybugs before bringing them indoors. Most houseplants simply need adequate lighting, watering and monthly fertilization to thrive. Dab mealybugs with alcohol, spray the plant off with a strong stream of water or spray the plant with...
Santa Monica