Each type of lighting gets its name from the direction the light is angled.the element to be illuminated, it is down lighting.Many homes employ both outdoor lighting methods in the landscape, and both have their place.Outdoor down lighting works well...
DIY uplighting is a fast, relatively inexpensive way to change your backyard from run of the mill to magical. Most types of uplighting are installed at ground level or even below ground level.Uplighting allows you to spotlight your most beautiful garden...
A question that always arises among people who care for plants is whether those plants can indeed live without sunlight. Rather, sunlight contains red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet-colored light.
Orchids growing under artificial grow lights will require the lighting to remain on at least 12 hours per day.Water the orchid plant once per week until the fir bark chunks are thoroughly moistened.
It's also essential to a plant's early life for seed germination, root growth, and bulb development.will naturally receive both red and blue light, indoor plants might be lacking in it.
Spring and summertime is gardening time, and the hot days of summer herald storm season in most climates across the country. Don't wait to seek shelter. Avoid elevated areas; look for a low area such as a ravine, ditch or trench.If you can't get to a...
You may need to install a number of spread lights if you are highlighting a large wall with multiple plants.There are endless options for silhouette garden lights. Read on to learn more about silhouette lighting in gardens and how to recreate it in your...
Water every two days.Grow the Lucky Bamboo in water, if you prefer. Plant the bamboo in the pebbles and let it grow. Small plants are more likely to be in good health than larger ones.
Add new soil to the pup's previous spot and transplant it to its own 4-inch pot. Remove it as close to the bromeliad as you can without injuring the plant.Give the bromeliad more lighting, if possible, and move it to the brightest spot in a warm room.
But I think the best reason to start plants from seed is that it's just such fun! From seed to garden specimen is a magical process, and it's enchanting to watch it unfold. If your space is limited, fluorescent tubes do come in other sizes.
But if they are overwatered, they may get sick and stop growing or even decline. Plumerias are deciduous or semi-evergreen tropical trees with showy, fragrant blossoms and waxy leaves.
Check the roots, if they are completely surrounding the soil, or there is little soil left, it's time to re-pot.Ivy can be susceptible to spider mites, which cause the bottom leaves to turn yellow and fall off.
The "benches" for this artificial greenhouse include such available flat surfaces as defunct freezers and an old ping pong table. They don't look like the elegant systems you can order from gardening supply stores, but are simply ten to twenty-dollar...
However, there are key differences between fluorescent and natural sunlight.Fluorescent grow lights attempt to reproduce certain aspects of natural sunlight.Sunlight provides the complete spectrum of light wavelengths, which is visible through rainbow...
Plants that grow in containers require occasional repotting to provide adequate root space for future growth. Transplantation shock often leads to leaf drop, especially after the leaves begin to turn yellow.Planting at the wrong time in the growth cycle,...
Insert a meat thermometer through the foil and into the soil. When it reaches 180 degrees F, begin timing and remove after 30 minutes. Grow the lime tree as an ornamental house tree or transplant the seeding outside in the spring.
Strawberries are a popular summer crop, but once the weather changes fresh berries can be very hard to come by. Remove any damaged or diseased sections.Plant the strawberry plants in the soil.
Known as Draceana sandriana in the scientific community, lucky bamboo comes from Cameroon and Congo but is grown in other areas of the world through hydroponics. They state that "each step should take approximately 2 to 3 weeks."Lucky Bamboo.org explains...
However remember that this research was done in reputable university labs under controlled conditions. Affected leaves retain their green color while those leaves under natural conditions have already started to senesce and change colors.
However, curling leaves on a houseplant can indicate a problem that needs extra attention.Both mealybugs and excessive light cause houseplant leaves to curl. Houseplants allow homeowners to bring nature indoors with minimal commitment.
Variegated leaves that start to change color to mostly green are an indication that the plant isn't getting enough light. Wear gloves when pruning or potting to protect your skin. Place a bottom layer of small rock or gravel in the bottom of a pot with...
It is already dead and is simply rotting or hardening in its container. (Try adding four times the recommended water to the mix and then only add a few drops to your water.) On the contrary, if you are fertilizing too much or too often, this will cause...
Tiny, seamless in its construction and built perfectly on high perches, hummingbird nests are a wonder to behold. Hummingbirds love plants with nectar, such as bee balm, trumpet honeysuckle, cardinal flower and sages to name but a few.
The mixture is especially good at rejuvenating a sluggish orchid.Steep crushed eggshells in water, then use the strained water to feed orchids.This homemade mixture is simply sprayed onto the foliage of orchids to provide the plants with calcium, potassium...
Other plants are more tolerant of extreme heat and long patches of sunlight. Those who attempt to use artificial lighting for high-light plants should use high-intensity lamps that produce at least 1,000 foot candles of light.
Allow the aloe vera cuttings to form calluses at the point of the cuts in two or more days.Use planting containers with drainage holes in the bottom. Fill the containers with a special formulated cacti-mix soil.
Now's that's true agricultural chic! The owner of the Ape in the photo is a local small farmer. That's all history now. I realize I've already lied about trucks. To carry her products on deliveries and to the market, she drives her Ape, which is essentially...