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Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
One of the most important tasks that you can do before starting to grow a new plant is to get a soil test. I use a 2 gallon watering can on each plant. By following these procedures I produce a pretty good rose garden.Here is a recipe for an organic rose...
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Lawn Fertilizer Tips: When And How To Apply Lawn Fertilizer
Hand fertilizing often results in burns where the fertilizer is concentrated and pale areas that don't get as much fertilizer as they should.Broadcast or rotary spreaders are easy to use and don't cause striping like drop spreaders.
Fertilizer For Lawns – What Type Of Lawn Fertilizer To Use
Grass, in particular, needs extra macro-nutrients which can come from air and water but which are used in such quantity that supplemental applications are beneficial.. This type of food is easy to apply and minimizes the chance of burning the lawn.Granular...
Organic, What Exactly Does it Mean?
One way to ensure food safety is to buy organic foods grown in this country. Look for the certifier's name on the package.The following ingredients are prohibited form being used on organically grown foods:Pesticides which “pose special risks to children...
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Garden Myths Busted: Beer, Coffee and Eggs
The first is to crush the eggshells and work them into the soil at the base of the plant.The second is to boil the eggshells and use the water on the plants. Instead, they isolate damage through formation of suberized (wood that physically and chemically...
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Aquarium Water - Liquid Gold for Your Garden
Same flowers, same planting location but this time a lot of aquarium water was used and the result was amazing. To combat any type of algae problems, I employ Otocinclus and Siamese Algae eaters to take care of that particular dirty work.Just as I did...
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Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner - Soil fertility by the seasons
This would be similar to the pattern for tuberous plants, whose stored food enables immediate blooming upon emergence, with foliage growth and gradual restocking of food stores occurring through Summer and Fall.Keeping these observations in mind can help...
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The Story of Iris Part 9 - What to Feed Your Bearded Iris
If you are dealing with plants in an established bed that will not have other plants growing from seeds there, then this is the product for you.or 15-15-15 – 10-10-10 is the basic garden fertilizer used by most gardeners in America today.
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Boron Toxicity Symptoms: Signs Of Plants With Too Much Boron
Read on to learn more about effects of boron toxicity to plants.Boron toxicity symptoms usually aren't the result of small amounts of boron generally found in soil. Some plants have a fairly high resistance to boron.
What Is The Best Soil For Raised Garden Beds
For plants that prefer alkaline soil, add dolomite or wood ashes. But don't stop there.If you plan to grow plants that prefer acidic soil, you can add sulfur. Others prefer a soil with higher pH.
Chemical Fertilizers: Giving Plants A Boost With Conventional Fertilizer
This not only results in stunted growth and burnt foliage but can make plants more vulnerable to pests and diseases too.Environmental problems with conventional fertilizers arise when excess nutrients find their way into and contaminate water resources.
Adding Lime To Soil: What Does Lime Do For Soil & How Much Lime Does Soil Need
Working lime into the soil in the fall gives it several months to dissolve before spring planting. You won't see the full effect of adding lime to the soil until it is completely dissolved and incorporated into the soil.For most gardeners, fall is a good...
Potting Soil Ingredients: Learn About Common Types Of Potting Soil
If you're a new gardener (or even if you've been at it awhile), choosing soil for potted plants from the many types of potting soil available in garden centers can feel a bit overwhelming.
Plants And Potassium: Using Potassium And Potassium Deficiency In Plants
This is simply a fertilizer that is exclusively potassium or has a high “K” value.If you wish to add potassium to your soil at home, you can do so in several ways without having to use potash or other commercial potassium fertilizer.
Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer: How To Use Ammonium Nitrate In Gardens
The rate of application is 2/3 to 1 1/3 cup of ammonium nitrate fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of land. Thisis responsible for the leafy, green production of a plant and enhances overall derived from the atmosphere, but this form has a strong...
Fertilizer Numbers – What Is NPK
For example, if you are growing leafy vegetables, you may want to apply a fertilizer that has a higher nitrogen number to encourage leafy growth. All plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow.
What Is Balanced Fertilizer – When To Use A Balanced Fertilizer
This may mean that you need to keep around several fertilizers to accommodate fruiting plants, leafy vegetables, Instead, try a formula with a higher middle number to promote flowering and fruiting.
Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy
The presence of a soil bacteria antidepressant is not a surprise to many of us who have experienced the phenomenon ourselves. The bacterium appears to be a natural antidepressant in soil and has no adverse health effects.
Tilling By Hand: How To Till Soil By Hand With Double Digging
If you use the double digging technique, however, you can start hand tilling soil without expensive machinery.How to Till Soil by Hand with the Double Digging Technique2. When you double dig the garden, you'll be working from one end to the other.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Soil Porosity Information – Learn What Makes Soil Porous
Soil with fine texture is able to hold more water than soil with coarse texture. In heathy soil, these pores are large and plentiful enough to retain the water, oxygen and nutrients that plants need to absorb through their roots.
Soil And Calcium – How Calcium Affects Plants
In foliar feeding, calcium enters through the leaves. In soil, the roots take up calcium. If water is sufficient and problems still exist, it's time to ask how to raise calcium in soil.
Information On Fertilizer Content: Understanding Fertilizer Rates And Applications
The analysis or grade on a fertilizer label gives the ratio of each macronutrient in the product, represented by a 3-number ratio (). Then you need to consider fertilizer application rates.
Lasagna Gardening – Creating A Garden With Layers
Because the material is spread out, the process works faster and there's no need to turn or sift the materials. Some gardeners don't even wait for decomposition but plant directly into the freshly laid lasagna gardening bed.Does lasagna gardening work...
Fertilizing With Alfalfa Meal: How To Use Alfalfa Meal In The Garden
Read on for more alfalfa meal gardening info for an efficient soil conditioner as well as a boost to your flowering plants.What is alfalfa meal? The amount you use is important, but it's more likely that you won't use enough rather than using too much.or...
Will Caffeine Affect Plant Growth – Tips On Fertilizing Plants With Caffeine
The release of some nitrogen is also a plus. Caffeine, in the form of coffee (and mildly in the form of CHOCOLATE!), might be said to make the world go round, as many of us rely on its stimulating benefits.
Using Soil In Gardens: Difference Between Topsoil And Potting Soil
When it comes to growing plants, you may think that dirt is dirt. Each type of soil allows water to drain at a different rate, and mixing the two soils allows moisture to drain through both layers instead of pooling between the two.
What Is Urea: Tips On Feeding Plants With Urine
You bet, and now that you know what urea is and how it can benefit your garden, are you more willing to experiment? Scientists seeking to answer that question usedas their test subjects.