Surely they had to have a pile of manure free for the taking.I found all the manure I could have, free for the hauling.Mind you this was in January, so I had some time to let the manure age while I waited for spring's thaw.I knew that I needed to let...
Be aware of the current and probable future weather conditions in order to make the best pesticide application decisions to prevent drift. Buhler's colleagues in the Pesticide Safety Education Program from across the United States were instrumental in...
If you already own a lawn aerator, let us know what you think of it. Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a lawn aerator. Although they are simple in essence, they're also a little more complicated than they appear at first glance.
Fortunately, The Year of Mud eventually found a piece of land to purchase and are in the process of moving from Forest Retreats to their new home. Here are some real-life examples of ways to think outside the ownership box.
From your content to your font, we have helpful tips. It's especially important to include educational content on a farm-related website—and to update it frequently—so visitors look forward to coming back again.
Different florists may have different suppliers, changing their prices because of their wholesale costs. If there are multiple florists in your neighborhood they may have competitive rates or specials.
In general, the deeper the well, the higher the cost of drilling. Together they have raised three daughters, kept endangered livestock, grown tobacco and mushrooms, and run a portable sawmill—to name just a few pursuits.
It is increasingly hard to find a small tool repair shop, but more importantly, the industry has a bad reputation when it comes to replacement battery packs. His solution was for me to buy a new opener.
Plus, she says, local farmers are likely to reinvest that money into the local community. The SMADC and its partner, the Maryland Agricultural Marketing Professionals, are also encouraging participants in the challenge nationwide.
Next week, I will tackle reader Brent's comments on guarantees. Brent pointed out that tool-buying decisions should include buying the best-quality tools you can afford. He also mentioned the importance of guarantees and availability of lifetime replacement.
Regular service should include checking brushes for replacement. No switches or triggers to disengage. After brushing up on tools and motors during my tool-shopping expedition, I spent some time on the web looking at my options and reading reviews for...
Consider that sometimes a baby chick doesn't make it, even when the circumstances are exactly right. Here are some of my preferred ways to grow my flock family. For those of us in smaller urban environments, setting up shipment for spring and early summer...
Some, however, do their darnedest to bluff their way through their ignorance, usually at the buyer's expense. You will find Easter Eggers, which, as their name implies, lay eggs in a variety of pastel shades.
You can potentially renegotiate the easement, but that is a separate process that may happen after the sale closes and you are the decision-making owner of the property.” Two common easements are driveway and utility easements.
Most online florists, however, charge a delivery fee in addition to the cost of the flower. You can find your closest florist by looking in your yellow pages or performing an Internet search.
Repairing and replacing the tires may take some extra skill and research. Patching or tubing your tire, if you can get away with it, will always be the most cost-effective way to keep an old tire in use.
Access to fresh, clean water is one of the most important aspects of keeping chickens , and now that winter is upon us, it's important to make sure that the water you provide for your birds is available when they need it.
Some female rabbits fail to use a nest box and scatter their kits all about the hutch, which prevents the kits from staying warm and can be disastrous if you don't find them immediately.
Seeds are commercially available from online native plant resources. It is easily grown in home gardens where it provides yellow daisy-like flowers that bloom continuously from early spring to fall on a 12 to 18 inch mound.
Dangerous free radicals can be produced by the body as it breaks down food, or encountered in toxins like cigarette smoke, but a diet with antioxidant-rich vegetables can help combat these killers, leading to better health.Eat plenty of vegetables for...
If you can get a hold of gorgeous yellow beets and concentrically red-and-white striped Chioggia beets, a mix of them makes a colorful array. They also keep well, so you can cook a mess of them and have them at the ready.
I have found them to take far more TLC and many times with no reward at all. Can be exciting and at the same time intimidating. The rewards for doing so are wonderful to say the least.
As you peruse the market offerings, keep in mind the welder is not your only purchase: You'll also need to buy safety equipment , including a helmet, jacket and gloves, as well as shielding gas and electrodes if necessary.
Causes of torticollis are believed to include incubation issues and genetics; sadly, there is no cure. Willa returned to the farm-supply store shortly after her Welsummer died, intent on letting the store know to check its chicks for life-threatening...
If the looper butterflies are present, there is a good chance you may be purchasing cole crop starts already infested with looper eggs, which is a recipe for crop disaster! Paying a little more for quality starts is worth it! 2.
Tags burning question These are people in your community who turn your dollars into tax revenue for schools and parks, support for local charities and improvements to the neighborhood.
Of course, there are other features to consider, as well, such as fuel tank capacity and whether the chipper uses gravity or mechanics to grind through the branches, but these features should get you started on your way to buying the perfect wood chipper.