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Best Indoor Plants For Home

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How to Get Rid of Mushrooms in Potted Plants
The part of the mushroom seen above ground is the fruit of the larger body of the mushroom; threadlike strands of fungus called mycelium colonize the soil before mushrooms emerge. Repot your plant with new, sterilized potting soil.Soak your houseplant...
Santa Monica
The Remedy for a Musty Smelling House Plant
If the plant still smells, or has visible fungus or mold on the surface of the soil, repot in fresh soil. Potting soil breaks down and becomes too spongy to drain — repot your plant according to its specific needs to prevent soil breakdown.
Santa Monica
How to Propagate Philodendron
To divide, water the plant well to moisten and loosen the soil the morning before dividing the roots. This makes division easier and provides your philodendron with the moisture it needs to combat the stress of transplanting.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Pots
This will improve your chances of healthy bud germination.Place the cut seed pieces horizontally on a seed tray filled with a mixture of one part potting compost and one part grit.
Santa Monica
How to Braid a Ficus Tree
The stakes should be tall enough to extend up to the bottom of the foliage.Cross one ficus branch over another, and begin braiding from the bottom of the trunks. Ficus is an attractive indoor plant with graceful branches, pale grey bark and glossy green...
Santa Monica
Homemade Hydroponic Fertilizer
Mix these ingredients in a container and put aside.For your trace elements, use the following: 1 ounce of iron sulfate, 1 teaspoon of boric acid powder, ½ teaspoon of zinc sulfate, ½ teaspoon of copper sulfate and 1 teaspoon of manganese sulfate.
Santa Monica
If I Cut the Wax Off a Store-Bought Lucky Bamboo Plant Will it Grow?
It will, however, produce new growth from above the node beneath the waxed end. In nature, it grows straight up. The harvester applies the wax.Removing the wax will not make a difference, as the lucky bamboo will never sprout from the top of the cane.
Santa Monica
How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed Indoors
The roots should sprout within two to five weeks. The toothpicks should rest on the rim of the glass, so just the bottom of the avocado seed is submerged in water.Place the avocado seed on a windowsill in direct light indoors.
Santa Monica
What Effect Does Distilled Water Have on Plants?
The effect is more severe on houseplants, because the chemicals build up in the small amount of soil and are not flushed away by rain.Plants need minerals to grow, but tap water can contain minerals in too high of a concentration.
Santa Monica
Money Tree Problems
Scales drain sap from the plant and their honeydew leaves the plant more susceptible to fungal infections. This is especially recommended for plants with too few leaves.Money trees are not susceptible to many pests, but scale insects afflict even the...
Santa Monica
What to Put in the Bottom of a Large Planter
If you want to make your plant less prone to tipping, make it bottom heavy. Packing peanuts are a popular option for filling large planters. Stick to light-weight fillers to replace heavier soil materials.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Greenhouse More Humid
Commercial greenhouses are able to monitor and adjust humidity by misting plants at preset intervals. Clean the reservoir of water on a regular basis, as it can encourage the growth of algae or mold, and can easily become a breeding ground for mosquitoes...
Santa Monica
How to Drill Holes in the Bottom of a Plastic Pot
Squeeze the drill trigger and firmly press down until the bit penetrates the pot. A 1/4-inch drill bit works for any pot that's six inches or smaller. Most plastic plant and flower pots have drainage holes, but if you happen to have a pot that doesn't...
Santa Monica
Winter Blues I:  Blue Sage and Other Eranthemums
Now officially Eranthemum pulchellum "Andrews," it is sometimes knownand occasionally as Daedalacanthus nervosus instead.t usually is considered hardy only in USDA zones 10 through 12.However, Dave's Garden members report that it can survive in zone 9...
El Segundo
How to Transplant Spider Plant Cuttings
Your plant will not tolerate soggy soil around the roots once they are mature, so overwatering can seriously compromise the health of your plant.Place your transplanted spider plant cutting in a bright, partially sunny area of your home.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Patchouli Indoors
Wait a day if the soil feels moist and check again before watering. Check the pH level of the soil with a pH test kit to ensure the pH level of the soil stays between 5.3 and 6.5. Adjust the pH level according to manufacturer's instructions.
Santa Monica
How do I Organically Get Rid of Bugs in a House Plant\'s Soil?
The lacerations the bugs incur will cause them to lose moisture and eventually dehydrate.Place the plants in a well-ventilated area and allow the soil to completely dry out. Diatomaceous earth is finely ground fossilized algae and, on a microscopic level,...
Santa Monica
They are a great help to all who visit the site and particularly to writers who use them with their articles. However, other references suggest that more than 350 species are known.
El Segundo
Why Are My Houseplants Sticky?
In most cases, the problem is relatively easy to solve.Proper watering and fertilizer application produces healthy, pest-resistant plants.Pests that leave sticky honeydew on the leaves and stems include scale insects, mealybugs and aphids.
Santa Monica
Growing Seeds in a Cup With Cotton
This becomes the top of the miniterrarium. The holes allow air circulation around the seeds. Spritz it with water if it begins drying out. While the experiment works with just about any type of seed, children can enjoy eating their own radish, alfalfa...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Philodendron
One of the hardiest species, cut-leaf or tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum, formerly Philodendron selloum), grows in USDA zones 9 through 11. Heart-leaf philodendron's vines may reach 20 feet whether it grows outside or indoors, and with...
Santa Monica
Advantages & Disadvatages of Indirect Seeding
Additionally, the young plants are at risk of transplant shock when you transplant them into a new, less-controlled environment. The seeds can then germinate and mature in a controlled environment before the young plants are then transplanted to their...
Santa Monica
White Mold on Ferns
Depending on your cultivation habits, you might notice a white mold on your ferns. It is more prevalent on ferns when the plant is kept in a wet environment. This is a common problem for many houseplants, including ferns.Ferns are susceptible to white...
Santa Monica
Can Urea Fertilizer Be Used in Indoor Plants & How?
These plants can only get their required nutrients from the limited area of the soil. Urea is a naturally occurring substance that has a high nitrogen count. Ureaformaldehydes have only about 38 percent nitrogen.
Santa Monica
How to Use Plastic Pop Bottles to Water Your Indoor Plants
Use a sharp knife or puncture the bottle and cut with scissors. Submerge the bottle up to the cut rim if you like. Discard the bottom of the bottle.Place the cap on the bottle. Making an inexpensive watering system for your plants from plastic pop bottles...
Santa Monica
How to Make Your Own Plant-Leaf Polish
Put the spray nozzle on the bottle and shake it to incorporate the soap into the water.Spray the foliage of the house plant with the soapy water. Wipe off any excess mayo with a paper towel.
Santa Monica
How Much Water for Lucky Bamboo?
Remember to keep water levels consistent over time.Lucky bamboo thrives in humidity. Always plant lucky bamboo in a well-draining soil to avoid drowning the plant.The Flower Shop Network suggests that, when growing lucky bamboo in a container of water,...
Santa Monica